The bandit leaders were also shocked.

He just lamented how Ma Chao came at such a bad time.

He left himself waiting for others without even having time to escape.

So he quickly summoned his cronies and others to rush to transport the property.

Order the bandit minions below to resist Ma Chao's army.

But if you want to escape, you can't do anything.

They just relied on the bandits below to resist Ma Chao.

It is simply impossible to succeed.

Ma Chao rushed to the front single-handedly.

Various obstacles are no problem at all for a riding master like Ma Chao.

Rampage all the way.

Quickly break through the stubborn resistance points of many bandits.

And the many soldiers behind Ma Chao followed Ma Chao closely.

Being in the camp is like being in a deserted place.

The many bandit leaders who were about to escape were frightened.

Ma Chao's timing of attacking the camp was perfect.

The speed of the advance was extremely fast.

These bandit leaders had no chance to escape.

At this time, the remaining bandit leaders secretly cursed Han Yangshuang.

If it weren't for him, he would have resisted Ma Chao and surrendered earlier.

There is still a way for him and others to escape.

But now, there is no chance to escape.

Because Ma Chao had already killed himself in front of them.

And because the speed is too fast.

They didn't even have time to react.

In an instant, Ma Chao penetrated the two of them with his spear.

Then Ma Chao turned the horse's head again.

We will launch a second attack on them.

At this time, someone yelled.

Some bandits began to take the lead in escaping.

At this time, when the remaining bandits saw someone escaping, they all began to flee in all directions.

Ma Chao had already sent soldiers to set up an ambush around the stronghold.

The entire village was surrounded.

Due to repeated losses.

The attack on Shangdang and the civil strife just now.

In addition, they were killed or surrounded before they could escape.

There are not many bandits who can actually escape through the village walls.

All of them were killed or captured by the ambush arranged by Ma Chao in advance.

Not one of them escaped.

And the bandits were looking for a secret passage in Han Yang's twin houses.

There was no time to find the secret passage.

Then Ma Chao broke through the gate of the cottage.

At this moment, I had to give up the search and quickly ran for my life.

Ma Chao felt angry in his heart.

His sister was almost killed by bandits.

The innocent people in Shangdang City were brutally massacred.

He was dismissed from his position as the commander-in-chief of the Northern Guard.

No matter which one made him hate these bandits to death.

At this moment, Ma Chao finally had a chance.

Finally, we reached the bandit's base camp.

And he could finally let go.

Kill your enemies without any scruples.

Not to mention that these bandits can survive a single move under his hands.

That's simply impossible.

Because Ma Chao shot out, at least he took away the lives of several bandits.

And even those bandit leaders.

In front of Ma Chao, who has been guided by Zhou Cheng during this period and has been promoted rapidly.

There is no way to resist.

It's almost a one-shot kill.

Ma Chao is so cruel.

The bandit leaders around them were also frightened.

He was so scared that he never dared to provoke Ma Chao again.

All of them immediately ran away.

Ma Chao led his soldiers to charge all the way.

The entire village was soon occupied.

Bandits who dare to resist will be killed on the spot.

The bandits who surrendered were tied up first.

After waiting to be escorted back to Shangdang, Zhou Cheng will deal with it separately.

Ma Chao counted the captured bandit leaders and the beheaded bandit leaders.

It was discovered that apart from Han Yangshuang, other bandit leaders who had participated in the siege of Shangdang City that day were among them.

So I quickly asked these bandit leaders.

Where did Han Yangshuang go?

These bandit leaders are not willing to hide anything.

Everyone talked about Han Yangshuang's escape from the secret passage in his room.

Ma Chao was so anxious that he quickly ordered his soldiers to enter Han Yang's double room to look for the secret passage.

He also said that if he couldn't find it, he would demolish the house immediately.

All these bandit leaders were captured and killed.

None of them are as important as Han Yangshuang.

If Han Yangshuang had escaped in this battle.

Then it's not like coming here at all.

So Ma Chao's men quickly entered Han Yangshuang's room to search.

Because there are soldiers in the team who are proficient in architecture.

It didn't take long before the secret passage was finally found.

Ma Chao ordered his lieutenants to take inventory of the camp.

Escort all the bandits back to the party.

He led some soldiers.

Go to the secret passage to track down the whereabouts of Han Yangshuang.

Ma Chao was anxious, fearing that Han Yangshuang would escape.

At that time, Han Yangshuang deliberately avoided hiding in the vast mountains.

It would be a fantasy to look for Han Yangshuang again.

The secret passage is not too long.

Not long after, Ma Chao had already found the exit.

Immediately study and identify the traces on the ground with the following scouts.

Finally found out the whereabouts of Han Yangshuang.

So the group of people immediately chased after him.

The soldiers dared not complain about the hard work.

We also know that the biggest purpose of this battle is to capture Han Yangshuang, the culprit of the bandits who attacked Shangdang City.

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