The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 1353: One Against Four (1)

Adhering to the word Congxin, Chengye gave up unrealistic ideas.

The news that the master of the Chengye Starfield surrendered quickly spread to the other five medium-sized starfields.

These five medium-sized star domains scolded the master of Chengye star domain for his spinelessness!

"The Lord of the Chengye Starfield used to think he was a man, but now I look at it this way! This is a softie!"

"Hmph! You're still a softie! Not even a softie! If I were in the southern star field, I would definitely fight that Emperor Qin! Why didn't he dare to fight Qin Emperor after he became a career?"

"That is to say, the Lord of the Southern Star Region still has the backbone!"

"I personally declare unilaterally that from today onwards, the Lord of the Southern Starfield will be my role model in life!"...

The most scolded here is the Lord of the Southern Starfield.

The reason why he scolded so harshly was because Qin Buyi led an army towards the southern star field...

The master of the southern star field sent a voice transmission to the other four masters of the star field, wanting to show that they are united to deal with Qin Buyi.

However, the reply given by the four star field masters was to let the southern star field masters test the depth of Qin Buyi by themselves!

In order to make the Lord of the Southern Starfield speechless, these four Lords of the Starfield deliberately used the words of the Lord of the Southern Starfield just now to block him.

What kind of backbone... a role model and so on! The Lord of the Southern Star Territory was a little speechless!

Lord of the southern star field: "..."

This plot and routine are so familiar, isn't this stepping on a horse the routine used by the Lord of Chengye Starfield before!

"These grandsons are still testing the depth of Emperor Qin? What a test!"

"People's combat power has exploded, and the strength of Tribulation Immortal Realm is complete!"

"I stepped on the horse in the late stage of the Tribulation of Immortal Realm, and successfully confronted the Tribulation of Immortal Realm? Unless I have lost my mind, it is impossible!"

"Hmph! If you are not benevolent, don't blame me for being unrighteous! If the master of the Chengye Starfield can surrender, I can too!"...

At this moment, the master of the southern star field has completely forgotten the matter of scolding the master of the Chengye star field.

It's as if he wasn't the one who scolded the master of Chengye Starfield for not daring to fight Qin Buyi.

Backbone is a strange thing to say, when things are not your turn, everyone has a lot of backs!

but things

Once it's your turn, backbone? It doesn't exist at all!

My life is gone, and I still have a backbone to use as a fart!

Anyway, there is a lesson learned from the surrender of the master of the Chengye star field, and the master of the south star field has no psychological burden on voluntary surrender.

When Qin Buyi and the army arrived in the southern star field, Qin Lin hadn't waited for Qin Lin to speak.

The Lord of Yinan Starfield took the initiative to appear in front of Qin Buyi and said, "I am the Lord of Yinan Starfield, and I have met Emperor Qin!"

Qin Buyi looked at the Lord of the Southern Starfield who showed up actively and said with great interest: "Master of the Southern Starfield, could it be that you are also here to negotiate terms with me?"

The Lord of the Southern Starfield shook his head and said, "Emperor Qin, I didn't come to negotiate terms with you."

"I'm here to voluntarily surrender and surrender! My requirements are not high, as long as you can treat me like the master of Chengye Starfield."

In the mind of the Lord of the South Starfield, Qin Buyi must have paid a high price for the surrender of the Lord of the Chengye Starfield!

Although I don't know what the price is, it is definitely right to demand the same treatment as the master of Chengye Starfield.

Qin Buyi looked at the Lord of the Southern Starfield with a half-smile and said, "Are you sure?"

The Lord of the Southern Starfield said without any hesitation: "Of course I am sure!"

Half a cup of tea time passed, and Qin Buyi imposed the same restrictions on the Lord of the South Starfield as the Lord of the Chengye Starfield.

The Lord of the Southern Star Territory said with some grief and indignation: "Emperor Qin, what do you mean by that!"

Qin Buyi asked with a strange face: "Didn't you ask to be the same as the master of Chengye Starfield? That's what I did to him..."

In order to convince the master of the southern star field, Qin Buyi also specially explained the process of how to subdue the master of the star field of Chengye.

After listening to the Lord of the Southern Starfield, he immediately understood.

The emotional horse is not bought with a high price, but is forced to succumb under the threat of life!

It's a pity that it was too late for the Lord of the Southern Star Territory to understand this!

He jumped into the fire pit on his own initiative, no wonder Qin Buyi looked at him with that expression.

The lord of the southern star field, who understood the cause and effect of the incident, did not have the courage to repent.

Faced with a strong man like Qin Buyi who backtracked, he would have to pay the price of his life!

That's it, Southern Starfield

Soon it was fully accepted by Qin Buyi.

Leaving 50 billion soldiers of the First Army of Heaven, Qin Buyi led the rest of the army towards the Yongan Starfield...

At this time, the remaining four medium-sized star field masters are gathering in Yong'an Star Field to discuss how to deal with Qin Buyi together.

Through the two masters of the Chengye Starfield and the South Starfield, the remaining four have already understood that if they use others as guns.

It is estimated that they will be broken one by one in the end! At that time, there is no way to face Qin Buyi.

"When the four of us gather together, we must first clarify one purpose, that is, we must not surrender at any time!"

"That's for sure! Now we have a total of two Tribulation Immortal Realm Consummation and two Tribulation Immortal Realm Late Stages. I don't believe we can't deal with that Emperor Qin!"

"Hmph! Since Emperor Qin has such a big appetite, he must let him know that sometimes too much appetite is not a good thing!"

"Okay, the latest information, Emperor Qin and his army are already very close to the Yong'an Starfield, everyone get ready."  …

When Qin Buyi led the army to the Yong'an Starfield, Qin Buyi felt attacks from all directions before he could take any action.

"Ambush me? You deserve it too!"

Qin Buyi Setsuna reacted immediately, and drew out the killing blade to fight back.

"Killing · Yin Yang Fall · Instant Slash!"


A yin and yang aura appeared out of thin air, offsetting all the attacks that were about to fall on Qin Buyi.

Qin Buyi looked at the four strong men from the Immortal Tribulation Realm on the opposite side, and said, "How courageous! How dare you ambush me!"

"Killing · Death Realm · Blood Realm!"

A truly independent space envelops Qin Buyi and the four powerhouses.

The four attacked without saying a word, with no intention of surrendering at all.

Even if the four of them were defeated and wanted to surrender later, Qin Buyi would not give them another chance.

One of Qin Buyi's principles is that anyone who makes a move against him will never die!

The four strong men felt the terrifying killing intent coming from Qin Buyi, and looked at Qin Buyi cautiously.

Qin Buyi looked at the two late-stage powerhouses in the Tribulation of Immortal Realm who were the weakest, and said, "You two will fall first!"

"Killing, Immortal Ghost, Naihe, Huangquan, Netherworld!"

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