After Liu Bei returned to Xinye, Chen Gong saw that Liu Bei and others brought gifts back, and knew that Liu Bei and others had been rejected.

However, Liu Bei didn't care either.

I can't see Zhuge Liang this time, but I will definitely see him next time.

What you can’t get is always in turmoil.

At this time, Jian Yong said to Liu Bei:"My lord, the money and food sent from Xiangyang have been counted and put into the warehouse. Please check."

Jian Yong was not a very powerful counselor, but Jian Yong also knew how much he had.

As long as he does his part, that's all.

Liu Bei said:"Thank you for your peace."

Chen Gong also came over at this time and said to Liu Bei:"This time we participated in the war, we lost a lot of soldiers and horses. My lord needs to be more appeased and compensated as much as possible. In the short term, no more troops will be recruited.."

Liu Bei heard this and replied:"It should be so."

Although he lost his troops and generals, Liu Bei understood that Xinye was not a very big place.

If conscription is forced, it will cause resentment among the people and lose the name of benevolence and justice.

Chen Gong added:"My lord, please spend more time in Xiangyang these days and visit Kuai Yue, Cai Mao and others diligently, and don't make enemies with them."

Liu Bei hesitated for a moment and did not rush to answer.

Liu Bei and Liu Qi had close contacts.

To be precise, Liu Qi was actively wooing Liu Bei.

Although Liu Qi was the eldest son, the power in Jingzhou was controlled by Cai Mao and others.

And with Mrs. Cai whispering in Liu Biao's ears, the future heir of Jingzhou Mu will definitely be Liu Cong.

Cai Mao is Liu Cong's uncle.

Liu Qi is Liu Cong's competitor. Liu Bei and Liu Qi are close. Cai Hao will definitely give Liu Bei a stumbling block and find a way to get rid of Liu Bei.

If Liu Bei wants to continue to stay in Jingzhou, it is best to maintain a friendly relationship with Cai Mao.

Liu Bei understood Chen Gong's reminder, but how should he politely refuse Liu Qi?


July 201 AD.

Outside Zhenliao City.

Zhou Cheng took Xun Cai and others out to inspect the situation in the territory.

From Zhenliaocheng to Laoying, and then from Laoying to Beihai, this trip is not short.

Although Zhou Cheng had to create quite a stir every time he went out, requiring a large number of troops to maintain order and security.

But doing so is very meaningful.

Let the people in your own land be able to see you up close once and get closer to each other without becoming strangers or creating barriers.

Zhou Cheng had his own understanding of governance.

In order for people to support you, you must first know him.

Zhou Cheng was riding on Mo Kuang, holding the Heaven-breaking Sword, and was walking along the official road. On both sides of the official road, there were people standing on both sides of the official road.

"Long live Duke Zhou!"

"Long live Duke Zhou!"

"Long live Duke Zhou!"

I don't know who among the crowd started shouting first. Immediately afterwards, the crowd on both sides of the official road began to shout.

The sound went straight into the sky.

Zhou Cheng, on horseback, frequently looked to the left and right of the official road, scanning his eyes as much as possible. pass the crowd

"Duke Zhou was looking at me just now"

"Duke Zhou is so mighty!"

Around Zhenliao City, there were also refugees who had been newly incorporated into military camps. They had never seen Zhou Cheng before.

After seeing Zhou Cheng at this time, they felt that he was extraordinary.

At this time, Zhou Cheng came to a military camp and jumped on horseback. Up and down.

The soldiers of Zhou Dynasty quickly entered the garrison and inspected everything inside and outside the general's camp carefully.

Most of the villagers in the military camp were Qingzhou people.

These Qingzhou people were also Qingzhou Yellow Turbans. When they saw Zhou Cheng After that, he felt cordial and excited.

Zhou Cheng came to the mill.

In the mill, tofu was being ground.

However, the mill did not use cows and horses to grind the grinding, but a"windmill".

The mill was built last year when Tian Chou reported to Zhou Cheng. Cheng also approved it.

In ancient times, the windmill, also known as the Bagua Wind Wheel, was invented by Jiang Ziya during the Zhou Dynasty.

Later, it was improved by Lu Ban and called the windmill. It can be used for irrigation and milling.

However, the real What Zhou Cheng cares about is not the windmill.

It is the 'bean dregs' left over from making tofu. At this time, the village chief Wang Fu said from the side:"Lord, we will make these bean dregs into bean cakes, and the tofu will be supplied to the city and other places." military camp"

"Um. Zhou Cheng then called for the supervisor and asked,"Can every household in the village eat tofu?""

The supervisor is a disabled veteran of Huben Camp.

At this time, the supervisor replied:"Each person will be allocated a piece of food every day."

"Um."Zhou Cheng still trusts the supervisor.

He not only wants to eat well, but also improves the quality of life.

Of course, relatively speaking, life in Zhenliaocheng is indeed better than other places.

Zhou Cheng continued to inspect and dismounted this time Walking in the fields.

At this time, Sun Shangxiang looked curiously at the big wheel that was turning in front of him.’

"what is that?"

"It's called a waterwheel, and it seems to be used for irrigation."

Zhou Cheng said.

The waterwheel is more than 10 meters high. It is supported by an axle that is 5 meters long and 0.5 meters in diameter. It supports 24 wooden spokes, which spread out in a radial pattern. The top of each spoke carries a scraper and a water bucket..

The scraper scrapes water, and the water buckets are filled with water. The river water rushes in, and the spokes are slowly rotated by the inertia of the water potential. Each water bucket is filled with river water and is lifted up step by step.

When reaching the top, the water buckets naturally tilt again, The water is injected into the aqueduct and flows to the irrigated farmland.

Zhou Cheng's water conservancy project in Zhenliaocheng is currently very successful.

It is precisely because of the improvement of the water conservancy project that the difficulty of irrigation has been reduced and eased, and the agriculture in Zhenliaocheng has been guaranteed and developed..

In this regard, Zhou Cheng has always been ahead of the princes in the world._Please download the novel without underlining

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