Brother Dao hurriedly replied: "No, no, I'm just coming over to take a look! In fact, I'm also very curious, who is the young man behind the live broadcast room! As for the confrontation between hackers? I'm past that competitive age! I am also from the Chinese Dynasty, so I should help each other." "

"Brother Dao is excellent!"

"Brother Dao, can you hack the anchor's computer? Let's see what he looks like?"

"Looking forward to it!"

"What if the anchor is a handsome pot?

Looking at the barrage posted by netizens, Brother Dao smiled and explained: "As an excellent hacker! The most important thing is security!"

"A hacker, once he exposes himself, he is useless!"

"So, don't look at hackers running around on the Internet! In fact, once he reveals his affairs to the people around him, within a few days, he will be invited in for tea!"

"Now you know, being a qualified hacker is not an easy task!"

After watching the barrage posted by Brother Dao, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly realized.

Many viewers who were originally enthusiastic and wanted to worship Chu Hao as a teacher interrupted this idea one after another.

After all, that kind of feeling of doing great things and seeing the people of the whole country cheering for themselves without being able to reveal their identity!

If it was an ordinary person who did these big things that Chu Hao did, he would have taken it out and bragged about it a long time ago!

It is no exaggeration to say that it can be blown for a lifetime!

Regarding the appearance of Brother Dao, Chu Hao naturally saw it in his eyes.

Immediately, he also smiled and said: "Welcome Brother Dao! I'm busy talking to those technicians at the Daben headquarters, I'm really sorry." "

Chu Hao was so polite to him, Brother Dao naturally wouldn't put on a show.

"It's hard work! However, if you do this, you will get yourself into a lot of trouble! If the state investigates it, I am afraid that you will be imprisoned!"

Regarding Brother Dao's relationship, Chu Hao smiled and said: "It's okay! When I do these things, I already know it in my heart! However, I still need to rely on you for domestic network security! I found some interesting things in the Daben headquarters, and I can't pull it out in a short time!"

"It doesn't matter! It is our duty to defend the country's network security!"


The Military Aircraft Department, which was notified by the state, immediately began to take action.

The person in charge of the Military Aircraft Department ordered that the "god-level hacker" live broadcast room be immediately closed to avoid further impact!

For a time, the wind surged.

Ma Li, who was sitting drinking tea in the office of the Salted Fish Headquarters, was suddenly kicked open by a group of men in black uniforms.

"What kind of person!" Ma Li suddenly stood up and shouted, "Security!

"Ma Li! the head of the Dongcheng District of Salted Fish!" the man at the head took out a document, compared it, and confirmed: "Captain Hong!

At this time, a cold woman in a tight uniform walked in step by step.

Its perfect figure looks even more attractive against the backdrop of a tight uniform!

Rao is an old ghost like Ma Li, and he can't help but be stunned.

"Hello! I'm the captain of the Dragon Squad of the Military Aircraft Department!" Hong Anqiao stood in front of Ma Li, looked at Ma Li indifferently, and said, "Now, I order you to close the entire live broadcast platform!"

As he spoke, Hong Anqiao showed Ma Li his military aircraft certificate.

"Army... The Military Aircraft Department..."Ma Li's legs and stomach trembled, and he hurriedly instructed Qian Hong: "Qian Hong, cut off all networks! Close the entire live broadcast platform! Inform all viewers that the salted fish platform is undergoing maintenance!"

Qian Hong, who sat in the office, didn't know why, so he had no choice but to do it.

Soon, all servers were shut down!

Hong Anqiao glanced back at the members behind him and asked, "How?"

The other party shook his head and said, "Captain, it's useless! It can't be turned off! That live broadcast room is still live!"

"It seems that we are going to be ruthless!" Hong Anqiao pondered for a moment and ordered: "Contact the scorpion and tell him that the live broadcast room will be hacked no matter what! If you can't even hack a small live broadcast room, let him roll up and get out!"


For a while, the entire network was surging.

Many viewers who were watching the live broadcast did not know why, and the live broadcast room was hacked suddenly!

They were so scared that they almost called the police, thinking they had encountered hackers.

Subsequently, those people checked the Internet and found that a large number of viewers on the Internet had encountered the same situation as them!

Not only that, but the entire salted fish platform seems to have been seized! All the live broadcast rooms have been suspended!

Only - god-level hackers!

"Can anyone tell me what this is? Why is it that all the young ladies' live broadcast rooms are dark, and one live broadcast room is still on?"

"'God-level hacker'? What the hell? Is he the son of Salted Fish? There's no need to praise people like this! This is too much!"

"Upstairs, pay attention to the wording! This is not a please! Think about it with your toes, you know, which stupid company would do that?"

"Trouble those idiots upstairs, let's find out what a 'god-level hacker' is before we speak!"


Even Hong Anqiao and others didn't expect that they thought that by closing the server of the salted fish platform, they could close the live broadcast room of the "god-level hacker"!

Unexpectedly, the mistake led to a large wave of traffic for Chu Hao!

Hong Anqiao doesn't know this, and even if he does, he won't care!

Anyway, she is sealed in this live broadcast room!

This is an order from above!

One is not good, it will cause international disputes!

However, to her disappointment... In their team, the top computer masters couldn't help Chu Hao's live broadcast room!

Now, she was shocked.

"Sister Hong... I...... That one...... I really can't find his source code! Can you imagine that I can find the source of the IP address of a live broadcast room! Daben's head office, there are also computers hacked by him! Not only that, but he has also become his broiler!"

"I really can't help this! What a dilemma!" said the scorpion with a bitter face and an embarrassed face, "This kid is too cautious!"

"Shut up!" Hong Anqiao glared at him fiercely and said, "You go and contact the members of the other teams!"

Hong Anqiao, who made up her mind, logged in to Chu Hao's live broadcast room through an officially verified account.

At this time, she happened to see Chu Hao and Brother Dao chatting, and immediately became angry, and replied: "Do you still have the heart to laugh here? You know how much pressure the country is under at this moment!!"

"Then you know how much pressure those victims are under at the moment..."

"You keep saying that the country is standing on the moral high ground, so have you considered it for the people?"

"Shen Yan upstairs! She's from the Military Aircraft Department!

"Ga ——!!!"

"Who am I? Where am I? My head hurts!"

"Excuse me!"


Looking at the barrage area where the wind of words changed suddenly, Chu Hao smiled faintly and said, "Why are you from the Military Aircraft Department coming to my live broadcast room?"

"In my capacity as the Military Aircraft Division, I order you to stop the live broadcast immediately! Right now! Now that the country is facing a severe diplomatic challenge, one bad will trigger an information war between countries! Can you afford this consequence?"

Chu Hao couldn't help but laugh.

The audience in the live broadcast room did not dare to speak, for fear of being settled by the military aircraft afterwards.

But he's not afraid!

No one could find him!

Even Brother Dao stopped talking.

He is now half a public figure, but he can't say the wrong thing, Chu Hao has no scruples at all and has something to say.

"It's not okay to use big truths to pressure me! Information warfare? Does Germany dare? More than 100,000 hackers in China and the DPRK are playing with him? As for international strife, please... How many will take it seriously? After losing the Chinese Dynasty, Germany will lose the most!"

"Besides, this incident is the inaction of the head office of Daben! It is their fault! I don't believe it, this matter has been fermenting for so long, and they will not have any news at all!"

"Moreover, I have already discussed it with Brother Dao! I am external, and he is responsible for maintaining the stability of the country's network security!"

"So, if you have the ability to seal my live broadcast room! hack my computer! Just let it go!"

"If nothing else, I'm going to start a new attack! This time, I'm going to run to the headquarters!"

Chu Hao's words were loud, and he did not panic in the slightest because of the threat from the military aircraft department.

"You, you, don't let me catch you! Otherwise, I'll make you look good!"

"A weak country has no diplomacy! A country's strength is made by fighting, not by shouting! Rory is verbose, like a bastard! I will talk about you after I seal you!" Chu Hao said coldly.

This was followed by a crackling keyboard.

Hong Anqiao's account... Gone.

"I... I'm rubbing, the people from the military aircraft department, kicked?"

"To be precise, it's been banned!"


Rectification, national security changed to the Military Aircraft Department

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