In the face of the rushing mammoth legion, behind her own country and her own people, Princess Qin Grey had no other choice at all, in order to protect everything behind her, Princess Qin Grey did her best, desperately urging the power of the phoenix, and immediately a huge flame wing rose behind her back, her wings shook, and Princess Qin Grey flew into the sky, madly urging the phoenix shockwave against the endless mammoth legion.

What Qin Ge did not expect was that as soon as it was urged, the heavenly fire immediately burned, the endless fire would burn thousands of miles around, the burning sky was red, the burning earth burst apart, turning this place into a flame hell, and in a scream, the mammoth legion on the opposite side dissipated, and even the ashes could not be found.

Feeling the powerful and boundless power, Her Royal Highness gradually lost some control of her soul, and the flames began to storm away.

“Your Royal Highness, collect the magical powers, you are about to burn the fire to your castle!” The voice of Xiao Wuye, the chief guard, shouted in his ear in time.

Qin Gelei’s mind was clear, and she quickly turned around, sure enough, the scope of the phoenix decomposition had reached its own capital castle, and everything inside was everything he wanted to protect! How can it be destroyed by itself without dying at the feet of the Mammoth Legion!

The image of his own people in the castle came to mind, so kind, simple, deer-headed people, dog-headed people, pig-headed people, horse-headed people… Hey, why is it that only himself and the chief guard in his own country are purely human? This strange thought flashed in Her Royal Highness’s mind, forget it, this is not important.

Her Royal Highness is a good princess who loves her people, and immediately began to control herself to reclaim the power of the phoenix, but this is like a flood that bursts the embankment, and it is thousands of times more difficult to take it back again!

A year later, Her Royal Highness Princess Qin walked out of the secret room, and the chief guard Xiao Wuye faithfully guarded outside the door, and Qin Gelei felt a warm current.

“It was really dangerous back then, but fortunately, Your Royal Highness the Princess you controlled your ability in time, I don’t know if you can fully master that power in this year’s retreat?” Xiao Wuye, the chief guard, asked cautiously.

“Well, as long as it doesn’t use too much power, it can already be completely controlled.” Jean Grey smiled sweetly.

Xiao Wuye, the chief guard, his eyes lit up, and this already had a hundred percent phoenix power.

“Then Your Royal Highness, it’s time for you to inherit the king’s throne.”

“Huh? Oh, good, okay. Princess Qin Grey was like an answering worm, and quickly agreed.

The next day, in the golden palace, Qin Ge Lei carefully sat on the throne, watching the pig-headed man Prime Minister, the dog-headed man city lord, the horse-headed man…. Pinched the sweat in the palm of his hand, it doesn’t matter if he is a king himself, right? Should?

Quickly looked at the chief guard beside him, and suddenly his eyebrows furrowed, this guy actually fell asleep standing up???

Raised his foot and stepped on this unreliable chief guard, who immediately woke up in panic and looked around.

Qin Grey proudly curled the corners of her mouth, but when the chief guard saw that it was His Royal Highness Qin Grey who stepped on herself, she closed her eyes boredly.

Jean Grey really gritted her teeth.

Time flies by, and soon it will be another year, and Her Majesty the Queen of Qin has been able to send and receive power as if he were heartfelt and control it freely.

So the great war broke out again, and the frost giants came to attack!

In the face of a stronger enemy, he had to break out stronger forces to defend his country.

When Queen Qin eliminated the army of the Frost Giants and once again dangerously retracted her phoenix power, she has become more and more bound to this country, and she wants to protect this country more and more, and it is because of this state of mind that she can control the stronger and stronger phoenix power.

After destroying the Frost Giant, Her Majesty fell into retreat again, this time, ten years later.

When Queen Jean walked out of the retreat room again, time had passed, and many people were much older.

Queen Qin quickly grabbed a tiger-headed man, “What about the chief guard?” Why didn’t you see him? ”

“Your Majesty, are you awake? Chief Guard? Am I the chief guard? The tiger head man said suspiciously.

“What, how can you be the chief guard, the chief guard is not Xiao Wuye.” As Jean spoke, something suddenly came to mind.

“No, tell me, where is Xiao Wuye, the chief guard ten years ago, now?” Qin Gray suddenly turned pale and asked nervously.

“Oh, this…. This one…. You mean Xiao…”The tiger head was speechless.

“What the hell is wrong? Tell me quickly! Jean Grey’s tears were about to fall.

“Well, you’d better go and see for yourself.” The tiger head man said with sincere trepidation.

Qin Gray suddenly sensed something from the tiger head man’s words, and her body stumbled.

Mu Ran followed the tiger head man to the palace, and at this moment, suddenly a familiar voice came into his ears.

“Where, where…. Haha, Prime Minister you said and laughed …. Speaking of this…”This voice is so familiar, it has been with him since he was a princess, Chief Guard, is it the Chief Guard?

Qin Ge Lei quickly raised her head, sure enough, wasn’t it Xiao Wuye, the chief guard, sitting on the throne?

Queen Qin cried with joy, quickly rushed up, and hugged the body of the chief guard tightly, “Great, great, you’re okay, you’re still there…”

After a long time, Queen Qin finally found that something was wrong, let go of Xiao Wuye, and looked down, how did Xiao Wuye change into a king’s costume? Hey? Isn’t it his throne that sits under his ass?

At this time, according to the tiger head man’s expression and words, Queen Qin finally understood something, she pointed at the chief guard Xiao Wuye, and her white fingers trembled: “You, you, you actually usurped the throne!” ”

Xiao Wuye, the chief guard, looked at Queen Qin suspiciously, looked down at the throne, and patted his head: “Alas, you see that I have been sitting on the throne for ten years, and I am used to sitting and forgetting this stubble.” ”

“As soon as I retreated, you sat on the throne?!” Queen Qin stared at Xiao Wuye, the chief guard, incredulously.

“Huh? Isn’t it fun? I see you have been sitting for so long, and I want to try it, I sit and you sit on this throne, isn’t it the same? Xiao Wuye looked at Queen Qin in surprise, and seemed to be very surprised that Qin reacted so much.

Xiao Wuye’s performance made Qin at a loss, “Huh? One, is it the same? ”

“Of course, you see, you’re the queen and I’m the king, isn’t it good?”

“yes, yes, yes.”

“By the way, Jean, are you able to fully control your current Phoenix Power? It’s good to be able to control almost fifty percent, and it’s time for us to get back to the real world. ”

“The real world? Is it the real world? Chief Guard, what do you say, you…” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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