After killing several bandit leaders who wanted to escape.

Han Yangshuang returned to his residence full of anger.

There were only a few bandit leaders left behind.

Looking at the decapitated body on the ground.

Head hanging on a pole.

I also felt very uncomfortable.

I thought that if I didn't end up like this in the future, I would be beheaded by Han Yangshuang.

Then he will definitely be beheaded by Ma Chao.

After all, Ma Chao is too powerful.

And the soldiers under his command are even more united.

Simply irresistible.

What else can I do to resist Ma Chao?

Then the leaders looked at each other.

Just disperse quickly.

He was afraid of angering Han Yangshuang again.

Then he ended up being beheaded by Han Yang in public!

Late at night.

A tent somewhere inside the village.

From time to time, bandits wearing black robes and covering their faces entered the house.

Wait until the camp is almost full.

Finally, a certain bandit sitting in the upper seat spoke.

Express thanks to the leaders for coming to the gathering.

I am just responsible for taking the lead.

I hope to work out a solution with the leaders.

Able to be under the threat of Han Yangshuang.

A way out for the leaders.

He had just finished speaking.

The bandit leader who couldn't bear his temper shouted loudly.

If you fight Ma Chao now, you will die.

Do not fight with Ma Chao.

If it falls on Han Yang's hands, it will be a death.

Since it's all about death, what are you afraid of?

Sooner or later you will die.

It would be better to go all out and catch Han Yangshuang off guard.

Let him treat the leaders as fools!

A group of bandit leaders listened to this impassioned speech.

They all nodded in agreement.

After all, their relationship with Han Yangshuang is only on the same level.

Everyone is a bandit leader.

Why are you being held hostage by Han Yangshuang?

And he took his life arbitrarily?

So several bandit leaders stood up and complained.

The leaders' emotions became intense.

They all expressed that they would go back and lead the bandits to Han Yangshuang's stronghold.

Kill Han Yangshuang to avenge the tragic deaths of several bandit leaders.

However, several leaders still raised objections.

It means that South Korea and Yangshuang are powerful in themselves.

And since annexing the remaining forces of several bandit leaders.

Currently, he is considered to be the most powerful among all the bandits.

And now he and others are in Han Yangshuang's cottage.

He must be more familiar with this place than himself and others.

In addition, he has a large number of troops, which is not much worse than the combined strength of his own people.

If you rebel rashly, you will be immediately counterattacked.

Everyone still needs to wait quietly for a while.

Make a decision after careful discussion.

However, the bandit leaders also opposed what these people said.

It means that Ma Chao is already on his way here.

The journey was simply unstoppable.

If you delay any longer.

Wait until Ma Chao attacks the entrance of the stronghold.

At that time, you will really be blocked in the village.

No matter how much I tried to escape, I couldn't.

While several people were arguing endlessly and talking passionately.

The tent was suddenly opened.

Some bandits rushed in and reported.

There are spies of Han Yangshuang lurking among the guards outside the camp.

He had just escaped secretly.

He must have rushed back with the news of the secret talks between the leaders to report to Han Yangshuang.

The bandit leader who summoned the leaders for a secret meeting.

At this time, he was also shocked.

He quickly said to the leaders.

At this time, Han and Yang both discovered that the leaders were having a secret conversation late at night.

The bandits will inevitably be mobilized to attack.

If you don't resist Han Yangshuang at this time.

I'm afraid they will be defeated by him one by one.

By then, all the leaders will be there.

All of them will be beheaded in public.

Then the leaders were panicked.

Make a plan quickly.

Everyone quickly rushed back to their stations.

Quickly mobilize your men.

United to resist Han Yangshuang.

Han Yangshuang was resting at his residence.

Suddenly, one of his cronies came with a bandit to report something important.

Han Yangshuang's face was filled with impatience.

So I asked carefully.

But he found out that he was the leader of a group of bandits.

Because he killed the bandit leaders who wanted to escape.

And unite to resist themselves.

It also made me break out in a cold sweat.

Fortunately, he had arranged for spies to infiltrate their ranks.

Otherwise, I really don’t know how to die.

So he quickly rewarded the spies who came to report the news.

Han Yangshuang took his confidants with him.

He quickly gathered all his men.

Be prepared when other bandit leaders attack.

Can resist it.

At this moment, it depends on which side is faster and which side can grasp the corresponding advantage!

The bandit leaders returned to their respective bases.

They were all shouting and scrambling to summon their men.

Not long after, torches were lit.

With weapons.

Even the baggage was thrown on the ground without anyone picking it up.

Just join other bandit leaders along the road.

Go and attack Han Yangshuang.

Han Yangshuang, on the other hand, led the bandits who he had gathered urgently.

He also hurriedly went to resist these bandit leaders who had united.

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