Shi Tao and Pang Tong came to Zhenliao City together.

Completely different from Yecheng, it is difficult to feel the atmosphere of cultural exchange here.

Instead, there was the murderous aura of a warrior.

Before entering the city, you can see knights, young men, and active soldiers wearing armor, swords, or bows and arrows.

Sure enough, not long after entering the city, I saw information about various military camps at the most conspicuous place at the city gate.

Death camps, Dawn Cavalry, Huben Camp, Dang Kou Camp, etc.

Except for Zhou Wuzu and the Death Battle Camp, all the military camps under Zhou Cheng can be seen here.

However, there is also a place to receive scribes in Zhenliao City, but this is obviously a place for warriors.

Because there are 'warriors' showing off their military exploits everywhere.

Warriors will wear armor and weapons and parade through the city.

And these are not common in Yecheng.

Shi Tao had a letter of recommendation from Xu Shu, so when he arrived at the city gate, someone arranged for a post house.

Opposite the post house is the wine shop.

In the wine shop, wine and meat are constantly being brought to the wine tables.

Everyone who drinks and eats meat in a wine shop is very bold and unrestrained.

They are all warriors and have no concept of elegance at all.

"Zhao Shitou, have you also made meritorious service?"

"Tian Hao, why can’t I succeed?"

The voices of the two young men were quite loud. Obviously, they were old acquaintances.

Pang Tong and Shi Tao looked at the two young men from the window.

The two young men were not very old, but they were tall and had weak limbs. He is thick, but very strong.

The boy on the left has a ring-headed sword at his waist.

The boy on the right holds a spear and has a small halberd at his waist.

Both of them are wearing armor and boots, and they look like riders. die

"The one on the left is Dang Kou Camp, and the one on the right is Huben Camp."

At this time, a young man who looked like a scribe came to Pang Tong and Shi Tao.

The young man did not look outstanding, but Pang Tong could see that he came to get close to Shi Tao and Pang Tong deliberately.

Without Shi Tao asking, the young man Introduce yourself: Chen Qing, it was Xu Zhuang who asked me to receive these two gentlemen." Xu Shu had already made arrangements. When Shi Tao and Pang Tong left Yecheng, they would be escorted and taken care of.

Pang Tong and Shi Tao learned more information through Chen Qing's introduction.

For example, the two young people just mentioned.

The weapons of the Huben camp are spears and hand halberds, while the weapons of the Dang Kou camp are the Huanshou knife. The length of the Huanshou knife is uniformly five feet three inches long, and the blade is narrower. This is specially used for Dang bandits. Weapons customized by the Kou camp.

As long as you look at them a few times, you will be able to distinguish and identify them.

According to Chen Qing's introduction, every June is a day for promotion and transfer.

The martial arts examination and literary examination gave opportunities to all children of common people.

Countless teenagers come to participate in martial arts and literary examinations with their own revenge and the hopes and expectations of their families.

Of course, in addition to these young people who have just turned fifteen or fourteen, there are also 're-examination candidates' who failed last year.

These young men who failed were unwilling to go to the army with"less fighting".

Since you join the army, you must gain military exploits and gain everything on the battlefield.

Therefore, Daybreak Cavalry, Huben Camp, and Dangkou Camp have always received the most applications.

Of course, Panshi Camp, Yongrui Camp and Huya Camp also have opportunities to make meritorious deeds, but the young men under Zhou Cheng are all eager to ride across the battlefield and make contributions in all directions.

Moreover, the treatment of cavalry soldiers is higher than that of infantry soldiers, and beautiful women prefer cavalry soldiers.

If in Jizhou, Nengou understood Zhou Cheng's governance and attitude towards people's livelihood, then in Zhenliaocheng, he could see Zhou Cheng's improvement of the system.

Selecting talents through martial arts and literary examinations has shaken the fundamental interests of aristocratic families and the scholar-bureaucrat class.

Although it is only a grassroots selection, the wealthy families will not agree with Zhou Cheng.


Shi Tao took Zhou Cheng's recommendation letter and came to Da Sima's Mansion.

After the soldiers outside the mansion confirmed it, they brought Shi Tao into the mansion.

Although Xu Shu was not as outstanding as Jia Xu and others under Zhou Cheng, Zhou Cheng still valued him.

After Xu Shu is entrusted with an important task, the candidates recommended by Xu Shu must be taken seriously.

The soldiers in the mansion knew this.

Shi Tao was taken to the court, and the court was very busy at this time.

For example, Jizhou, Youzhou, Qingzhou, etc. are written in the court.

Regions divided by state.

Every day, memorials from various states will be processed centrally, and important documents from the screening department will be submitted to Zhou Cheng.

Although the division of labor was clear, everyone was very busy and they had no time to see Shi Tao.

For some reason, Shi Tao likes this kind of working atmosphere.

Perhaps, this is the place to display your talents.

All memorials will eventually be re-examined by the Supervision Office. If any confidential documents are left behind, the public officials who signed the documents will be punished.

A document needs to be checked by three people and finally handed over to the supervisor for review.

Check to make sure nothing is missed.

Just his attitude and determination in doing things are much better than Liu Biao.

Zhou Cheng has the determination and attitude to do great things. Although he knows it is difficult, he will not compromise or shrink.

How could you miss a hero with such courage!

PS: Please collect new books, flowers, recommendations, rewards, monthly passes, all( ̄ヘ ̄o)_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - close

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