The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 1939 Cultivating Ginseng Fruit

Honghuang is essentially a place where whoever has a hard fist has the right to speak.

Haotian, as an existence with extremely high combat power among the saints, his fist was so hard that Zhen Yuanzi dared not face it at all.

After the ginseng fruit tree was revived, Qin Buyi said to Zhen Yuanzi, "This matter is over."

Zhen Yuanzi said: "Thank you, Lord Heavenly Emperor!"

In the next second, Qin Buyi's figure disappeared.

Zhen Yuanzi dispelled the barrier, looked at Jin Chanzi and his party and said, "Leave."

Now it was the turn of Jin Chanzi and the others to quit.

This is what you think of yourself and others, come and go as soon as you are called!

Jin Chanzi looked at Zhen Yuanzi and said, "Zhen Yuanzi, now that the ginseng fruit tree has been revived, shouldn't we talk about the past!"

Zhen Yuanzi frowned slightly: "Tell me about the previous thing?"

Jin Chanzi said: "You tied us here before, how about this matter?"

Zhen Yuanzi pointed to the bare spot on the ginseng fruit tree and said: "As far as I know, all the fruits of the ginseng fruit tree will be eaten by you this time!"

Jin Chanzi: "..."

Well, when Zhen Yuanzi mentioned this matter, Jin Chanzi didn't want to argue too much with him.

After all, I waited for others to eat all the ginseng fruit, and this matter was basically hedged.

In this way, Jin Chanzi and others left Wuzhuang Temple, leaving Zhen Yuanzi to reprimand Qingfeng and Mingyue alone.


Qin Buyi threw the obtained ginseng fruit tree branch into Xiaoqian World.

Qin Liang and Qin Lin looked at the small sapling that suddenly appeared in front of them, and they were all very surprised.

When they knew that it was a ginseng fruit tree, neither of them spoke.

Qin Lin said: "Shuai Liang, where did Shuai Qin get the ginseng fruit tree..."

Qin Liang looked at Qin Lin and said, "If you ask me this kind of thing, I also want to know the answer."

After much deliberation, Qin Liang and Qin Lin finally began to openly select geniuses who can take care of ginseng fruit trees in Xiaoqian World.

The ginseng fruit tree is different from the original flat peach tree.

There are so many flat peach trees transplanted by Qin Buyi that it is not a big deal if one or two die during the care.

This ginseng fruit tree is a single seedling, and it will disappear immediately after death.

God knows

I wonder how much Qin Buyi paid to obtain such a branch of a ginseng fruit tree.

Qin Liang and Qin Lin expressed that they were under great pressure.

After hearing the news, the living beings in the small thousand world said with horror in their eyes:

"I heard that right, our Little Thousand World has a new branch of ginseng fruit tree. Does this mean that we will produce ginseng fruit in the future besides the flat peach tree!"

"That's the thing, but the announcement also made it very clear that experienced creatures like us are definitely not qualified."

"This is an only seedling. Once it dies due to carelessness, I think the person who took care of it will die along with it..."

"Don't talk nonsense, Shuai Liang and Adjutant Qin Lin are definitely not this kind of people, but the consequences will not be very comfortable."


In the end, no one in Xiaoqian World agreed to this dangerous and technically difficult task.

As a result, Qin Liang and Qin Lin became a little worried.

There is definitely no way to hand it over to the soldiers of the First Army of the Heavenly Court to breed.

A group of big bosses can take care of the flat peach tree, but cultivating this single seedling will most likely be cool.

Qin Lin said to Qin Liang: "Shuai Liang, isn't there a saint from the Wood Spirit Clan in the Little Hongmeng Star Territory? How about we go find her?"

Qin Liang said: "This is a way, but I don't know what the wood spirit saintess thinks in her heart for so many years."

Qin Lin said: "Let's ask. If she shows her willingness to surrender, then it's not a bad idea to let her enter the world of Xiaoqian!"

Qin Liang said: "Don't worry, maybe we can handle this matter like this..."

All Heavens Times Star Blue Academy.

Lan Wenhao received a voice transmission from Qin Liang, and along with the voice transmission was a branch of a ginseng fruit tree.

"Does this... feel a little strange?"

There was no way, the task fell on him now, and he had to do it bravely.

He found the wood spirit saintess, and the other party said: "Is the Lanhuang here to see the flat peach tree?"

Lan Wenhao shook his head and said, "I have another treasure to show you."

The wood spirit saint asked with a puzzled look: "Is there a baby?"

She looked Lan Wenhao up and down. At this moment, the wood spirit saint really wanted to ask Lan Wenhao, where did you get so many treasures!

this is also

Lan Wenhao felt something strange.

As the master of Xiaohongmeng Starfield, he said that he was very lucky to get a flat peach fruit tree by chance.

Now let him lie and say that he got a branch of the ginseng fruit tree...

Hmm~ Only a fool would believe this kind of nonsense!

Is the wood spirit saintess a fool? Obviously not!

She is not a fool, Lan Wenhao has to say the same!

Whether she believes it or not, it is the problem to be able to raise the ginseng fruit tree well in the end.

Lan Wenhao took out a branch of the ginseng fruit tree and handed it to the wood spirit saint: "Do you know this thing?"

Wood Spirit Saintess: "..."

She knows a peach!

The flat peach fruit tree was known only because of records, and she had a record of a hammer in her mind.

The wood spirit saintess felt the aura in the twig in front of her, no less than that of a flat peach tree, and said, "Lord Lanhuang, what is this?"

Lan Wenhao said: "This thing is called a ginseng fruit tree."

As soon as these words came out, the wood spirit saintess instantly stayed where she was.

She knew exactly what a ginseng fruit tree was.

This thing was opened from the beginning of the prehistoric period until the end of the prehistoric period and entered the age of the heavens.

Except for Zhen Yuanzi who owns it, no one has owned it anymore.

Now that Lan Wenhao told her this news, it is obvious that the impact on the wood spirit saintess is huge.

If it was another Lingzhi, maybe she would believe that there were not so many doubts.

If it is said that this thing is a ginseng fruit tree, then the wood spirit saint has to be suspicious.

"Lanhuang, are you sure this is a ginseng fruit tree?"

Lan Wenhao said: "I'm very sure."

This thing was made by Qin Buyi, so is it fake?

The wood spirit saint said: "Lanhuang, where did you get this thing?"

Lan Wenhao looked at the Wood Spirit Saintess with a half-smile, the meaning in his eyes was obvious, don't inquire about what you shouldn't.

Seeing what Lan Wenhao meant, the wood spirit saintess instantly knew that she was a little reckless.

Practitioners have many fundamental secrets that involve themselves, and they should never be asked.

"It's me, Meng Lang. Lanhuang put the ginseng fruit tree in front of me, but what do you think?"

When saying these words, the tone of the wood spirit saintess was full of uncontrollable joy.

She's not stupid, if the other party doesn't want her to get this opportunity, how could she give the ginseng fruit tree in front of her.

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