The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 1849: Como’S Curtain (Part 2)

"Then you are watching!"

"Killing, killing luck, intercepting luck, bad luck, luck, luck, killing luck!"


A dragon of luck with millions of feet appeared out of thin air.

Cuomo watched the million-foot dragon of luck behind Qin Buyi open his mouth, and finally spit out two words: "Fuck!"

Does he have such a powerful luck attack method? Obviously not!

As long as there is such a level of attack means, it is not possible to shout out such classic words.

Facing such a powerful luck attack, Cuomo was completely desperate.

It's not that he doesn't have luck to attack.

But compared with the million-foot-sized dragon of luck in front of him, it is completely insignificant.

The gap between the two is so great that Cuomo no longer has any hope in his heart.

Cuomo, who was determined to die, looked at Qin Buyi with bloodshot eyes and said, "God, if you want to kill me, then you must be prepared to die with me!"

Qin Buyi said: "Your family members have said such stupid things many times. It's a pity that they all fell."

Cuomo said: "I am different from them!"

Qin Buyi: "...There is nothing different in my eyes."

The words that came out of Cuomo's mouth can already prove that his mentality was indeed broken by Qin Buyi.

Even speaking such immature words as a child's play house, his heart must be full of fluctuations.

"Frost Spear Technique: Incarnate Spear!"

Cuomo roared and turned himself into a spear.

The spear came towards Qin Buyi, which was Cuomo's final kill.

Qin Buyi manipulated the Dragon of Luck to coil up the spear and instantly tore the Como Luck Group into pieces.

A scream came from the spear.

The angry Cuomo chopped the dragon of luck directly.

"It doesn't matter if you tear up my group of luck, that kind of thing is no longer important to a dead person!"

Hearing Cuomo's words, Qin Buyi suddenly realized in his heart why ordinary practitioners are unwilling to push the enemy to a corner, but kill them before the corner.

Because this is basically the case once you are cornered.

A cultivator without any worries is no longer timid in terms of playing style.

Just like the epiphyllum, it will eventually bloom that moment.

How to make oneself face death splendidly is what these cultivators who have no hope of survival think in their hearts.

To translate it in human language is to pull a back cover.

Cuomo's spear turned towards Qin Buyi with an aura of life and death.

With this kind of momentum and attack intensity, nine times out of ten, if the ordinary Nine Yuan Dao Realm is perfect, it will die with him.

Seeing this, Jiutianhuang outside the blood realm secretly thought: "Faced with such an attack, what would you do?"

Qin Buyi looked at Cuomo's spear

, didn't mean to use him to test the defense of the god-level chaos clock.

That's not how magic weapons are used. Even defensive magic weapons can't always be passively beaten.

A cultivator's methods are ever-changing, and if the defense of the God-level Chaos Clock is broken, it will be Qin Buyi himself who will suffer in the end.

What's more, Qin Buyi is not without means to deal with such an attack.

"Killing, Silence, Silence, Silence, Instant Slash!"

A huge black hole appeared in the path of Cuomo's spear.

"Clang~!" "Bang~!"

Nearly half of Cuomo's spear was instantly sucked into the black hole.

Feeling the terror in the black hole, Cuomo's voice came from the spear: "Damn! There is such an attack method!"

He already felt that he was firmly sucked into the black hole, and gradually went deeper into it.

If he waited for the spear he turned into to enter the black hole completely, even if he didn't die in the black hole, the consequences would not be much better.

At that time, it would be a complete joke to die with Qin Buyi.

"Indecisiveness leads to disaster!"

"Crush me!"

At this time, Cuomo was very decisive, and cut off the part of the spear that entered the black hole directly.



The half of the gun body in the black hole exploded instantly.

There was a loud noise, and the black hole disappeared completely.

Cuomo controlled the remaining half of the gun and approached Qin Buyi.

Cutting off the body of the gun just now brought Cuomo great pain.

You must know that the entire body of the gun is transformed from Cuomo's body.

"Heavenly Emperor, I paid such a huge price to kill you!"

"Looks like I succeeded!"

Qin Buyi said as if looking at a dead person: "You said you were successful? What gave you the confidence to make you say such words."

Cuomo forced himself to be calm and said: "Emperor, you still have to put on airs at this time? I accept this avatar of yours!"

Qin Buyi stopped talking, holding a killing knife in his hand, ready to teach Cuomo his last lesson in life with cruel and cold reality.

"Killing, Punishing God, Breaking God, Instant Slash!"

A thin line appeared instantly from the killing blade to the spear transformed by Cuomo.

"Ah~! My sea of ​​consciousness..."

A creepy scream came from the spear.

Jiutianhuang outside the blood world space couldn't help getting goose bumps all over his body when he heard it.

"This method of attacking the sea of ​​consciousness...what is it like?"

To be able to cause such pain to a strong man with a perfect cultivation base in the Nine Yuan Dao Realm, this kind of attack must be very powerful.

Jiutianhuang was vaguely curious.

Then she couldn't help shivering: "It's better not to know."

Once you know what this kind of attack looks like, it means that this kind of attack falls on you


Jiu Tianhuang said that he has not lived enough.

As long as she had the courage to fall, she would not have cooperated with Qin Buyi until now.

Cuomo's spear paused for a moment, enduring all kinds of severe pain to kill Qin Buyi again.

"Killing·Slaughter·Putting Jue...God Fall·Lonely Fall·Broken God!"...

In a split second, Qin Buyi performed thirty times of all-in-one killing saber techniques.

The terrifying negative aura belonging to Qin Buyi enveloped the entire blood world space, and gradually spread towards the outside world...

Cuomo felt this negative atmosphere full of death, darkness, coldness, cruelty, etc., and instantly felt as if he had come to hell on earth.

There are mountains of corpses and seas of blood everywhere you look.

Jiutianhuang's situation is not much better than Cuomo.

Cold sweat dripped from her cheeks to the ground.

"Zheng~!" "Zheng~!"


The sound of the killing blade and the sound of the blade sounded bursts.

"Boom~!" "Boom~!" "Boom~!"...

The sound of thunder exploded in the sky, and thirty huge thunderbolts of seven colors appeared out of thin air.

These thirty huge seven-color thunderbolts slashed towards Como's spear under the control of Qin Buyi.

"Boom~!" "Boom~!"


A sea of ​​thunder instantly formed where Cuomo was located.

After a dozen or so breaths, Lei Hai slowly dissipated, and Cuomo fell completely!

Qin Buyi picked up the space ring left by Cuomo, and threw it into the system mall for recycling along with the spear.

【Ding! Item value calculation...]

[Calculation completed, total value: 30 billion super points. 】

Seeing these 30 billion super points, Qin Buyi had a smile on his face.

Counting the 30 billion super points, the balance of the system mall's super points became 269.8 billion. Biqu library

Withdrawing from the blood realm space, the voice of Jiutianhuang came to Qin Buyi's ear: "Congratulations, Lord Tiandi, for beheading the enemy."

When saying this, Jiutianhuang winked at Qin Buyi, the meaning was obvious.

Qin Buyi got the benefit, don't forget about her.

Seeing such a blatant hint from Jiutianhuang, Qin Buyi directly ignored it.

It's not that he's stingy, but that he didn't intend to give Jiutianhuang any benefit in this regard.

Every time the opponent reported after the war, he made himself full of food.

Qin Buyi didn't ask her for this part of the income, so he already had the right to give the other party a benefit.

Seeing that Qin Buyi was indifferent to her hint, Jiutianhuang couldn't help but tactfully said: "Master Tiandi, you just said that we are cooperating, then...does the cooperation have to be divided equally after the benefits?"

Qin Buyi looked at Jiutianhuang with a half-smile and said: "If you say that, then will I share the benefits equally when you draft the post-war report this time?"

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