The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 1902 The True And False Curtain General

The excited shutter general looked at Jin Chanzi and the others who stood indifferently not far from him, and couldn't help being confused.

"Jin Chanzi, why are you standing there stupidly, why don't you come here soon?"

Jin Chanzi and the others surrounded General Rolling Blind, their eyes kept on sizing him up, and they muttered to themselves.

"The level of this illusion is getting higher and higher, and it is so real that the general of the rolling shutter can be simulated so realistically that people can't see the slightest clue."

"We have to be careful in the future, the level of illusion is so high, God knows what will happen in the future."

"What I'm saying is, you must be vigilant at all times, don't find yourself in an illusion after a busy day."

"It's okay to get lost before, but now you're riding a horse to create an illusion. I have to say that the game is getting more and more fancy."


General Shulin stared blankly at Jin Chanzi and the others.

At this time, he was as confused as the monk Zhang Er.

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand a word?" Biquku

Jin Chanzi said to the rolling shutter general: "Your illusion is quite realistic. Let me ask you that there are two proud things in the rolling shutter general's life. Do you know which two things are?"

Rolling shutter general: "..."

Does he know? Of course he doesn't know!

There are two things to be proud of in God's life, be proud of a peach!

As himself, General Shulin said that he never knew about such a thing.

So the shutter general who couldn't find the answer looked at Jin Chanzi and said, "Jin Chanzi, I don't know the two things you mentioned."

Jin Chanzi said confidently: "Of course you don't know, because you are not a rolling shutter general at all."

General Rolling Curtain was about to cry at this moment, after he experienced light and darkness in Liusha River just now, why is he not himself anymore.

Isn't this riding a horse nonsense!

Thinking of this, the rolling shutter general said: "I am really a rolling shutter, what is wrong with you?"

Jin Chanzi said: "If you want to prove that you are a rolling shutter, you have to show evidence!"

General Shulin pointed at himself, and said blankly: "You mean to let me prove that I am me?"

Jin Chanzi nodded seriously and said: "You are right, you have to prove that you are you!"

Hearing this, the swearing that General Shulin had accumulated for so many years kept churning in his chest.

Is this human talk? In what era do you still have to prove that I am me?

This proves a peach!

Thousands of words, in the end the curtain will be turned into one sentence: "Jin Chanzi, you must be sick!"

Jin Chanzi said: "You are the only one who is sick!"

General Rolling Shutter said: "Okay, let me not argue with you about this matter, what are the two things I am most proud of in my life?"

Jin Chanzi stretched out two fingers and said, "Listen up, you fake."

"The two things I am most proud of in my life, one is carving and the other is barbecue!"

The shutter general looked at Jin Chanzi speechlessly.

When did he say that this was the proudest thing in his life.

"Jin Chanzi, when did I say that these two are the things I'm most proud of in my life?" General Shulin couldn't help asking his doubts.

Jin Chanzi said: "The rolling shutter didn't say that, that's my guess!"

"You said that you are not a fake, now show the evidence."

General Rolling Curtain cast a pointed glance at Hou Zi and the others and said, "Jin Chanzi, are you sure you want me to show evidence?"

Jin Chanzi feels the eyes of the rolling shutter

God, I suddenly felt something was wrong.

But I can't detect what's wrong.

So he said: "Of course!"

General Shulin said: "Okay, you said it, don't regret it!"

After finishing speaking, General Shulin took out his treasured artwork for many years from the space ring, nine coral skulls.

When Jin Chanzi saw the nine coral skulls, his eyes straightened...

How could he not know about the origin of these nine coral skulls.

I think that when General Shulin sculpted these nine coral skulls, he was really angry.

This is the unbearable past of his past, and now the dead memory is resurrected again.

And launched an impact on Jin Chanzi...

General Rolling Curtain said: "This first coral skull was carved by the King when you just came to Liusha River."

"The second is that you are not willing to take revenge after being resurrected..."

"The third one is after falling twice in a row, you..."

The expression on Jin Chanzi's face kept changing.

He didn't want people to know about this kind of past.

Now being shaken out by the rolling shutter general, he hurriedly said: "Stop, stop, you have passed this level of carving."

Monkey and the others looked at the rolling shutter general with unsatisfactory expressions. Except for Monkey who knew a little more about this past, no one else knew about it.

Marshal Tianpeng said: "Jin Chanzi didn't expect you to have such an unbearable past, hahaha!"

Little White Dragon Ao Lie said: "I didn't expect the dignified Western Sect to receive and guide the second disciple of the sage, but he fell nine times in a row in a small quicksand river!"

The monkey said: "Jin Chanzi, when you told me the story of Liusha River, you didn't go into such details."

Jin Chanzi glared at them and said: "If you meet that benefactor, you will definitely be worse than me! I have already behaved very well!"

Except for the monkey, Tianpeng and little white dragon Ao Lie couldn't help shivering.

Facing Qin Buyi, they always have a kind of fear!

Jin Chanzi approached the shutter general and whispered, "Are you really a shutter?"

It is impossible for outsiders to know what he just said.

Among the details, apart from the three people who were in Liusha Hanoi back then, how could they be so clear and detailed.

It would be really surprising if the Heavenly Dao Illusionland could achieve this level.

The rolling shutter general said: "It's as if it's fake!"

Jin Chanzi said: "That's not right, I still don't believe it."

There is no way, the scene where the Liusha River disappeared and reappeared just now is really terrifying!

Especially when Jin Chanzi and others witnessed it with their own eyes, it was hard to believe that the rolling shutter prize in front of them was him.

The rolling shutter award said: "You don't believe in a peach, I haven't asked why you doubt me yet."

After Jin Chanzi told the story, he was taken aback for a moment and said:

"I just felt that it was dark and then bright again. I thought it was caused by the improvement of my cultivation base, but I didn't expect it to be like this."

Jin Chanzi said: "As we witnessed just now, there is a big hole left where the Liusha River is."

Now things are going in a weird direction...

Qin Buyi, who was watching secretly, appeared directly and said, "The Liusha River was created by me just now."

Seeing Qin Buyi appear, the scene fell silent for an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the monkey took the lead and said: "I have seen Master!"

The rolling shutter general said: "I have seen the great king!"

Jin Chanzi: "Hello, benefactor!"

Marshal Tianpeng, Xiaobailong: "I have seen Lord Tiandi!"

Qin Buyi has many identities, and everyone has a different identity.

Seeing that the Journey to the West project team is finally assembled, he said with a smile:

"Now you are all together, let's continue on the road."

After saying that, Qin Buyi disappeared in place.

He showed up just to clear up the misunderstanding.

Watching Qin Buyi leave, Jin Chanzi said: "It turned out that the benefactor did everything, now it makes sense."

Marshal Tianpeng whispered to Xiaobailong Aolie: "Lord Tiandi really cares about me."

Little Bailong Ao Lie said: "It's a good thing to care more about this kind of thing, the most important thing is to make a good impression in front of the Emperor of Heaven."

This is also the reason why little white dragon Ao Lie has always been willing to be a mount.

In the final analysis, it is for good impression!

In addition to the favor of the Jin Chanzi, there is also the favor of Qin Buyi.

For everyone who works hard, even if there is no credit, there is hard work.

Anyway, the final benefit must be indispensable to him.

Little Bailong Ao Lie has never told anyone about this little calculation in his heart.

Make a fortune in silence, a good thing is not a good thing if there are too many people who know about it!

After realizing that it was not an illusion, Jin Chanzi and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as it is not an illusion, it means that there is still room for manipulation.

Otherwise, getting lost and illusion, the effect of these two superimposed together is not one plus one equals two.

But one plus one is greater than two!

In human terms, getting lost is already a headache.

In the wild, only low-level cultivators with insufficient cultivation and mortals without any cultivation will get lost.

Anyone with a slightly higher cultivation base does not have to get lost.

However, the members of Journey to the West Project are not low in cultivation.

However, under the influence of the way of heaven, he gets lost frequently, and every time is a rhythm that wants to break people's mentality.

After joining the new members, Jin Chanzi said to General Shulin: "Do you know the way?"

The shutter general, who didn't know about getting lost, said confidently: "Of course I know the way. As long as you tell me the location in the prehistoric world, I will find it."

After saying this, General Shulin decisively felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere around him.

He couldn't help saying: "Jin Chanzi, why are you asking me this question?"

Jin Chanzi said: "Since you know the way, it will be easy to handle, and then you will lead the way!"

General Shulin really wanted to ask about the details, but he had already uttered his big words just now, so asking now would inevitably result in a slap in the face.

He could only bite the bullet and say, "Where are we going at the next stop?"

Jin Chanzi pointed in one direction along the way: "Go straight ahead, it doesn't matter where you go."

This time, the rolling shutter general felt even more strange.

What does it mean to go wherever you go? It's so random...

"Jin Chanzi, don't we have a specific destination?"

Facing the inquiry from General Shulin, Jin Chanzi said a meaningful sentence.

"We had it not so long ago, we didn't have it anymore..."

Why not, the reason is simple.

Even if you have clear coordinates and follow the so-called "correct" direction, you will eventually get lost.

So Jin Chanzi directly leads people to show off and walk around randomly, not to mention that this method is quite effective.

Can always miraculously arrive at the next place...

The rolling shutter general who doesn't understand these things really wants to ask.

Naihe saw the expression on Jin Chanzi's face that made him understand.

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