The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 1536 Is Like A Roller Coaster~

Honglian joked: "It turns out that my kiss made your mind go blank!"

Qin Buyi said: "Isn't this not ready yet? I'm ready now. Do you want to do it again?"

Hong Lian said: "Think beautifully!"

Qin Buyi said: "As a man, of course he wants to be more beautiful, otherwise how can he embrace a beauty."

Honglian said: "I heard that most of the roller coasters are used by couples, you..."

Qin Buyi hurriedly said: "I swear to God, I went there by myself!"

There can't be any ambiguity at this critical moment. If this is a little bit ambiguous, it will be a proper Shura field!

Honglian said: "I didn't say anything, why are you so nervous?"


The largest playground in Tianhuang, Qin Buyi and Hong Lian sat on the roller coaster and felt the wind blowing past their ears.

Riding the roller coaster with his beloved goddess made Qin Buyi seem to have returned to the era when he had no cultivation.

The entire playground has been cleared, except for Qin Buyi and Honglian.

As the master of the Little Hongmeng Star Territory, this matter is beyond the trivial.

Send a message to Lan Wenhao, and this kind of thing is completed in minutes.

The entire Xiaohongmeng star field is Qin Buyi's private property, not to mention this playground controlled by the Lan family.

That's one of the benefits of great power!

The tourists who were cleared of these unknown situations said curiously:

"Why did you suddenly announce the clearance today? This kind of thing doesn't happen usually!"

"Some important person must have come here, hehe~ Anyway, I think there is something to eat!"

"Uh, our cultivation base is a little bit stronger than ordinary people, so it's better not to eat melons indiscriminately, or our lives will be in danger."

"Cut~ Everyone has a curious mind, so why not be curious in my heart?"...

With this kind of curiosity, they quickly learned the reason for clearing the field, and then stood on the spot as if struck by lightning.

"Damn it! It's Lord Qin Emperor...I never expected this!"

"Who would have thought that such a powerful existence as Lord Qin Emperor would come here!"

"I missed it, I missed it! If I had known that Lord Qin Emperor was coming, I might be able to win his old man's favor if I behaved better!


"Go, go, Lord Qin Emperor is very young! That is to say, those of you who have not yet grown hair are called Lord Qin Emperor!"


On the roller coaster, Honglian said to Qin Buyi: "The topics discussed by those low-level monks are really interesting."

In Honglian's view, things like clearing the field are perfectly normal, and this is naturally brought about by the improvement of status, vision and knowledge.

If it was the kind of woman who didn't have any knowledge, she would definitely say the last sentence, wouldn't it be too solemn.

That's the difference between the two.

The same is true in Qin Buyi's mind. Not to mention emptying out a playground, it is not a big deal to empty out a planet world.

Qin Buyi smiled and said: "The behavior of those low-level monks is called eating melons."

"Haha, the people who eat melons have all sorts of weird ideas. You have to listen to them or listen to them all. I just ignore them on weekdays."

Honglian teased: "Master Qin Di said such a thing, I thought there would be some famous epigram at the end, but I didn't expect to ignore it in the end. It really makes people wonder how they should feel."

Qin Buyi said: "I have always been a hands-off shopkeeper when it comes to managing subordinates, so I naturally ignore some things."

If Lan Wenhao, Ying Zhi, Su He heard what Qin Buyi said, they would definitely agree with it.

This is indeed the case, Qin Buyi is the shopkeeper, as long as there is no trouble in Xiaohongmeng Starfield, basically the three of them will manage it.

The three of them didn't dare to say something that must be heard or not listened to as Qin Buyi did, and they ignored it in the end.

If Lan Wenhao and the others ignore the thoughts and feelings of the creatures in the Little Hongmeng star field, there will definitely be a big mess.

Qin Buyi's command is not a tyrant rule model, and has always been biased towards Blue Star's public opinion management.

Only when it is irreversible will it be suppressed by force, otherwise, the thoughts and opinions of every living being are still respected on weekdays.

In the final analysis, this is all brought about by status.

Qin Buyi's lofty status and absolute strength ensured that he would have the confidence to do so.

But the next level, it can't be like this!

On the roller coaster, Qin Buyi and Hong Lian talked a lot and talked a lot.

Unknowingly, two people are transferred from the roller coaster

On the Ferris wheel, the weather also changed from day to night.

Qin Buyi asked a question that he wanted to ask all the time today: "Honglian, why do you want to..."

Before finishing speaking, Honglian said: "You want to ask me why I kissed you, right?"

Qin Buyi said: "Yes."

There is still half a sentence behind, which Qin Buyi did not say in his mind.

This half sentence is, even if you kiss, it's still French!

Hmm~ Strictly speaking, Qin Buyi's first kiss is gone.

Qin Buyi didn't suffer, anyway, he wasn't the only one who lost his first kiss, didn't Honglian give him this too.

I was kissed by Honglian before, but that was just superficial, how can it be like this time...

Honglian said: "There is no way, who made Lord Qin's charm increase day by day, all these beautiful women around you are interested in you."

"If I don't take another action, won't someone snatch you away?"

Qin Buyi said: "How can it be! My devotion to you is a lesson from heaven and earth!"

Honglian itself is not a feudal and conservative existence. After living for so many years, her intelligence and wisdom are no less than those of the sages who are good at planning.

Honglian will still try her best to satisfy Qin Buyi's desire for a long time.

Of course, you won't be satisfied all at once, and the principle of steady flow is not outdated in love.

She has a good impression of Qin Buyi, which means that Honglian will not put her position above her.

The most important thing about forming a Taoist couple is to treat each other equally.

Acting as if you are not eating fireworks will only attract the disgust of the other party!

Honglian said: "Is there a lesson to be learned from the world? Only you know it in your heart. Can I still dig out your heart to see if it works?"

Qin Buyi said: "Honglian, don't misunderstand Ao! We get along day and night, and you can see everything I do, and I don't have such suspicions."

Hong Lian burst into laughter and said, "I'm kidding, I think it scared you."

"How can the man I kill Honglian like be the kind of playboy?"

Qin Buyi breathed a sigh of relief: "Honglian, don't tease me like this next time."

Honglian said: "This is the reward I gave you, do you still like it?"

Qin Buyi said: "I like it, I want to ask in the future... is there any more?"

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