The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 1282: Seven Magic Stars (4)

Soon the succubus' voice completely disappeared.

Qin Buyi dispersed to Huangquan, only to see a bone in place.

"The succubus...does a lot of harm!"

Killing this succubus also doesn't have a space ring.

Turning his head to look at the planet where the succubus is located, Qin Buyi suddenly felt a little worried.

Many male immortals in this planetary world have straight eyes and dull faces.

At first glance, it seems that he has been sunk in desire for too long, and it is already a state of no cure.

The current appearance is not much different from the walking dead.

After thinking about it, Qin Buyi decided to include it together with the planet world in Xiaoqian World.

Whether there is a chance to recover in the future depends on personal luck and fortune.

The probability of recovery is not high, tens of millions of times smaller than the probability of finding a needle in a haystack!

Seeing Qin Buyi beheading such a tempting succubus without changing his face, the soldiers of the First Army of the Heavenly Court expressed admiration one by one:

"Lord Emperor Qin deserves to be a peerless powerhouse! He can even pass the level of female sex!"

"It's been said since ancient times that a hero is saddened by a beauty pass. His lord Emperor Qin has not only passed the pass, but also killed his general!"

"Anyway, if I were to change to the perspective of Lord Qin Emperor, I would definitely not be able to withstand this temptation!"

"Me too, that succubus is really pretty!"...

Qin Buyi listened to the words of the soldiers of the first army in the heaven, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

As long as the beauty is male, he will like it, and Qin Buyi is no exception.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to be obsessed with Honglian.

It's just that he is more self-sustaining than other men.

In front of the fourth mote, Qin Buyi raised the killing blade.

"Killing · Slaughter · Instant Slash!"

The high-speed vibrating killing blade landed on the fourth particle of dust.


After the loud noise, a somewhat magnetic male voice came from Qin Buyi's ear:

"Xiaosheng thanks benefactor for saving me!"

Qin Buyi looked at the man who spoke, and there was a burst of powdery air from the tip of his nose.

The man in front of him didn't have the roughness and masculinity that any male creature should have.

More feminine and delicate...

This made Qin Buyi feel a little uncomfortable.

The horse in front of him is purely a male succubus!

Looking at the planetary world, all the surviving ones are male immortals.

Like the female succubus, each Yuanyang

Deficit, eyes straight...

Qin Buyi didn't dare to think about it anymore, he was terrified when he thought about it!

The male succubus didn't know Qin Buyi's inner thoughts, and was still actively flirting.


Before he finished speaking, Qin Buyi was ready to directly eliminate this scourge!

With the female succubus, he could still listen to a few words patiently, but the male succubus felt sick to his stomach after hearing a single word.

"Killing, Seizing Life, Instant Slashing!"


A finger-thick purple thunderbolt fell out of nowhere on the head of this male succubus in the middle stage of the Pure Yang Wonderland.


After the male succubus suffered such a blow, his body aged rapidly.

"Killing · Execution · Instant Slash!"


A bright moon rose slowly, and countless killing blades condensed in it.

These killing blades are attacking the male succubus...

"Chi~!" "Chi~!"


When the full moon dissipated, the male succubus was completely beheaded by Qin Buyi.

After beheading the male succubus, Qin Buyi did not stay in the fourth planet world.

As a man, especially a normal man, Qin Buyi doesn't quite understand those men with special hobbies.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers of the First Army of the Heavenly Court said one after another:

"I know I've seen a female succubus before, but this is the first time I've seen a male succubus!"

"What an embarrassment to us men!"

"Such a man can't be called a man at all!"

"It's no wonder that Emperor Qin chopped him off, I want to chop him too!"  …

Arriving in front of the fifth grain of dust, Qin Buyi landed on it with the killing blade in his hand.

"Clang~!" "Boom~!"

After the loud noise, a lovely and pitiful woman appeared in front of Qin Buyi.

The woman's eye circles were red, as if she had just been bullied.

Seeing Qin Buyi, the woman said, "Husband, you are here~"

Qin Buyi: "..."

What kind of tiger wolf word is this! What kind of conversation is this!

What husband, he doesn't know the person across from him at all.

Fortunately, Sha Shengren followed him day and night, otherwise how would he and Honglian explain this matter...

At this moment, Qin Buyi really wanted to ask, could there be a normal devil on this horse.

Are these monsters here to exercise and challenge his endurance?

Why is one more weird than the other!

Qin Buyi slowly raised the killing blade

, decided to completely kill this female devil who called her husband!

Seeing Qin Buyi's actions, the woman hurriedly said, "Husband, don't you remember me..."

Following the woman's words, some memories appeared in Qin Buyi's mind out of thin air, and these memories were all about the past with the woman in front of him.

All kinds of loving scenes and so on, just when Qin Buyi was about to smash the memories that did not belong to him in his mind.

A cold snort sounded in his mind, and all the pictures disappeared in an instant.

Needless to say who is the owner of this cold snort, it must be Honglian!

Qin Buyi looked at the woman in front of him with a half-smile, for he already roughly understood the other party's methods.

It is similar to illusion, but it is more advanced than illusion, and can affect people's memory.

If Qin Buyi hadn't been so resolute, and his combat power had been weaker, he might have fallen for her.

But now, before Qin Buyi could do it himself, Honglian broke the opponent's spell.

The opponent's biggest reliance has been completely useless.

Realizing that her method hadn't worked, the woman said with a look of astonishment: " is it possible!"

What answered her was the killing blade in Qin Buyi's hand.

"Killing, Sky, Instant Slash!"


A sword light with the power of the sky fell on the woman.

This woman is Qin Buyi's opponent in the middle stage of Chunyang Wonderland.

"Chi~!" "Bang~!"


The woman's body was completely shattered under the attack of the power of the sky!

Qin Buyi said: "The fifth planet is finished, there are two more."

For the remaining two planetary worlds, Qin Buyi prayed in his heart for two normal monsters.

Don't always come to this kind of monster who challenges people's patience.

Perhaps it was feeling Qin Buyi's thoughts when Qin Buyi opened the world of the sixth planet.

What he was facing was still a devil who didn't look very smart.

The devil was dressed as a peddler, and he said to Qin Buyi with a street-smart smile, "My lord, you saved me, why don't we make a deal!"

Qin Buyi wanted to refuse at first, but then decided to see what kind of medicine the other party was selling in his gourd.

Qin Buyi said: "What deal?"

The devil dressed as a merchant said: "Let me go, I will remember your great kindness for the rest of my life, what do you think?"

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