Saying this kind of words is typically asking for money rather than life.

What's the situation now, and I still think about my hard work.

If you don't run faster, you will die if you don't run faster.

After a brief silence, the high-level officials of the 601 area said to Farr:

"Lord Farr, we are very able to understand your true thoughts..."

Before he finished speaking, he was rudely interrupted by Farr: "Since you can understand my true inner thoughts, let's execute them."

"Fight to the death and never retreat!"

These Chaos Protoss looked at each other.

Feel the absurdity in their eyes.

Now that the catastrophe is coming, I don't care about so many things.

They didn't want to accompany Farr to die here.

The ruler of the 601 area is Farr, not them.

These high-ranking members of the Chaos Protoss pointedly said:

"Lord Farr, you are very clear about our current situation in Area 601. We don't want to wait here to die."

"This indigenous force is too strong, people can't see any hope at all, I will not stay."

"Whoever wants to stay in this situation has something wrong with his brain. Even if you want to kill me angrily after hearing this, I have to say it."

"I haven't lived enough. There will be a better life waiting for me to enjoy in the future. I will not accompany you!"


These high-level Chaos Protoss have already figured it out in their hearts.

Staying here is definitely death, but resisting Farr's order is not necessarily death.

In this way, it goes without saying what choice to make!

A powerful aura erupted from Farr.

The aura belonging to the late stage of the first-rank immortals oppressed the high-ranking members of the Chaos Protoss who proposed to leave.

"I'll say it again, there is no room for loss in the 601 area!"

The battle was about to break out, and at this moment a joking voice came from outside.

"It's the first time I've seen this money-or-life thing."

It was Qin Buyi who came.

At this time, he basically understood what happened at the regional headquarters of 601.

"Boom~!" A loud noise came out, and Qin Buyi directly smashed the building and entered the place where Farr and others were.

Looking at Qin Buyi standing in the air above, Farr and his subordinates surrendered to him.

"Have the aborigines found this place yet? Let's retreat as soon as possible."

"Now these are just the natives of the Nine-Yuan Dao Realm, and the army behind them hasn't arrived yet."

, otherwise we will face a catastrophe. "

"Lord Faer is willing to stand alone here, so let him do it alone. I won't accompany him anyway."

"Now use every minute and every second to leave quickly."...

These high-ranking Chaos Protoss ignored Qin Buyi.

In their eyes, it is nothing more than a consummation of the Nine Yuan Dao Realm.

If you have time to pay attention to each other, you might as well pack up your things and run away.

To put it more directly, the threat of a Nine Yuan Dao Realm consummation is not great.

"Killing · Death Realm · Blood Realm!"

The independent space surrounds the entire 601 Regional Headquarters.

Qin Buyi couldn't hear any emotional voice coming into their ears:

"Who made you leave without my permission?"

This is like poking a hornet's nest.

Many high-ranking members of the Chaos Protoss were already full of anger at this time.

Farr, who has followed him for many years, wants to fight to the death without retreating, and now there is another native of the Nine Yuan Dao Realm who doesn't know how to live or die.

"Indigenous boy, we didn't want to pay attention to you at first, it's good for you to be a transparent person."

"Now that you have to go up by yourself, don't blame us for being cruel and ruthless!"

"Reptile-like guy, your behavior has completely angered us, get ready to fall!"

"Dare to enter our headquarters alone, is it courageous or stupid?"...

These angry high-level Chaos Protoss rushed towards Qin Buyi.

Seeing the colorful attacks, Qin Buyi slowly drew out the killing blade.

"Killing, Returning to the Market, Heaven's Market, Earth's Market, Instant Slash!"

The Xuli Daomang appeared out of nowhere, using an almost simple and rough way to chop up all the attacks that approached Qin Buyi.

Under the control of Qin Buyi, Xu Li Daomang slashed towards the high-ranking Chaos Protoss below.

"Chi~!" "Chi~!"


With just one move, two-thirds of the high-level Chaos Protoss below fell.

The remaining third finally recognized reality at this time.

The other party was not the little sheep they thought in their hearts, but a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Where is this combat power from the Nine Yuan Dao Realm, it is clearly the First Grade Immortal Venerable Realm!

Farr didn't make a move, but watched these former subordinates be beheaded by Qin Buyi.

Qin Buyi looked at Fal and said, "I thought you would

Shot to stop. "

Farr asked back: "These guys who are going to leave me, why should I stop you from killing them?"

The surviving Chaos Protoss executives heard the conversation between the two, and their hearts fell into an ice cellar.

Now that a strong enemy is coming, Farr still has such an indifferent attitude...

Their lives are like candles in the wind, which may be extinguished at any time.

Qin Buyi said: "You Chaos Protoss are really generally indifferent to your companions."

Fal said: "Don't criticize others from the commanding heights, you natives are not much better than us."

This sentence Qin Buyi did not refute Farr.

This is a problem that is universal to all races.

When faced with damage to one's own interests, it's just a different way of expressing it.

The surviving Chaos Protoss executives were trembling at this time, and their strong desire to survive made them refocus their attention on Farr.

Now the only hope for them to survive these natives is Farr.

"Master Faer, we were wrong just now, as long as you save us, we will definitely advance and retreat with you!"

"For the sake of my service for you for many years, come and save me, I don't want to die yet."

"For so many years, I have worked hard and never dared to carry it for a moment. You can't leave us alone at critical moments."

"I have changed my mind now, and I will stay and do my best to assist Lord Farr in protecting the 601 area."...

Qin Buyi was not surprised by the words of these Chaos Protoss executives.

This is the case for any living being when faced with the choice of life and death.

They were just forced to say these words under the threat of death, in exchange for their own slim chance of survival.

Qin Buyi looked at Faer with a half-smile, and he was more curious about how the other party would respond next.

Do you agree or reject?

I saw the spiritual power running in Farr's body, and a long sword appeared in his hand.

"Chi~!" "Chi~!" "Chi~!"...

All the high-ranking members of the Chaos Protoss were beheaded by his sword.

This approach is somewhat unexpected.

Qin Buyi said: "The subordinate who has worked so hard for you for so many years, you just killed him like this?"

Farr said indifferently: "Abandon me when the catastrophe is imminent. What's the use of such a subordinate even if he makes a small contribution?"

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