The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 1702 The Value Of The Cassock!

This can't help but make Qin Buyi feel that time and space are disordered.

"Heavenly Emperor, this is my strongest sword, your incarnation outside the body will definitely fall under this sword!"

Luo Yuan's voice reached Qin Buyi's ears.

Qin Buyi said: "The strongest sword... It's not me who dies, but you!"

"Killing·Slaughter·Pujue...Magic Rebellion·Lucky·Lucky!"...

"Zheng~!" "Zheng~!" "Zheng~!"...

The blade of the killing blade vibrated slightly, and the resounding sound of the blade resounded throughout the world.

A horrifying aura that made people desperate to suffocate gushed out.

Death, killing, cold, gloomy...

Luo Yuanshou felt the brunt of this breath.

At this moment, Luo Yuan only felt that he was standing in a sea of ​​corpses and blood, and Qin Buyi was the master who created this sea of ​​corpses and blood!

Looking at Qin Buyi's figure like a mountain looking up, Luo Yuan looked pale and said:

"What kind of knife technique is this!"

He is now full of greetings, doubts, and puzzles in his mind!

At this moment, Luo Yuan wanted to know very much why he was not as powerful as the opponent after he had cast the strongest sword!

If the other party's deity came, Luo Yuan felt that he could accept the failure.

Right now, the opponent's strength level is the same as his own in the early stage of the four-element realm, and he is still not as good as him...

"Heavenly Emperor... Saint... Is it really so powerful?"

The thoughts in Luo Yuan's mind kept churning.

"Boom~!" "Boom~!" "Boom~!"...

A sound of thunder emerged.

Thirty huge seven-color thunderbolts formed above Luo Yuan's head.

The seven-color thunder fell towards Luo Yuan with an unparalleled aura.

"Boom~!" "Boom~!"


In an instant, Luo Yuan was completely enveloped by the seven-color thunder.

His position formed a sea of ​​thunder.

Lei Hai held on for a full quarter of an hour before slowly dispersing.

After the thunder sea dissipated, Luo Yuanqi was like a gossamer, and he had reached the state of exhaustion!

He struggled to open his eyes and looked at Qin Buyi, "Heavenly Emperor, why am I... not as good as you..."

Qin Buyi didn't speak, Luo Yuan already had an answer to this question in his heart.

It's just that the other party has been unwilling to accept the reality.

Why not as good as Qin Buyi? In the final analysis, it is because of one's own strength

Not strong enough!

No strong man who is confident in his own strength will willingly admit this, and Luo Yuan is no exception.

If he admits that he is not as powerful as Qin Buyi, then he will deny everything he has cultivated so hard all the way!


Without Qin Buyi's reply, Luo Yuan fell completely in the next moment!

Looking at Luo Yuan who turned into ashes, Qin Buyi said:

"Your failure lies in being too confident in your own strength!"

This is almost a common problem of all strong people, it is a very contradictory paradox.

The strong must naturally have an invincible heart.

This invincible heart can only be described in eight words, the best in the world, no one else!

Without the heart of a strong man, it is impossible to go all the way to the current level of cultivation!

But it is precisely because of this strong heart that many practitioners deliberately ignore many things!

Because they are afraid that this will affect their strong heart, and they are also afraid that they will be devastated!

Qin Buyi also has the heart of a strong man, but he also has a heart of modesty and prudence.

There are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky.

Sometimes it is a good thing to be confident in yourself, it can make people keep moving forward.

But self-confidence can sometimes become a stumbling block, especially at certain moments, it is more terrifying than bringing your own!

Self-willed people often end and end badly, which is overconfidence.

The space ring left by Luo Yuan and the space rings of many chaotic protoss were all thrown into the system mall by Qin Buyi for recycling.

【Ding! Item value calculation...]

[Calculation completed, total value: 8 million super points. 】

"Yes, this time the small goal I set has been exceeded."

A look of joy appeared on Qin Buyi's face, no one would think that he had too much money. Biqu library

Qin Buyi is no exception.

Counting these 8 million super points, the balance of super points in the system mall became 22.79 million.

"By the way, there's also that precious cassock... This kind of treasure is not cheap! It's a bit of a loss to just replace it with super points."

After thinking about it, Qin Buyi decided to find the system to exchange things.

" system..."

Accompanied by Qin Buyi's call, the voice of the system appeared on Qin Buyi's

Not easy to ear:

[Vegetarian chicken host, why call for a great system? 】

Qin Buyi automatically ignores the four words "Vegetable Chicken Host", but directly gets to the point:

"System, I want to barter this precious cassock with you. What good things can you come up with?"

The system said in surprise: [Host, I didn't expect you to be such a thug now! 】

[In exchange for something, you can just throw this thing into the mall for recycling! 】

Qin Buyi said: "Come on, don't think that I don't understand the value of this precious cassock."

"It's hard to find this kind of thing. It's a bit of a loss to throw it directly into the system mall and exchange it for super points."

"Do you have anything good here, let's change it directly."

The system pondered for a moment and said: [Chicken thief host, I have two choices here. 】

[One is to exempt the 99.99 million super points owed by you that you borrowed from me before. 】

As soon as Qin Buyi's eyes lit up, he knew that the cassock was very valuable, wouldn't it be worth it immediately?

It's just that Qin Buyi didn't make a decision right away, but continued to ask: "What about the second choice?"

The system said: [The second choice is that I will give you a broken blade of the killing blade, and you give me this precious cassock. 】Biquku

【Choose one of the two now! 】

Hearing the words of the system, Qin Buyi really wanted to say, only children make choices, adults want all of them!

But I just thought about it in my heart, if I really do this...the system will never agree!

"Super points can be earned again when they are gone. If you miss the broken blade of the killing blade, you don't know when you can get it!"

Soon Qin Buyi made a decision in his heart and said, "System, I want a shattered blade!"

The system said: [I knew you had to choose this way. 】

After all, a saber body appeared in front of Qin Buyi, and at the same time, the precious cassock in the storage space of the system mall disappeared.

Looking at the blade in front of him, Qin Buyi resolutely fused it with the killing blade.

Then open the Killing Blade information panel:

Killing Blade · Thirty-five levels (5 trillion/5 trillion · can break through at any time)

Broken Blade (7/9)

Attack increase 900%

Human-Knife Unity: Killing Blade Increase by 50%

Attack power: five trillion

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