The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

The First Thousand Seven Hundred And Seventy-Five Chapters Break Through The Quaternary Realm And Co

"Killing, Immortal Ghost, Naihe, Underworld, Netherworld, Demon Rebellion!"

The dark zone appeared out of thin air.

The dark wind blew in gusts, and the simple hell was condensed in miniature.

Countless ghost messengers with red eyes stopped the one hundred and fifty thunder tribulations with the strength of the six-element realm.

Holding all kinds of weapons, he attacked the one hundred and fifty thunder tribulation with a strength of six yuan.

"Clang~!" "Bang~!" "Boom~!"...

There were continuous explosions, and within a few breaths, one hundred and fifty thunder tribulations with the strength of the six-element realm disappeared completely.

Qin Buyi secretly said: "Three waves of thunder tribulation have passed, and there are still the last forty."

Just as thoughts were surging in Qin Buyi's mind, Jieyun in the sky was divided into forty equal parts and fell towards him.

Forty copies of Jieyun turned into an extremely powerful Seven Yuan Dao Realm complete intensity Thunder Tribulation in the blink of an eye!

Seeing these forty thunder tribulations with the perfect intensity of the seven-element realm, Qin Buyi Setsuna opened fire.

"Eighty-Nine Mysterious Skills Failing Heaven and Earth!"

"Eighty Nine Mysterious Skills Three heads and six arms!"

Qin Buyi's stature soared to a size of a million feet, looking at Lei Jie in front of him like a god.

"Killing · Frozen · Instant Slash!"

A icy sword light appeared out of thin air, and landed on these seven-yuan Dao realm perfect intensity thunder calamity.

The Thunder Tribulation with the full strength of the Qiyuan Dao Realm was instantly frozen, forming an ice sculpture.

"Boom~!" "Boom~!" "Boom~!"...

Amidst the thunder, cracks appeared in the ice that enveloped the Thunder Tribulation of Seven Yuan Dao Realm.

"Crack~!" "Crack~!"...

"Killing Life Burning World Instant Slash!"

The flame blade light followed and landed on the ice.

The ice and fire intersected and exploded in an instant!

"Boom~!" "Boom~!"


A series of loud noises came out.

When the loud noise completely subsided, the forty seven-element Dao Realm completed intensity thunder calamity became thirty-seven.

"Killing · Yin Yang Fall · Instant Slash!"

The yin and yang sword light appeared out of thin air, and slashed at the remaining thunder calamity.

"Boom~!" "Boom~!"

Two more lightning tribulations shattered.

"Killing, Nirvana, Silence, Instant Slash!"

The space where the remaining Lei Jie is located is like boiled boiling water, constantly boiling.

"Boom~!" "Boom~!" "Boom~!"

Three more lightning tribulations shattered.

"Killing, destroying luck, blocking luck, bad luck, luck, luck, killing luck!



A dragon of luck with millions of meters appeared behind Qin Buyi.

The dragon of luck fluttered its tail and rushed towards Lei Jie.

Lei Jie, who was attacking Qin Buyi, was immediately blocked in place, and had to fight with the dragon of luck.

"Killing, Divine Slaughter, Divine Fall, Instant Slash!"

Qin Buyi's figure appeared in the center of Lei Jie in a second.

A cold light suddenly appeared, and the killing blade instantly shattered five lightning tribulations!

"God-level Chaos Clock, Imprisoned Time!"

"God-level Chaos Clock Suppresses Space!"

"Thunder Pangu Ax Kill!"


An ax glow flew out from Thunder Pangu's axe.

The ax strikes at Lei Jie who is in a double stagnation state of time and space.

"Boom~!" "Boom~!" "Boom~!"

"Killing, Slaughter, Execution...God Slaughter, Slaughter, God Fall!"...

"Zheng~!" "Zheng~!"


The sound of the killing blade and the sound of the blade sounded bursts.

The suffocating negative aura from Qin Buyi gushed out of the blood realm, and some unsteady creatures fainted instantly.

Even a cultivator with a relatively strong cultivation base, under this breath, his complexion was extremely pale, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead uncontrollably.

The sound of thunder exploded, and thirty huge seven-color thunderbolts appeared in the sky above the remaining seven-element dao state full-strength thunder calamity.


Under the control of Qin Buyi, these thirty huge seven-color thunderbolts fell instantly.

A sea of ​​thunder suddenly formed on the scene, and all kinds of extremely powerful attacks were unleashed in Qin Buyi's hands.

After about fifteen minutes, Lei Hai dispersed.

Qin Buyi felt the early strength of the four-element realm in his body, and said in a low voice: "The thunder tribulation has passed."

A bloody light flew out of the killing blade and directly entered his sea of ​​consciousness.

An hour later, Qin Buyi slowly opened his eyes.

He thoroughly comprehended the information recorded in the blood light.

The thirty-ninth type of killing knife technique: Jiyun.

It can form a combined attack with Ji Mi and Ji Kong, causing the space to shatter!

The power of Jiyun Saber Technique once again refreshed Qin Buyi's cognition.

Space shattering and space shattering are two completely different effects.

With Qin Buyi's current cultivation and strength, it is not a problem to shatter the space.

But shattering still difficult and challenging.

"Chaos protoss in the barren land, find a day for you to experience

Take a look at the power of Jiyun Saber Technique! "

Now that the breakthrough has been made, Qin Buyi opens the personal cultivation panel:

Cultivation level: Thirty-ninth level, the early stage of the four-element realm (50 trillion/100 trillion)

In the early stage of the Four-Yuan Dao Realm, if you want to break through to the perfection of the Four-Yuan Dao Realm, you need 50 trillion attribute points.

Qin Buyi then opened the property exchange function of the system mall.

In the Three-Yuan Dao Realm, 100 million attributes need 2,000 super points to exchange.

Now the four-element dao realm exchange has become 100 million points of attributes and requires 5,000 super points to exchange.

Fifty trillion attribute points require twenty-five trillion super points to exchange.

Without much hesitation, Qin Buyi decisively paid 25 trillion super points in exchange for 50 trillion attribute points.

The balance of super points in the system mall has become 480 million.

After adding all these attribute points to himself, Qin Buyi opens the personal information panel:

Name: Qin Buyi

Title: The only one in the wild

All attributes increased by 50%

Tianhuang Body·Holy Class

All attributes increased by 800%

Dao body Epic

All attributes increased by 500%

Killing Path·Intermediate: All attributes increase by 300%.

Cultivation level: Thirty-ninth level, the completion of the quaternary realm (100 trillion/100 trillion, can break through at any time)

Spiritual Mind: The Early Stage of the Five-Yuan Dao Realm

Power: 100 trillion

Speed: 100 trillion

Physical Strength: 100 trillion Biqu Library

Attack power: 100 trillion

Defense: 100 trillion

Luck: one hundred trillion


Killing Blade · Thirty-ninth order (100 trillion/100 trillion · can break through at any time)

Broken Blade (7/9)

Attack increase 900%

Human-Knife Unity: Killing Blade Increase by 50%

Attack power: 100 trillion

Killing knife technique Thirty-ninth order (100 trillion/100 trillion · lack of follow-up cannot break through)

Attack power: 100 trillion

Qinglong · Thirty-ninth level (100 trillion/100 trillion · can break through at any time)

The cultivation base has broken through to the perfection of the four-element dao state, and the strength of the spiritual sense has reached the early stage of the five-element dao state.

Feeling the explosive power in his body, Qin Buyi thought to himself:

"Based on the limit of my current original combat power, I can reach the late stage strength of the Seventh Yuan Dao Realm!"

"If paired with the power of the elixir, I won't be my opponent at the late stage of the Eight Yuan Dao Realm..."

At this moment, a system prompt sounded in Qin Buyi's ear.

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