The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 1861 Subduing The Potter Clan (Part 2)

"Boom~!" "Boom~!"


A second wave of thunder calamity was brewing in the sky.

The Potter race group recalled the scene just now in their minds.

"I didn't expect that this Emperor Qin really broke through from the five-element realm to the six-element realm. Isn't this a bit unbelievable?"

"What's even more unbelievable is that the Thunder Tribulation with the strength of the six-element realm was like a toy in front of him, and it burned into ashes in an instant."

"I remember that when I broke through from the five-element realm to the six-element realm, I went through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, and almost died under the thunder disaster."

"Who says it's not? Every time I cross the catastrophe, I almost die. Now that I see Lord Qin Emperor crossing the catastrophe, I suddenly feel that the thunder catastrophe is not so scary."

"Don't have this illusion. Can our combat power be the same as Lord Qin Emperor's? The Potter family is not good at fighting."


They are now very sure that Qin Buyi's cultivation is really in the five-element realm.

Thunder tribulations cannot deceive people, all thunder catastrophes begin to descend upon the practitioner's next realm.

But there are strengths and weaknesses.

Those like Qin Buyi who dropped 200 lightning calamities in an instant are perverted and are no longer within the normal range.

The normal range is just a few to dozens of strokes.

Most of the strength is compared with the practitioner's cultivation level, which is improved by a small realm or half a small realm.

Where will all the strength of the entire great realm be enveloped in one fell swoop.

This kind of thunder disaster is not for normal practitioners to survive.

If all cultivators go through the catastrophe in this way, basically one will die.

half a day later.

The second wave of Thunder Tribulation flew out from the Jie Yun and struck towards Qin Buyi.

There are a total of three hundred lightning tribulations that include all the strengths of the Qiyuan Dao Realm.

A group of the Potter race watched the scene in the sky intently, for fear of missing any details.

For them, what's happening now is far beyond what's in their cognition.

A simple and clear summary in one sentence is: things are getting outrageous...

However, the Potter race did not expect something more outrageous to happen.

Faced with these three hundred lightning tribulations covering all the strengths of the Qiyuan Dao Realm, Qin Buyi didn't dodge or dodge, and didn't even make a single extra move.

This can't help but make the Potter race and others hold their breath...

"Boom~!" "Boom~!



When the thunder tribulation fell, a sea of ​​thunder instantly formed where Qin Buyi was.

After a dozen or so breaths, Lei Hai dissipated, revealing Qin Buyi who was unharmed inside.

The Potter race group was stunned seeing this scene.

"Fuck! Just now I saw Lord Qin Emperor surrounded by thunder, I thought he would use some means, but there was nothing."

"This stepping horse was carried down with its own defense force, what a terrifying defense force, even the seven-yuan Dao realm can't break through the defense!"

"Master Qin Emperor's physical defense has not been broken, but my heart is gradually breaking through. This scene is simply too incredible."

"My God, before today, who could have told me that the combat power of the five-yuan realm would be so heaven-defying. I definitely couldn't believe it. Now that the matter is in front of me, it feels so unreal."...

Bobo also looked at Qin Buyi with horror in his eyes.

The Potter family has always relied on powerful forces to survive.

For the strong, especially this kind of existence that is so powerful that everyone is born with a sense of intimacy...

"It may be a kind of luck for our Potter family to be able to join Lord Qin Emperor's command."

Unknowingly, Bobo's inner thoughts have been completely inclined to join Qin Buyi's command.

This is the charm of the strong.

It is also included in the 20% after the 80% that Qin Liang and Qin Lin said before.

After knowing the situation of the Potter family, Qin Liang and Qin Lin have already judged that they have a sense of intimacy with the strong beyond ordinary creatures.

When will Qin Buyi be able to show his strength?

In other words, when to show the strength of Qin Buyi, it is naturally to cross the catastrophe!

Thunder Tribulation is like a nightmare for every living being.

Crossing the catastrophe is nothing but death and the disappearance of the body, this fall is forever!

All living beings who have escaped the life limit will not be too peaceful in the face of death.

The longer you live, the more you fear death!

The more you enjoy, the less you want to lose.

Even if life is extremely miserable, he will not choose to die.

This is why it is often said that it is better to live than to die.

The Potter family has been oppressed so badly, isn't it because they are also enjoying their lives in suffering.

Now the scene of Qin Buyi crossing the catastrophe gradually and completely conquered the hearts of these Potter races.

Hearing is far worse than seeing with one's own eyes.

Now that they have seen Qin Buyi's strength with their own eyes, they will not

There will be no further doubts.

"Lord Bobo, Emperor Qin has already gone through two waves of thunder calamity, totaling five hundred, and the second wave is even more powerful in the seven-yuan realm, so this third wave of thunder calamity..." Pen Fun Library

"The third wave of thunder calamity can't be in the eight-element realm, right? If that's the case, it would be a bit too perverted. This already spans three great realms."

"When I cross the tribulation, I will cross the three realms. I will definitely choose to blow myself up. There is no way to survive on this horse, and there is no way to survive."

"But Emperor Qin... I think he should be fine, after all, he behaved lightly when he passed through the thunder tribulation with the strength of the seven-yuan dao realm."...

after one day.

With everyone's attention, the third wave of Thunder Tribulation flew out of Jieyun.

A total of one hundred and fifty paths cover all the strengths of the eight-element realm.

Qin Buyi looked very calm when he saw the lightning calamity with the strength of the eight-element realm.

His current combat strength has reached the early stage of enlightenment fairyland, eight yuan dao realm... but that's all!

"Eighty-Nine Mysterious Art · Samadhi Divine Wind!"

The yellow wind blew and landed on the thunder calamity of all strengths in the one hundred and fifty eight yuan dao realm.

"Boom~!" "Boom~!"


There was a sound of explosion, and in an instant, all one hundred and fifty thunder tribulations with the strength of the eight-element realm exploded.

The third wave of Thunder Tribulation is still the same... an understatement!

The Potter race who followed Qin Buyi's crossing robbery was completely shocked and didn't know what to say.

It took a long time for the third wave of thunder calamity before they recovered.

"This... can any of you explain to me what happened just now? Why is it so dreamy and unreal! Am I dreaming!"

"I also feel that I may have fallen into an illusion. How could this be possible if it weren't for why such an outrageous and unreal situation appeared in the illusion!"

"Facing the Thunder Tribulation of the Sixth Yuan Realm with a cultivation base of five Yuan Dao Realm, destroy them all with one blow, and use your own defense to resist the Thunder Tribulation with the strength of the Seven Yuan Dao Realm... This is still possible in the Eight Yuan Dao Realm. ?”

"If I read correctly just now, it is the legendary great supernatural power Samadhi Kamikaze. Lord Qin Emperor has already revealed two great supernatural powers. I don't know how many great supernatural powers he will have..."

"Is there something wrong with your focus? Shouldn't we think about why he shattered the Lightning Tribulation with the strength of the eight-element realm so lightly?"


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