The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 1617 Then Solve The Problem Maker

This discussion directly made these powerful Chaos Protoss target Qin Buyi.

No way, the other party is really annoying!

Destroying the plans of the Chaos Protoss again and again, this annoying existence, if it can be solved, everyone will be happy!

For the Chaos Protoss at these powerful levels, there are very few external incarnations of Qin Buyi's level, even the Emperor of Heaven.

After beheading him, the Heavenly Emperor faced two choices, either to end the deity, or to wait and see.

The possibility of this deity's end is too small, is it really a saint on the side of the road?

A sage also wants to save face, such a trivial matter will end up with the deity, and it will inevitably make people laugh behind their backs.

Moreover, the Journey to the West plan itself was not proposed by Honghuangtianting, it was proposed by Western religion.

If Haotian was an incarnation outside his body, jumping back and forth like this would be to the maximum extent.

If the real deity ends up, won't people say that this is to attract saints and saints Zhunti to work?

Once this kind of reputation is spread, it will also damage the supreme majesty of the Great Desolate Heavenly Court.

Based on the above contents, these Chaos Protoss high-skilled figures judged that Haotian would not end in person at all.

The same is true from Haotian's point of view.

If he ended up in person, it would be equivalent to blocking the Chaos Protoss' hope of participating in the Journey to the West plan.

One hundred percent, the opponent will jump over the wall in a hurry and attack Honghuang directly and forcibly.

After all, if there is no Journey to the West project, and if there is no approval from the Dao of Heaven, then wait a fart and start the war directly.

Jiutianhuang quickly received replies from these powerful figures from the Chaos Protoss.

"Will you send me some Liangyi Daojing? To hold back or even kill the incarnation of the Emperor?"

"The strength of the incarnation outside the emperor's body is unfathomable. How can it be possible to hold back the opponent if you give me some Liangyi Daojing?"

"Isn't this just teasing me!"

Jiutianhuang complained in her heart, and didn't take this matter into her heart at all.

In her mind, it is very, very difficult to hold the incarnation outside the body of the Emperor of Heaven, let alone beheading him.

Some Liangyi Dao Realms are simply unable to complete this task.

Soon, the additional Chaos Protoss of the Liangyi Dao Realm arrived.

Jiutianhuang was a little dumbfounded looking at the thousands of Chaos Protoss in Liangyi Dao Realm in front of him.

"That's what you said to me? Isn't this a bit too much!"

Jiutianhuang originally thought that what the Chaos Protoss said was just a few dozen people.

Unexpectedly, this number has directly increased by nearly a hundred times, and it has become thousands of people!

"With these thousands of Liangyi Taoists, it shouldn't be a problem to hold back the incarnation of Emperor Tiandi and even kill him!"

This is not because of Jiutianhuang's self-confidence, but in the face of absolute numbers, unless she has absolute power, everything will be futile.

Jiutianhuang looked at these thousands of Liangyi Taoists and said: "For a while, you are cultivating here, and I will assign tasks to you in a few days."

These thousands of Liangyi Daojing said: "Yes! Saintess! We will definitely go all out to complete the mission assigned by the Saintess! Let the incarnation of the Emperor Tiantian fall completely!"

"Hmph, isn't it just an incarnation of the Emperor of Heaven, who dares to stop my God Clan's plan many times? It's an unforgivable crime!"

"With so many of us here, it is a foregone conclusion that the Heavenly Emperor's incarnation will fall. I don't believe that he can turn against the sky!"

"If you want to shake the sky, you have to see if you have the ability! When the time comes, we will all go up together!"

, Absolutely let the incarnation of the Emperor of Heaven die without a place to bury him! "


Jiutianhuang looked at these Chaos Protoss of Liangyi Dao Realm who were full of confidence and nodded.

She was so confident at the beginning, but after being beaten by Qin Buyi, she lost all confidence.

Not only do I lack self-confidence now, but sometimes I even have doubts about my life.

This has nothing to do with xinxing, it's purely a subconscious reaction.

"It would be great if I could be so confident now!" Jiutianhuang thought secretly.

These Chaotic Protoss of Liangyi Dao Realm were full of self-confidence, and Jiutianhuang did not hit the opponent's self-confidence.

She was also secretly looking forward to beheading the incarnation of the Emperor of Heaven this time.

"As long as the incarnation of the Emperor of Heaven falls, our future tasks will definitely be very easy!"

"Huh! If that annoying guy didn't stop me again and again, the mission I performed would have been successful."...

Western religion.

The leading sage and the Zhunti sage looked at each other and smiled.

Zhunti Shengren said: "I'll just say that the method the two of us proposed to Jin Chanzi is the most effective!"

"What kind of meritorious golden lotus do you want? If that thing, Jin Chanzi, dies, it will be completely lost!"

"We in the Western religion are not very rich. Although the power of the Ninth Grade Golden Lotus is not as good as before, it is still very correct that a lean camel is bigger than a horse."

Jieyin Shengren said: "Then Haotian is willing to worry about our Western Sect's Westward Journey plan, so let him worry about it."

"If he worries more, we don't worry less! Where can we find such a good thing as a shopkeeper who throws his hands away?"

Zhunti Shengren said: "That's right, this Haotian is willing to worry more, so let him worry about it."

"After waiting for the end of Journey to the West, let's invite Haotian to the banquet."

Jieyin Shengren said: "That's a great word! Now I'm a little curious about where the force that attacked Jin Chanzi is from?"

"It's really courageous to take action against our Saint Master!"

Zhunti Shengren said: "I don't have a clue yet, I have been investigating secretly."

"It's a pity that after investigating for so long, no useful information came out."

"One thing, we can't find much information here, but Tiandi Haotian has a lot of detailed information!"

"How about we find a time to ask Di Haotian that day?"

Jieyin Shengren said: "If we ask him, he may not tell us everything."

"He is now so actively intervening in our Journey to the West plan, he must know something."

"But there are only so many rewards in Journey to the West, so it must have nothing to do with the rewards."

"Since it has nothing to do with the reward, what do you think it has to do with it, Junior Brother Zhunti?"

Zhunti Saint immediately took it up: "It has nothing to do with rewards, so it has something to do with Honghuang's safety?"

Jieyin sage said: "I think so, otherwise why is Haotian so active?"

As expected of a saint, even without any specific information, he was able to explain the essence of this matter.

Zhunti Shengren said: "Receive senior brother, what should we do?"

Jieyin Shengren said: "Then Haotian is still unwilling to tell us the truth of the matter, we just wait."

"Waiting for the day when he either sorts things out or tells us the truth."

Zhunti Shengren said: "Forget it, I suddenly don't want to know what is behind this matter."

Just quoted what the sage said

Words inevitably make people have to think deeply.

What does it mean to either settle things one day or tell them the truth?

On the day when I really tell them the truth of the matter, this matter will be too troublesome!

Just imagine, how serious is something that even a powerful saint like Haotian can't solve?

If you really tell them, it is estimated that it will be the time of life and death for the prehistoric people.


Time passed leisurely, and a month passed in a blink of an eye.

During this month, Jin Chanzi said a few words to himself from time to time, and then replied a few words.

At least that's how it looks in the eyes of other creatures.

"Benefactor, do you think they will come again in the future? It will take a long time for me to arrive at Wuzhishan."

"What, you said they will definitely come again, now I have to trouble the benefactor again!"...

Many monster races that have developed spiritual wisdom looked at Jin Chanzi, who was talking to himself and looked insane, and gathered together after he left to discuss in a low voice:

"Is there something wrong with that bald head just now? Could it be that he was driven crazy by something? Why do you talk to yourself, and show some happy or fearful expressions on your face from time to time?"

"There must be something wrong with him! Otherwise, how could it be such an attitude, such a faulty human race, you must not eat it! Listen to my grandpa, eat this kind of fool will become stupid!"

"My grandpa is different from what you said. My grandpa said that such fools are easy to deceive. Although they will become stupid after eating, they are the best source of food when there is no food!"

"No, no, no! I want to be a smart monster, and such a thing as being stupid must never happen to me! I would rather starve to death than become stupid! This is my principle!"...

Jin Chanzi was walking in the distance, his expression suddenly froze.

Even though his cultivation base is not high now, compared to those little monsters who have just developed their intelligence, he is much stronger.

He listened clearly and carefully to the discussions of these little monsters gathered together.

"These little monsters who have just developed their spiritual intelligence actually say that about me! It's unreasonable! It's simply unreasonable!"

"Hmph! I'm going to eat meat today! It's the first time in my life to eat the meat of the Kaikai Lingzhi Yaozu. I don't know what it tastes like!"

Qin Buyi's laughter rang in Jin Chanzi's ears: "Calm down, calm down! How do these little demons know that you are the second disciple of the sage?"

"But your behavior just now really looks like a fool to these little demons!"

"Let's go, let's continue on our way to Wuzhi Mountain."

Jin Chanzi said: "Isn't it because the benefactor doesn't want to show up to walk with me? Sigh~ forget it, I'm used to it."

This happened many times a month.

Jin Chanzi is angry, but he doesn't really care about anything with these little monsters.

The status and status are here, if he cares about something for such a trivial matter, wouldn't it make people laugh?

Qin Buyi didn't intend to pay attention to Jin Chanzi at the beginning, but he couldn't help this snarky person calling himself hundreds of times a day.

"Benefactor, are you there? Are you there?"

"Benefactor... I know you are in the dark, you see how lonely I am on this journey, let's chat for a while!"

"Benefactor, as a strong person, we should be good at talking! What do you think?"

"Teacher Jieyin told me a long time ago that you will protect me secretly, you don't need to show up, let's just chat for a while!"...

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