The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 1876: The Harmonious Atmosphere Is Broken (Part 2)

As soon as these words came out, the conference room was completely silent.

The messenger said the same thing as the ordinary Chaos Protoss who died just now.

It's just a different way of expressing it.

The high-ranking members of the Chaos Protoss said in a panic:

"How is this possible, we have such a powerful enemy in the 615 area? Could it be that they are joking with us!"

"Although I really don't want to admit it, I have to accept this reality. This time we are in big trouble!"

"Don't this group of natives stay in the inner ring and come to our sixth star ring to find a sense of existence? Is it because we are easy to bully?" Pen Fun Library

"Who knows what these damn natives are thinking, I am very unhappy now, very unhappy!"


Moore thought about what the messenger said just now.

There are many possibilities in his mind, but none of them are related to the current situation.

After a few breaths, Moore shook off the distracting thoughts in his mind and looked at the messenger and said, "You really mean what you just said?"

The messenger nodded and said, "My lord, I guarantee with my life that everything I said is true."

Hearing this, Moore sighed.

He naturally knew it was true, and no one would joke about this kind of thing unless he felt that his life was long.

The reason for asking is nothing more than holding a trace of impossible fantasy.

"Go down, and let us know in time if there is anything."

He didn't kill the signal soldier, because the opponent still has a great effect.

Although Moore is very murderous, he also knows who can be killed and who cannot be killed.

Killing this messenger means that at such a critical moment, he will lose a lot of important information.

There may be hidden information in this important information that can turn the tide of the battle.

Moore looked at the subordinates present and said, "Do you have any thoughts about the origin of this indigenous army?"

The most urgent task now is to find out the origin of this group of indigenous troops.

As the saying goes, water has source and tree has root.

Finding the source of the other party may be able to solve this matter from the root cause.

It's a pity that none of the senior Chaos Protoss present knew the origin of the other party.

I don't know, but it doesn't mean that I can't provide my own guesses. These high-level officials said one after another:

"Master Moore, I think the origin of these native troops may be the rescue that the Potter race invited, after all, we squeezed them so hard."

"Stop talking nonsense, okay, if the Potter race can invite such foreign aid, how can they be squeezed by our Chaos Gods for so many years?"

"I agree with this point of view. If the Potter race really has such a strong backing, how could they be willing to be squeezed by us unless they are sick."

"In this situation, I think the biggest possibility is that the Potter race invited the rescue, otherwise, do you think there are other possibilities?"...

A group of high-level people chattered and argued, and finally divided into two factions, and neither of them convinced the other.

After all, everyone is guessing, and no one can come up with something useful.

Moore didn't speak at the side, these two possibilities kept circling in his heart.

In the end, he also leaned toward the fact that it wasn't a foreign aid brought in by the Potter race.

This is completely inconsistent with the facts, or that sentence.

If the opponent really has this kind of energy to invite such foreign aid, it is impossible for them to squeeze them for so many years.

Looking at the subordinates who were still arguing, Moore said: "Shut up, follow me to the war room now, and make sure to get the situation under control in the shortest possible time."

Since the source of the other party's heel cannot be found, the top priority has become a stable situation.

Otherwise, let the situation continue to deteriorate like this, even if there is a means to reach the sky, it will be powerless.

Moore and his party came to the war room, half an hour later...

Cold sweat mixed with fear flowed from the foreheads of these high-ranking Chaos Protoss.

In the past half an hour, they used countless methods to restore the situation.

In the end, without exception, they were all directly destroyed by the opponent with tyrannical force.

This is very scary.

If the opponent can fight with them, even if they have the upper hand, it won't be so scary.

What I am most afraid of is this situation. No matter what kind of strategy is used, it will be defeated by force in the end.

"My God, these indigenous troops are all late-stage six-element Dao realm cultivation bases, and their combat power is beyond imagination!"

"It doesn't matter if you have a strong cultivation base or a strong combat power. Behind this army of natives, there is

However, there is a genius of battle formation command, which is beyond our reach! "

"The few times I have played against the opponent, I feel like a mouse being played by a cat, and the opponent will know what I want to do."

"It's terrible. How can there be such a terrible indigenous existence? Since I can remember, this is the most powerful native I have ever encountered."...

Moore's expression on the side is not very good.

After their hard work, they originally wanted to stabilize the situation.

As a result, not only did the situation not stabilize, it worsened even more than when they hadn't intervened.

What does this mean? It means that their "efforts" during this period are all a disservice!

During the period, countless spies were sent to obtain some important information.

As a result, these spies completely disappeared like mud cows drowning in the sea.

As for the information they obtained, it was all sent up by the enemy.

What is it called? An outright insult!

And the gap that makes people desperate!

"Emperor Qin...Emperor Qin...who the hell are you?" Moore murmured in his heart.

At the same time, Xiaohongmeng star field marched in the front camp.

Qin Liang pointed out the headquarters of Moore and others on the sand table, and Qin Buyi left the camp.

On the way, Qin Buyi opened the system mall and began to exchange the pills he needed for the next battle.

Moore's cultivation base and combat strength are the completion of enlightenment and fairyland.

With Qin Buyi's current raw combat power, it is still not enough to fight against it.

[Forty-first order · Epic Hundred Killing Pill · Full: The user gets 105 times of full recovery of physical strength, and at the same time the whole body attributes increase by 3000% until the end of the battle. Value: One billion super system mall points. 】

(Reminder: This is an advanced version of [Level 41 Epic Hundred Killing Pill], no need to accumulate, kill the number, take it to get the full effect of Hundred Killing Pill!)

[Level 41. Legendary Ten Hit Pill: The user can explode 500% of the combat power in the next ten attacks without any side effects. Price: One billion super system mall points. 】

Spend 2 billion super points to exchange these two pills.

The balance of super points in the system mall changed from 207.8 billion to 205.8 billion.

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