The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 1855: Bobo Who Is Accused By Thousands Of People

As for the direction of the Potter family, the three of them, Lan Wenhao, had already guessed it.

It must be to enter the Xiaoqian world in the end, and then go to create various weapons for the soldiers of the First Army of Heaven.

However, compared to the days when the Chaos Protoss were exploited, after entering the world of small money, they would definitely not have the same treatment.

Everyone under Qin Buyi has always been equal.

In other words, it has always been adhering to humanitarian management.

With such a huge force and countless creatures, any oppression will generate huge benefits.

For these interests, Qin Buyi looked down on them.

His own character has already decided not to oppress his own people.

To deal with the enemy, there is naturally a way to treat the enemy, and to treat one's own people, there is also an attitude towards oneself.

It is simple and rude to the outside world because it is to survive.

If you want to develop and survive in the troubled world of the stars and sky, you can only do so.

No matter how simple and rude the internal affairs are, they will only be betrayed in the end.

The strength of a practitioner can determine everything, but it must not be forgotten that water can carry a boat and also capsize it.

Such a huge force under Qin Buyi is composed of individual creatures.

If these creatures have great resentment in their hearts, they will explode sooner or later.

Once it is detonated, I am afraid that all the previous hard work will be in vain.

Obviously, Qin Buyi would not do such a stupid thing that can be seen at a glance.

The Potter clan entered the world of Xiaoqian in the future, and the three of Lan Wenhao were still a little envious in their hearts.

Everyone hopes that a hundred flowers will bloom in the territory under their jurisdiction.

Even a fool can see the help that the Potter family can bring.

Otherwise, why would Qin Liang and Qin Lin spend so much time planning outside the world.

It's just that due to the current embarrassing situation of Xiaohongmeng Starfield, he can only give up.

Moreover, the value that the Potter family can display in the Xiaohongmeng star field is also very limited.

After all, apart from being an existence no less than the size of the Little Hongmeng Starfield, the Small Thousand World also has another function.

That is the military reserve base of the First Army of the Heavenly Court.

No matter how you think about it, the Potter family will not fall into the Xiaohongmeng star field in the end.

The three of Lan Wenhao, who knew the final result, had no other thoughts except greed.


after a few days...

The Potter clan had basically eaten Popo up.

What Bobo faced all day long was the ruthless bombing of his tribe from morning to night.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the ears are almost worn out.

If you use four words to describe Bobo's current inner thoughts, it would be extremely annoying.

How he wished that Qin Liang and Qin Lin would appear to rescue him at this time.

It's a pity that Qin Liang and Qin Lin haven't appeared yet.

Not only that, these days they took the initiative to visit Lan Wenhao and the three of them, and what they got was either retreat or going out on business...

To sum it up in two words: no see.

The emergence of this kind of result was also the beginning of increasing the opinion of the Potter clan towards Bobo.

Now, Bobo sighed as he looked at the Potter clansmen who surrounded him three layers in and out.

They, the Potter family, were originally short in stature, and now they were surrounded, and they couldn't get out.

The helpless Bobo said: "Tell me, how are you going to bomb me today."

Hearing Bobo's words, these Potter clansmen said one after another:

"Master Bobo, how can the things of our civilized people be called bombing? It's too uncivilized."

"That's right, we just want to simply ask Master Bobo what he wants to do next."

"The three lords Lan Huang, Ying Huang, and Su Huang of this little Hongmeng star field ignored us. I saw them three collectively appear the day before yesterday."

"The result told us that the three emperors are retreating, which is clearly our punishment for missing the opportunity last time."...

The members of the Potter family didn't say what to do in detail at this time.

Basically, what is inside and outside the words is to constantly connotate Bobo as a person.

All the blame was on Bobo's own back, such a scene really makes people want to cry without tears.

After listening to the bombing sound coming from his ears, Bobo has gotten used to it.

The two best solutions in the face of accusations are either to be able to quarrel with each other.

Or just be completely silent...

Although silence can't solve any problems, it can avoid wasting the benefits of talking when you can't quarrel with the other party.

Seeing that Bobo didn't speak, a whole new round of responsibilities began again.

at the same time.

Qin Lin said to Qin Liang: "Shuai Liang, we are here at Xinglan

It's been half a month since I lived in the academy, and it's been half a month for the Potter family, and I feel that the heat is in place. "

Qin Liang said: "Let's go, let's see what the Potter family's attitude is now."

Just ignoring the Potters is also one of the strategies to subdue the Potters.

The Potters themselves were of great value, otherwise the Chaos Gods would not have squeezed them.

The reason why they ran out to ask for help this time was entirely because there might be only a little living space left for those squeezed by the Chaos Protoss.

Otherwise, the Potter family would definitely not come out to find foreign aid to solve their own race's predicament.

For creatures, if there is only living space left, then life will have no fun at all.

The living space is only the most basic point, and many factors must be added to form life.

What the Chaos Gods have to do now is to take away other factors and completely transform the Potters into tools.

How can a thoughtful and skilled race be willing to become a tool.

Although the oppression of the Chaos Protoss was fierce in the past few years, the Potters could still bear it before it reached this level.

With their outstanding skills and daring operations, the Potters made a lot of money by secretly doing business with other races that were enemies of the Chaos Gods.

Relying on this sweetness, life is not good on the surface, but behind the scenes, I can be self-sufficient and happier.

But as the Chaos Protoss went too far, this has already taken away their last forbearance, completely touching the bottom line!

Is it easy to find foreign aid that can deal with the Chaos Protoss? Of course it's hard to find.

If it is easy to find, the Potter family will not pin all their hopes on the small primordial star field.

In the sixth star ring, the forces that can deal with the Chaos Gods are unwilling to conflict with the Chaos Gods because of the Potters.

Those who clashed with the Chaos Protoss themselves were still at a disadvantage, how could they help the Potters.

The fifth star ring... Not to mention, the value of the Potter family is not enough to make the fifth star ring forces look in their eyes.

There is no choice but to look at the seventh star ring.

As a result, this observation... made the Potter family who had no hope suddenly see hope.

This is how Bobo and others visited Xiaohongmeng Starfield.

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