The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 1188: The Monkey Who Served As Bi Mawen

"It's such a strong wine, I really can't hold it!"

"Sigh~ This real person lost such a grown-up this time, it's really a waste of money!"

Master Yuding got up and muttered.

Seeing the direction in which the three of them left, Master Yuding said:

"The monkey is going to Tianting to raise horses now? Is my long-term free meal ticket gone like this~"

"This won't work, I want to go to Heaven too."

"Why do you say that I am also a Daluo Jinxian, and I am also a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun. It shouldn't be a big problem to go to the Heavenly Court once in a while!"

"The relationship between Chanjiao and Heavenly Court is now in an intimate stage, and the problem is not too big!"


Speaking of Qin Buyi, he followed Taibai Jinxing all the way to the prehistoric heaven.

Waiting to see the immortals walking around in the prehistoric heaven, all kinds of resplendent scenes.

Qin Buyi secretly said: "It seems that I still have to work hard. Compared with this one, the heaven in Xiaoqian world is much worse."

From the Nantianmen guarded by the four heavenly kings all the way to Ling Xiaodian.

Entering Ling Xiaodian, Haotian was waiting for them with a smile on his face.

Taibai Jinxing said: "Your Majesty, the person has already been brought."

When saying this, Taibai Jinxing felt somewhat awkward.

It was the first time for him to bring an avatar outside his body to see the deity.

Haotian said: "I see. You announce it. From now on, the two of them will be Bi Mawen, and the other will be the petty official in charge of Pantaoyuan."

Taibai Jinxing said: "Yes!"

With Qin Buyi here, Haotian didn't catch up with the monkey.

Directly ask Taibai Jinxing to bring the monkey to the place where Bi Mawen works.

The monkey was like this, looking at the Great Desolate Heaven with curiosity in his eyes along the way.

Taibai Jinxing said to the monkey: "Wukong, how do you feel about this heaven?"

The monkey said seriously: "That's right, it's much better than my Huaguo Mountain!"

Taibai Jinxing choked on this sentence and swallowed all the words he was going to say...

Is it really so much better than Huaguo Mountain?

Do these two really need to be compared together?

Where is Huaguo Mountain? A tiny place in the wild!

If it weren't for the birth of a monkey in Huaguo Mountain, he would not have been noticed by the Heavenly Court in this life.

Where is heaven? flood

The existence that countless living beings look up to.

These two are completely different from each other. Comparing them together is purely an insult to Heaven!

Instead, Taibai Jinxing understands monkeys a little bit. Biqu library

After the monkey was born, the place where he stayed the longest was Huaguo Mountain.

For example, he has never been to many famous places in Honghuang.

You don't have to compare it with Huaguo Mountain.

Taibai Jinxing no longer continued the conversation with the monkey.

Talking about it any further would be pure nonsense.

Soon, the place where Bi Mawen raised Tianma arrived, and Taibai Jinxing said: "Wukong, you will be in charge of this place from now on."

The monkey asked, "Is there anything I need to do?"

Taibai Jinxing said: "There is no need to do anything, these celestial horses are no less intelligent than humans, and they are all great monsters."

When the monkey heard Taibai Jinxing's answer, he couldn't help saying: "Then my position is useless?"

Taibai Jinxing quickly said: "It's useful! Why is it useless! At least the function of this position is to let you enter the Heavenly Court in a legitimate way."

"Anyway, you don't need to worry about anything, you can walk around in the heavenly court, stroll around..."

"Let me tell you, there are many interesting places in Heavenly Court."

Having said all this, the monkey instantly understood the meaning of his coming to heaven.

The meaning is very simple, that is, the four words of eating, drinking and having fun.

The monkey asked curiously: "Can you tell me about the interesting places?"

Taibai Jinxing said: "Taishang Laojun will practice alchemy every once in a while."

"At that time, the entire Tushita Palace seemed to be wrapped in flames. It was very beautiful, and it was a great beauty!"

Who is Taishang Laojun, there are not many people in the wild who don't know.

The master of human religion, one of the saints!

Such an existence of alchemy is indeed worth seeing!

Not for anything else, just the name of Taishang Laojun is enough to make people flock to him.

Of course, if you want to watch the Taishang Laojun alchemy, you also need conditions.

The minimum requirement for this is to be able to enter the Primordial Heavenly Court.

After all, Tushita Palace is an important place in the heavenly court, if you can't even enter the heavenly court, then it's a fool's errand!

Entering the Heavenly Court is only the first step!

The second step is, when the Taishang Laojun is refining alchemy, you have to have time to watch it when you are free.

However, to be able to truly relax in heaven

Those who came, except for those high-ranking figures, everyone else was too busy to keep their feet on the ground.

So these two conditions alone make many people stop.

There are exceptions to everything, and the two conditions that are difficult for other people are very easy for monkeys.

Bi Mawen's official position doesn't need him to care about anything, he just eats, drinks and has fun every day, and he has plenty of time!

Taibai Jinxing continued: "There is also the Moon Palace. Chang'e is a famous beauty in the prehistoric world. Many male immortals in the heavenly court have tried a lot of tricks to see her beauty..."

The monkey shook his head and said, "That's fine, beauty and beauty are all the same in my eyes."

Taibai Jinxing: "..."

This monkey is male. Since it is male, how could it be possible that it has no idea about the opposite sex?

Taibai Jinxing was puzzled.

However, if Qin Buyi knew what the monkey said, he would definitely understand.

According to the historical process, the monkey was the existence that stopped the Seven Fairies and was busy picking peaches!

For this kind of iron man, a woman will only affect the speed at which he can swing the Ruyi Golden Cudgel!

After chatting with the monkey for a while, Taibai Jinxing turned his head and left.

Don't look at him as a minister of power in the heavenly court, he has a lot of things to do in a day.

"You must finish what His Majesty ordered just now!"

Soon, news about Qin Buyi and the monkey's tenure spread throughout the entire Primordial Heaven.

The civil and military officials in the prehistoric heaven had known for a long time that the monkey was Bi Mawen, and it was no surprise at this time.

However, the incarnation outside the body of Lord Tiandi followed suit, which was unexpected by everyone.

"My lord, let me incarnate outside of my body to take care of the Pantao Garden?"

"What way is this?"

"Sigh~ Lord Heavenly Emperor's mind is very difficult to guess, let's not think about it."

"In the future, we will go to Pantaoyuan more often to curry favor with the incarnation of the Heavenly Emperor. If the Heavenly Emperor is in a good mood, we will be prosperous in the future!"


Marshal Li Jing and other civil servants and military generals who were born in teaching, and Zhao Gongming, the God of Wealth, conveyed the news back to their respective sects.

Human religion does not need to pass on news, the Supreme Lord is in the prehistoric heaven.

The Western religion can't get into the Great Desolate Heavenly Court at all, and they can only get all the news about the Great Desolate Heavenly Court from second-hand channels.

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