A year passed in the blink of an eye.

Qin Buyi ended his retreat.

The divine mind moved slightly, and directly summoned Qin Liang, Lan Wenhao and others.

Everyone gathered together, and Qin Buyi signaled Qin Liang to speak.

After being signaled by Qin Buyi, Qin Liang said:

"I suggest this time to go directly from the 614 area to the 609 area."

"The strongest person in the June 14 area is the Consummation of Enlightenment and Wonderland..."

"The 611 area is the strongest, the early stage of Tianming Dao Realm."

"The strongest in the 609 area is Tianming Dao Realm Consummation."

After hearing Qin Liang's introduction, Qin Buyi said: "Okay, I will implement the plan according to what you said."

After formulating the battle plan, Qin Buyi looked at Lan Wenhao.

Lan Wenhao naturally knew what he wanted to express.

The other party gave me a task before the retreat, and now the task is roughly the same, and it is time to report it.

"Brother Qin, the saintesses of the Mu clan have been killed by the flat peach tree..."

After talking about the cause and effect of the matter, Lan Wenhao said: "Next, we only need to follow the steps to make this wood saint girl return to us."

After listening to Lan Wenhao's narration, Qin Buyi showed a satisfied expression on his face.

"Brother Wen Hao, you three should pay more attention to this matter in the future. When we attack the fifth star ring, we must completely take the wood spirit clan into our pocket."


The battle time is set in three days.

During these three days, the First Army of the Heavenly Court assembled towards the 615 area.

The wood spirit saintess followed among them.

Seeing so many soldiers of the First Heavenly Court Army, the Wooden Spirit Maiden secretly said: "I never thought that the number of the Qin Emperor's direct army that I saw earlier would be so many!"

What Lan Wenhao let her see in those years was only part of it.

No one is so stupid as to show all their hole cards.

It would be good if we can let the wood spirit saintess know something.

Seeing so many armies, the wood spirit saint suddenly realized a problem.

Shouldn't she and Qin Buyi secretly go to the 611 area to rescue Qingqian like last time?

What is the purpose of gathering so many troops!

Thinking of this, she went to ask Qin Buyi.

The other party's words made her completely shut up.

Qin Buyi's original words were to call.

Just these three words made the wood spirit saintess realize the difference in structure between herself and the opponent.

Seeing such a powerful and numerous Heavenly Court First Army, the Wood Spirit Saintess twitched her lips.

With such a large army and Qin Buyi's combat power, it is not impossible to fight there!

Thinking of this, the wood spirit saint once again realized something she had neglected before.

That is, if the army can fight in the past now, doesn't it mean that the fifth star ring will also be able to fight in the future...

"If one day in the future my fantasy really comes true, wouldn't the wood spirit clan be in danger?"

"The wood spirit clan...if they can join the Xiaohongmeng star field, it doesn't seem too dangerous."

Having lived in the Xiaohongmeng star field for so many years, the wood spirit saintess is very satisfied with everything here.

There is no oppression and exploitation here, and the creatures live happily, with a high happiness index.

If the wood spirit clan were allowed to join the Xiaohongmeng star field, they would definitely not be treated differently.

The most important thing is that there is another point, that is, she will be able to cultivate the branches of the flat peach fruit tree

Biqu library

Share tribe.

And he can always use the flat peach fruit tree to improve his cultivation.

Once this thought arises, it can no longer be suppressed.

The wood spirit saintess felt more and more that this matter is not impossible, and there is a lot of room for manipulation.

Once the operation is successful, seeing the temptation of the flat peach fruit tree, he may become a hero of the wood spirit clan.

Under the command of Qin Liang, the First Army of the Heavenly Court soon descended on the June 14 area.

The Chaos Protoss guarding the June 14 area stared wide-eyed at the arrival of the First Heavenly Court Army.

"Fuck, where did these indigenous troops come from? Why did they suddenly descend on our June 14 area!"

"Riding on horses, why do you care where these indigenous troops came from? Hurry up and run away!"

"I don't have any confidence in dealing with such an army of natives. If I don't run away now, I will die here!"

"Hurry up and report this matter to the adults at the headquarters, and let them decide what we should do next!"...

It has to be said that the oppression brought by the soldiers of the First Heavenly Court Army in the late stage of Qiyuan Dao Realm is really a bit strong.

These chaotic protoss army met each other and immediately chose to run away.

No matter what race or cultivation level, fear of death is always an instinct!

Especially when facing this kind of enemy that seems unlikely to be defeated at a glance, it would be a fool not to run away.

The wood spirit saintess looked at the soldiers of the First Army of Heaven completely sealing off and surrounding the June 14 area with overwhelming momentum, and a strange flash flashed in her eyes.

The Woodlings and the Potters have one thing in common, they are both good at a certain area.

But not too good at fighting!

The wood spirit clan is obsessed with spiritual plants because of their own cultivation methods.

But Lingzhi can increase their cultivation speed, but it can't make their combat power among the best at the same level.

"If our wood spirit clan can be protected by such an army, wouldn't we be able to do whatever we want in the future!"

Here the wood spirit saintess said that she could do whatever she wanted, and she was not referring to doing evil or doing evil.

Instead, you can completely immerse yourself in the ocean of spiritual plants!

The Chaos Protoss Headquarters in the 614 area.

The name of the leader is Pierre, and he has perfected his combat power after enlightenment to the fairyland.

He was thinking about one thing at this time, that is, why his neighbor 615 area was suddenly occupied by a group of indigenous people.

"This group of natives came here decades ago. In the past few decades, I have tried my best to obtain some useful information from them, but all ended in failure."

"It can be seen that these natives are very vigilant!"

He has a headache, what kind of enemy is the most difficult to deal with.

There is only one answer, the unknown enemy is the most difficult to deal with.

A powerful enemy can decide whether to flee after knowing how strong the opponent is.

But the unknown enemy, everything is unknown, it may be a little sheep, or it may be a wolf in sheep's clothing.

In the final analysis, only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles.

"The natives in the June 15th area are definitely not sheep. Those who can occupy this area must have certain strength."

"After all, the rulers of the June 15 area once had similar cultivation and combat power as me..."

The reason why Peel was troubled was that he didn't know about this group of natives.

Also, both parties

Hate impossible to mediate!

The Chaos Protoss and the primitive inhabitants of the heavens fought to the death after seeing them, and had no other choice at all.

This means that there will be a battle between the two regions after all.

It's just that we don't know when this battle will come.

Looking at the high-ranking members of the Chaos Protoss under his command, Pierre said, "Have you not found out the origins of this group of natives?"

The following high-level Chaos Protoss said one after another:

"The blockade of these natives is too serious, and the entire area is blocked to prevent any outsiders from entering."

"We want to enter it. We have tried countless methods for so many years, but all ended in failure!"

"Hey~ If you want me to talk about these damned natives, let's just call them there, why do we have to read any information."

"That is to say, our June 14 area is so powerful, there is nothing wrong with going directly to it."...

Hearing what his subordinates said, Pierre said angrily:

"When will you idiots think about problems and move your rusted brains instead of using the place where you are branching every day!"

Seeing Peel's anger, these high-ranking members of the Chaos Protoss immediately stopped talking.

Although the rulers of each region have different temperaments, cultivation skills, and personalities, they have one thing in common.

That is, they all have the majesty that makes people afraid!

Because if you want to become the controller of an area, you must pass five levels and kill six generals.

In the world of cultivators where the jungle preys on the weak, if there are no two brushes, how can you be the boss?

To be the boss, one must first have superhuman cultivation and fighting power, otherwise everything will be out of the question.

Peel frowned when he saw that these subordinates stopped talking.

Many times being a leader is lonely.

Especially when there is no one with outstanding ability, it is extremely lonely.

When it comes to making a decision, you can't find anyone who wants to discuss it!

Just when everyone was silent, an urgent report broke the silence.

"The latest urgent report: The indigenous army in the June 15th area suddenly descended, and the opponent's army was all in the late stage of the Seventh Yuan Dao Realm. The number of people is huge, and the specifics are unknown..."

"The latest emergency report: our June 14 area has been completely blocked by these natives, and in just a short period of time we have fallen to one-third of the territory..."

"The latest emergency report: The army used to resist has been defeated at this time, and the army's retreat cannot be stopped at all. Besides, the senior generals are also defeated..."

"The latest emergency report: The enemy is getting closer and closer to our headquarters area. According to the current situation, it will only take half a day for the June 14 area to completely fall..."

This urgent report, which came continuously, was imprinted on the hearts of Peel and many high-level Chaos Protoss like a reminder.

Everything was so sudden, everyone was still thinking about it one second, and it turned out like this the next moment!

The most important thing is that the scene is chaotic, and the gap between the two sides can be clearly reflected from the emergency report.

What is the concept of capturing an area in just half a day?

The two sides are not of the same magnitude at all!

It is not difficult to understand this result.

When the first army of the Heavenly Court captured the 615 area, all of them were still at the late stage of the Six Yuan Dao Realm.

Now the overall cultivation base has been raised to the late stage of the Seventh Yuan Dao Realm!

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