The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 1105: Killing The Eight Golden Immortals (3)

In Hou Zi's heart, Qin Buyi's status is completely different from that of Yuding Master, and they cannot be compared at all.

Qin Buyi is the master that the monkey truly recognizes. As for the real Yuding...except for his excellent cooking skills, it seems that there is no way to compare with Qin Buyi in other places.

The Bull Demon King said naively: "Wukong, Mr. Qin is very generous and won't be angry with me."

Qin Buyi looked at the Bull Demon King and smiled slightly: "Wukong, it's okay."

"This old cow is free and easy by nature, but it's also interesting."

Hearing what Qin Buyi said, the monkey stopped talking.

The Bull Demon King looked at the monkey and said, "Wukong, look, I'm right."

"Mr. Qin is very generous. He won't get angry because of such a trivial matter."


Qin Buyi's figure flashed, and the next second appeared in front of the man with the knife.

The man with the knife looked at Qin Buyi and said, "You are that Mr. Qin?"

Qin Buyi smiled and said, "Exactly."

In the past two days, Mr. Qin's three words have spread throughout the entire Aolai country.

Everyone knew that this million-strong army was under the command of a peerless and powerful man named Mr. Qin.

The man with the knife said: "My name is Ao Dao, but you killed Ao Tian?"

Qin Buyi said: "That Aotian was killed by me."

Ao Dao said: "Very good, since you killed him, then you will perish here today!"

Qin Buyi said: "Before that Aotian was alive, I gave him two choices."

"Either surrender or fall, he chose the latter."

"Now I also give you these two choices, what do you choose?"

Ao Dao licked his lips with his tongue, and said like a desperado: "Me? I choose the third one! That is to kill you!"

Qin Buyi waved the folding fan and said, "Very well, since that's the case, then you can go with that Aotian as a companion."

The Thunder Pangu Ax on Qin Buyi's waist automatically turned into a huge Thunder Chaos Clock, completely enveloping the Ao Dao.

In the next second, Qin Buyi disappeared into the outside world, and also entered the Thunder Chaos Clock.

outside world.

Qin Liang looked at Qin Lin and said, "Qin Lin, you've got to work, you must take down the sixth city of Aolai Country before Qin Shuai solves the battle!"

Qin Lin said: "Shuai Liang, don't worry, taking down the sixth city of Aolai Kingdom is nothing at all!"


Zizi looked at the Bull Demon King and said: "Old Bull, let's compare this time and see who kills more powerful people in the Water Fairyland?"

The Bull Demon King said: "Okay! I am not good at other things, but I am the best at killing the enemy!"


Inside the Thunder Chaos Clock.

Ao Dao looked at Qin Buyi and said, "Mr. Qin, do you know my real identity?"

Qin Buyi was taken aback by Ao Dao's words, shook his head and said, "I don't know your real identity."

Ao Dao said: "I am the sword demon Ao Dao who was feared in the past, do you remember me?"

Qin Buyi's expression didn't change at all, he still shook his head and said, "I don't know..."

It's not that Qin Buyi estimated to stimulate the other party, but that he really didn't know.

Qin Buyi himself came from the reverse of time and space, how could he know about all the famous people in the prehistoric era!

To be known by Qin Buyi, it must be a top-ranking existence in the prehistoric world.

People like Dao Mo Ao Dao, to put it bluntly, are not qualified to enter Qin Buyi's eyes at all.

When Ao Dao saw what Qin Buyi said, anger and murderous intent appeared on his face: "Okay! In the entire prehistoric world, below the Golden Fairyland, you are the first one who doesn't know me!"

"Next, I'll let you get to know me well!"

Qin Buyi listened to Ao Dao's language, which was obviously in the second grade, and couldn't help complaining: "Are you out of your mind?"

"I must know you? What are you?"

"I'd better let you get to know me!"

Ao Dao sneered: "What do you say I am? Let me know you, okay!"

"Let me see how divine you really are!"

"Zheng~!" The sound of the knife ming came out.

The folding fan in Qin Buyi's hand changed back to the shape of a killing blade...then the scene fell into silence.

The so-called Dao Mo Ao Dao looked at the killing blade with horror in his eyes.

Ao Dao said: "Are you... the incarnation of the Heavenly Emperor?"

Qin Buyi said with a half-smile, "You guess?"

Ao Dao's eyes disappeared in horror, and then bloodthirsty killing intent appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said: "Hey, it's better if you are the incarnation of Lord Heavenly Emperor! It's more interesting to kill like this!"

"Magic Saber Heavenly Kill!"

Ao Dao's body burst out with a strong smell of blood, the next moment.

A long knife flew out from the proud knife

, attacking Qin Buyi.

Qin Buyi shook his head and said, "It's just a trick."

"Killing Frozen!"

"Zheng~!" "Zheng~!"


The blade of the killing blade vibrated slightly, and there was a sound of the blade.

A icy sword light flew out from the killing blade.


The cold ice blade light and the blade light emitted by the proud knife collided with each other.

Without any accident, the blade light emitted by Ao Dao was completely frozen by the cold ice blade light.

"Crack~!" "Crack~!"...

The sword light emitted by Ao Dao shattered in an instant.

The cold ice blade light attacked Ao Dao at an unbelievable speed.

Ao Dao's eyes were full of shock, which was different from Ao Tian's reaction.

At the critical moment, Ao Dao successfully avoided the fatal blow of the Ice Dao's light by using the escape method.

Seeing that Han Bing Dao's glow was about to attack him, Ao Dao sneered and said, "That's it? You still want to attack me? Too young!"

Qin Buyi's death-like voice sounded from behind Ao Dao: "Really?"

"Then how do you see the next attack?"

"Killing · Slaughter · Instant Slash!"


The high-speed vibrating killing blade cut across Ao Dao's body, instantly killing all life in Ao Dao's body.

Ao Dao left the last sentence before falling: "I am an early-stage cultivator of the Golden Immortal Realm, how could I fall like this!"

"I can not be reconciled..."

Qin Buyi's wrist vibrated, completely shattering Ao Dao's body.

"Of the eight Golden Immortals from Aolai Country, the second fell! There are still six left!" Qin Buyi secretly thought.

The killing blade turned into a folding fan again, and Qin Buyi waved his hand to disperse the cold blade light.

Put the space ring left by Ao Dao into the system storage space, and it will appear outside in the next second.

The battle outside at this time has entered the final stage...

Qin Buyi looked at the Thunder Chaos Clock, decided not to change its appearance, and just hung it on his waist.

Anyway, the Thunder Pangu Ax is not activated now, and it is useless to transform into the Thunder Pangu Ax.

The Bull Demon King said to the monkey beside him: "Wukong, Mr. Qin ended the battle so soon?"

"This time it seems to be going faster than last time!"

The monkey said: "Lao Niu, don't make a fuss, these are basic operations!"

The Bull Demon King was stunned for a moment and said, "Basic operations?"

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