The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 1367: Little White Dragon Marries A Wife (Supplementary One)

The First Prince Xihai spoke at this time, and took out a set of Dahongpao from behind.

Those who don't say a word have to wear it on Ao Lie's body.

Ao Lie hadn't reacted at this time, and said suspiciously: "Brother, you have mistaken the person, it is father who needs it, not me!"

Prince Xihai said: "Third brother, I'm not mistaken, it's you!"

Ao Lie: "???"

At this moment, Ao Lie looked around and suddenly realized something was wrong.

If the Dragon King of the West Sea concubine specifications must be lower than the current scene.

According to the number of various decorations and things, an idea emerged in Ao Lie's mind: "Isn't this a ceremony for us dragon sons to marry their real wives!"

Ao Lie is no stranger to this ritual, his elder brother and second elder brother both used this ritual.

Now this ritual has appeared again, and there is only one wife... Elder Brother and Eldest Brother are no longer needed, and he is the only one who meets the requirements in the West Sea Dragon Palace!

During Setsuna, Ao Lie understood!

No matter how stupid he is, he still knows that he is being tricked by his father!

Looking back at his father with a smirk on his face, Ao Lie said in a sad and angry voice, "Father, I'm your son, why are you cheating me like this?"

The Dragon King of the West Sea said: "Hey~ If you weren't my son, I wouldn't have given you such a great deed!"

Ao Lie didn't say anything, just ran away!

What a joke, don't say that he is not close to women, even if he is really addicted to women, he absolutely cannot accept this!

Affecting the next generation is a matter of certainty, the most important thing is pain!

"Boss, catch him! Don't let him escape!" Said the Dragon King of the West Sea.

As soon as the words fell, the First Prince Xihai grabbed Ao Lie and said, "Third Brother, I'm sorry for you!"

After being caught, Ao Lie couldn't break free, and said with fire in his eyes: "Brother, our brothers usually have a deep relationship, you can't push my brother into the fire pit like this!"

Prince Xihai said: "Third son, father said, if I let you run away, the sibling you found will be my concubine!"

"Big brother is really not blessed to enjoy this kind of extreme food, so please let the younger brother enjoy it by himself."

"You found this thing back, you should dispose of it internally, don't harm me!"

At this time, there is nothing else

Whatever is used, in the happiness of the second half of his life and Ao Lie's happiness in the second half of his life.

Prince Xihai decisively chose to protect himself!

The brotherhood is very strong, but there is also time to score!

As the First Prince Xihai himself said, this "work of art" was recovered by Ao Lie.

Ao Lie should digest it internally...

Ao Lie struggled and said: "Brother, you let me go! This is not a matter of internal digestion!"

"That bastard dad didn't make any serious arrangements, you let him digest it! I'm a young dragon who has never touched a beauty, don't trick me like this!"

At this time, the Dragon King of Xihai came to Ao Lie who was struggling constantly, stretched out his hand and tapped Ao Lie several times.

Temporarily sealed Ao Lie's cultivation base, and then the Dragon King of the West Sea said: "You can let go of the third child now, his cultivation base will not be unlocked in the next twelve hours."

"After twelve hours have passed, the uncooked rice will have been cooked. By that time, the facts will be settled. No matter where the third child goes, it will be a foregone conclusion."

The eldest prince Xihai let go of Ao Lie, stood aside and stopped talking.

Answering the phone at this time is tantamount to causing hatred, brothers will not get along in the future?

Ao Lie also knew in his heart that the root of all this was with the Dragon King of the West Sea, and it was meaningless to vent his anger on his elder brother.

All the anger in his heart was poured on the Dragon King of Xihai by Ao Lie.

Ao Lie glared at his father and said: "Asshole father, am I your son? Isn't it just that I cheated you a few times before! As for revenge!"

The Dragon King of Xihai said indifferently: "It is because you are my son that I put this kind of good thing on you that I can't find with a lantern!"

"This is not revenge, this is... repaying grievances with kindness!"

"Your father and I are essentially a dragon who conquers dragons with virtue!"

Ao Lie tremblingly pointed at the "work of art" and said, "You just subdue the dragon with virtue like this?"

"You are clearly setting me up! You asked me to find it yourself. I entrusted a lot of connections and tried my best to help you find"

Speaking of this, Ao Lie didn't have any particularly appropriate words in his mind.

Gritting his teeth, Ao Lie said directly: "I have worked hard to help you find such a peerless beauty, who is in full bloom

beauty! How dare you treat me like this! "

After these words were spoken, the entire West Sea Dragon Palace fell into silence...

Both those with normal aesthetics and those with abnormal aesthetics said that Ao Lie's remarks simply ruined the three views!

The Dragon King of Xihai laughed dryly and said, "Third son, your father, I never expected you to find such a superb beauty. You have already reached the pinnacle of cheating talent."

"Since you said that this is a peerless beauty and a beauty in her prime, then enter the bridal chamber tonight!"

Ao Lie said sadly and inexplicably: "Father bastard! I..."

In the next quarter of an hour, Ao Lie said all the good things, and also said a lot of threats, such as letting himself into the bridal chamber and immediately blowing himself up, etc.

Facing Ao Lie's words, the Dragon King of Xihai said with a resolute attitude: "Your cultivation base is sealed, and you will explode yourself tomorrow."

"After tonight, everything has become a fact. Are you willing to blow yourself up tomorrow and explain what happened tomorrow?"

"Oh~ By the way, this is the Ye Ming Pearl that the Lord Heavenly Emperor rewarded you before, and I will hang it in your wedding room for you."

"Don't destroy this Ye Ming Pearl, or you won't be able to kill even ten heads..."

Ao Lie listened to the words of the Dragon King of the West Sea, especially the last sentence, and listened to his heart!

Ao Lie thought to himself: "Father bastard, if you really play like this, don't blame me! I would rather die than obey!!"

Soon, Ao Lie and the "work of art" were sent to the wedding room of the newlyweds. The difference was that Ao Lie's cultivation base was sealed, and his mobility was greatly reduced, and he could only maintain normal walking.

And the "work of art"... a silly look, coupled with this "peerless appearance", the wedding room of the newlyweds becomes as scary as a haunted house.

The maids serving outside the wedding room whispered one by one:

"Lord Dragon is really ruthless this time! Sigh~ A dragon who is so handsome and not messing around with the third prince should be acquired by that kind of guy! How angry!"

"Who says it's not! Sigh~ I'll be fine if it's cheaper! How can I say it's a flower in the water!"

"Cut~ is it cheaper for you? If you want me to say that Lele alone is not as good as Lele together, all of us are better than that monster who is cheap!"

"The more I think about it, the angrier I get, I want to go in and stop it, but I'm scared! That monster looks so scary!"...

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