The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 1365: Little White Dragon Marries A Wife (2)

Ao Lie looked at his father curiously and said, "Father, what task?"

The Dragon King of the West Sea said: "Go and search for the ugliest monsters in the water system."

Ao Lie's eyes lit up when he heard this, he looked up and down at the Dragon King of the West Sea and said, "Father, I never expected that your taste has evolved into this after so many years!!!"

"Could it be that those beautiful ones are not satisfied..."

"Bang~!" Before he finished speaking, Ao Lie was slapped on the pillar again by the Dragon King of the West Sea.

This time, the Dragon King of Xihai attacked much harder than last time, and it took a long time for Ao Lie to recover from the beating.

Ao Lie said with a bit of aggrieved tone: "Father, are you being beaten now to tell the truth?"

The Dragon King of the West Sea said: "Your father and I are such an image in your heart? You bastard!"

"Listen well, my request is to be the ugliest monster in the water demon clan, as ugly as it is, it's best for people to forget all the good things in the world once they see it!"

"It's better to scare me so hard that my heart is pounding~"

Ao Lie looked at the Dragon King of the West Sea and said, "Father, should I say it or not, your cultivation level wants to make your heart pound, how ugly it is..."

The Dragon King of the West Sea said: "It's just such a small request, get out, and find this monster clan for me within three days!"

"If you don't satisfy me, you kid will be miserable!"

Ao Lie looked at the mouth of the Dragon King of the West Sea with a pervasive smile, shuddered and said, "Okay, I know my father! I'm sure you will be satisfied!"

This time Ao Lie didn't wait for the Dragon King of the West Sea to beat him, so he left the Dragon Palace of the West Sea like the wind and fled...

The Dragon King of Xihai watched Ao Lie run away, and said in a low voice: "This brat is getting more and more out of plastic surgery, dare to tease his father like that?"

"Hmph~ This time it's better to have you!"

For his own son, the Dragon King of the West Sea, it is clear that he has never spared no effort in cheating his father!

Now that Ao Lie has been misunderstood, it might not be a bad thing!

Immediately afterwards, the Dragon King of the West Sea recruited shrimp soldiers and crab generals and said: "Go and assist the third prince to search for the ugliest water-type monster clan."

"Remember, weed out those who are beautiful, those who are average-looking, those who are not ugly, and those who are too ugly..."

Shrimp soldiers and crab generals were stunned when they heard the order from the Dragon King of the West Sea. What are their inner thoughts at this moment?

Almost the same as Ao Lie.

"Dragon Lord, is this crazy...Although I know that I have some lust for beauty on weekdays, but the angle of evolution is not right."

"The more people are greedy for beauty, the more they like it. Lord Dragon, the more greedy for beauty, the more perverted he is!"

"Don't talk about it, even a pervert like me thinks that the Dragon Lord's game is a bit gimmicky!"

"Maybe... this is the happiness of the strong! But I don't want to experience this kind of happiness. What makes the Dragon Lord so distorted? Is it loneliness or love?"...

With this strange idea in mind, the shrimp soldiers and crabs left the West Sea Dragon Palace and began to search for the ugliest water monsters.

Speaking of the third prince of the Xihai Dragon Clan, after leaving the West Sea Dragon Palace, he began to search for the news in his mind.

But after a search, Ao Lie didn't even know much about the beautiful water monsters, let alone the ugly ones.

Unlike other dragon clans, Ao Lie has little interest in reproduction...

With such a big body, Ao Lie is still a virgin!

His biggest hobbies on weekdays are dancing knives and guns, eating and drinking, etc.

"Dad gave me a problem this time, his taste was not like this in the past."

"How can you cheat him? The water-type monster is so disgusting that he can talk about it. No wonder I am still the third prince. He is the Dragon King of the West Sea Dragon Palace."

"Just based on this, I'm not as good as him!" Ao Lie said, slandering his father.

Usually when he cheated, he cheated with his strength.

But today, in this regard, he wanted to cheat his father, and it was really a bit... strenuous!

In the final analysis, in one sentence, strength does not allow it!

Suddenly, Ao Lie's eyes lit up: "I'm not good at this matter, but it doesn't mean that other dragons in the Dragon Clan are not good at it."

"This group of guys are experts in this field! I can't guarantee which one of them is better... so what?"

Soon Ao Lie sent messages to his distant relatives, probably asking them if they knew about the uglier water monsters.

Soon Ao Lie waited for a reply.

The eldest prince of Nanhai said: "Brother Ao Lie, I remember that you have always been not good at beauty, why did you suddenly become enlightened?"

The Great Prince of Beihai: "Ao Lie, this honest man

After the orifice, is it so scary? Does the taste have to be so heavy? "

Prince Xihai: "My poor dear brother, the big brother has been sorry for you all these years, I promise I will take you with me when I spend my days and nights in the future!"

The eldest prince of the East China Sea: "Ao Lie, what~ I, a pervert, think you're a pervert! Don't bring such a pervert!"

The Second Prince of Beihai: "My brother from far away, do you know that you messed with your father like this? Can he agree? Or is there already a wave of this trend in the West Sea Dragon Palace?"

Third Prince of the South China Sea: "I've made up my mind, I'm going to live in the West Sea for a while, not for anything else, just to learn this new trend!"


Ao Lie looked at the news sent by his relatives and fell into deep thought.

After contemplation, the honest man burst out.

Ao Lie roared on the spot: "I don't want this, it's my father who needs it!"

Immediately afterwards, Ao Lie said with blank eyes: "It's over! It's over! Now my reputation is ruined!"

"I originally wanted to be a clean stream in the dragon clan, but now it has become a stream in the same stream."

"It's so hard to be a dragon! It's so hard to be a man, it's too hard to be a dragon!"...

West Sea Dragon Palace.

The eldest prince of Xihai found the Dragon King of Xihai and said, "Father, I just received news from my third brother, and I think it is necessary for us to correct the third brother's thinking!"

The Dragon King of the West Sea said: "Thought correction? Your third brother doesn't seem to have any bad things besides being a womanizer."

"If it's about beauty, don't correct it, it's easy to overcorrect."

Prince Xihai said: "Father, it's completely contrary to what you think. It's not that the third brother is not a womanizer, he is too much a womanizer!"

"Maybe it's because of some recent stimulation. He actually just told me that he wants to find a particularly ugly water-type monster, so ugly that it would scare a dragon when he meets him!"

"Isn't this a bit scary! He hasn't opened his mind for many years, and now he's going to play crit as soon as he opens his mind!"

"I suspect that years of abstinent life caused an irreversible conflict between him and the power of the dragon blood in his body, which is why the third brother became like this."

"We can't let the third brother continue to develop like this, otherwise if I see my younger brother and sister in the future... Ugh~ no, I feel a little disgusted when I talk about it."

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