Thinking of the twenty thunder tribulations he was about to face next, Qin Buyi became a little more serious.

The last wave of thunder tribulation is the most important thing!

If you don't deal with it well, you will definitely be disgraced.

Just as Qin Buyi was thinking, the sound of thunder came out again from within the robbery cloud.

"Boom~!" "Boom~!" "Boom~!"...

A total of twenty thunder tribulations with the perfect intensity of the six-element realm struck towards Qin Buyi.

Seeing the perfect strength thunder calamity of the six-element realm getting closer and closer to him, Qin Buyi appeared in front of him in a flash.

Raising the killing blade high, he slashed towards the thunder calamity with the perfect intensity of the six-element realm.

"Clang~!" "Clang~!"


Sparks splashed everywhere, and the thunder tribulation with the full strength of the six-element realm was attacked by Qin Buyi, but there was no shattering phenomenon.

"Killing · Death Realm · Blood Realm!"

The blood realm space enveloped Qin Buyi and the complete strength thunder tribulation of the six-element realm.

"Killing · Frozen · Instant Slash!"

A icy sword light appeared out of thin air.

The icy blade light fell on these six-element Dao Realm Thunder Calamity, instantly turning them into ice sculptures.

"Killing Life Burning World Instant Slash!"

The flaming sword light followed closely on these six-element Dao realm strength thunder calamity.

"Boom~!" "Boom~!" "Boom~!"

The ice and fire intersected, and a violent explosion occurred in an instant.

After the explosion, only 17 of the 20 lightning calamities with a strength of 6 Yuan Dao realm remained in an instant.

"Killing · Yin Yang Fall · Instant Slash!"

An extremely tyrannical Yin-Yang sword glow flew out from the killing blade, and slashed at the remaining seventeen lightning calamities.

"Boom~!" "Boom~!"

There were two thunder tribulations that couldn't withstand the slash of the Yin Yang sword, and suddenly exploded.

Looking at the remaining fifteen lightning tribulations, Qin Buyi took a deep breath.

"Eighty-Nine Mysterious Art·Samadhi True Fire!"

The mighty real fire of Samadhi spewed out from Qin Buyi's mouth.

These samadhi real fires fell on the remaining fifteen thunder calamities, blocking their way in an instant.

"Killing, Nirvana, Silence, Instant Slash!"

The space where the remaining fifteen thunder calamities are located is like boiled boiling water, constantly boiling.

"Killing, Returning to the Market, Heaven's Market, Earth's Market, Instant Slash!"

The Xuli knife light flew out of the killing blade, and slashed fiercely at the remaining Lei Jie.

"Boom~!" "Boom~!" "Boom~!"

Qin Buyi's continuous tyrannical attacks

Next, there were three thunder tribulations that could not bear the shattering again.

Here, Qin Buyi is attacking Lei Jie like a bombardment.

Hidden in the dark, Bai Ze muttered to himself: "Friend Daoist Qin's combat power has increased by a bit!"

Bai Ze still remembers that Qin Buyi showed the highest combat power in the late stage of the six-element realm.

It hasn't been many years now, but it has become the perfect intensity of the six-element realm.

"After Daoist Qin crosses the tribulation this time, his combat strength will definitely reach the strength of the seven-yuan realm!"

"At this stage of cultivation, being able to cross four major realms is really shockingly powerful!"

Normally speaking, with Qin Buyi's current cultivation level, let alone fighting across four realms.

Even fighting across four small realms is extremely frightening!

"I really don't know how he cultivated! If only I had this talent!"

An inexplicable emotion rose in Bai Ze's heart, whether it was envy or jealousy.

"An individual has a personal destiny and cannot force it."

Bai Ze, who knew that neither envy nor jealousy would help, comforted himself in his heart.

In the blood world space.

"Killing, Divine Slaughter, Instant Slash!"

Qin Buyi held the killing blade in his hand, a cold light suddenly appeared, and the sound of thunder explosion exploded.

"Boom~!" "Boom~!"

Looking at the remaining Thunder Tribulation, Qin Buyi directly chose the limit output!

"Killing · Slaughter · Execution... Killing Luck · Divine Slaughter · Execution of God!"...

In an instant, Qin Buyi performed a total of 30 all-in-one killing knife techniques.

"Zheng~!" "Zheng~!"


The sound of the killing blade and the sound of the blade sounded bursts.

Endless negative aura erupted from Qin Buyi, and these negative auras spread outside the blood realm.

Sensing this breath, Bai Ze in the dark couldn't help shivering.

It's not that Bai Ze is afraid of this aura, but that Qin Buyi is the only one in this realm who can have such a negative aura!

At the very least, in Bai Ze's long life, he has seen Qin Buyi alone possessing such an aura of strength!

"When Fellow Daoist Qin reaches my level of cultivation, the negative aura on his body will definitely make people despair!"

"Boom~!" "Boom~!"


When Bai Ze's mind was full of thoughts, a

Thirty huge seven-color thunderbolts.

Qin Buyi controlled the thirty huge seven-color thunderbolts to strike downwards.

"Boom~!" "Boom~!"


The seven-color thunderbolt and the thunder robbery collided with each other, forming a sea of ​​thunder in an instant.

"God-level Chaos Clock, Imprisoned Time!"

"God-level Chaos Clock: Suppressing Space!"

"Thunder Pangu Ax Kill!"


An ax glow flew out from Thunder Pangu's axe.

The ax slashed into the sea of ​​thunder, instantly causing two loud bangs...

After a quarter of an hour, Lei Hai slowly dispersed.

There is no more thunder disaster inside.

So far, a total of four waves and a total of 670 thunder tribulations have passed through.

Qin Buyi looked at the thunder calamity slowly dissipating in the sky, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Feeling the strength in the body belonging to the early stage of the Three-Yuan Dao Realm, Qin Buyi opened the personal cultivation panel:

Cultivation level: Thirty-eighth stage, the early stage of the Three-Yuan Dao Realm (20 trillion/50 trillion)

From the early stage of the Three-Yuan Dao Realm to break through to the completion of the Three-Yuan Dao Realm, a total of 30 trillion attribute points are needed.

Then Qin Buyi opened the property exchange function of the system mall.

In the dual realm, 1,000 super points are exchanged for 100 million attribute points.

Now that his cultivation base has broken through to the Three-Yuan Dao Realm, two thousand super points can be exchanged for one hundred million attribute points.

Thirty trillion super points, a total of 600 million super points are needed to redeem.

Without any hesitation, Qin Buyi directly spent 600 million super points to exchange the required attribute points.

The balance of super points in the system mall has become 190 million.

At this time, a bloody light flew out from the killing blade and directly entered Qin Buyi's sea of ​​consciousness.

After a dozen or so breaths, Qin Buyi thoroughly comprehended the information in it.

The thirty-eighth way of killing life: God falls. Biqu library

Combined with the God Butcher Knife Technique, a combination technique can be formed, which is powerful enough to make all enemies terrified!

Looking at the introduction of the Shenyun Saber Technique, Qin Buyi thought to himself: "Shentu... Shenyun... If the two are matched together, maybe we can find a target in this barren land to try!"

The most indispensable thing in the barren land is the whetstone. On the one hand, there are monsters who have lost their nature of life, and on the other hand, they are the Chaos Protoss.

Qin Buyi has no psychological burden to deal with these two.

Those monsters that have lost their nature of life are hopeless, and if they are released, they will only harm the common people in the end.

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