The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 2012: Recruiting Apprentices Can Also Be Done In Secret!

"After Qin Daoyou broke the tower of the abyss, the seal on my body has been relieved a lot."

Bai Ze's voice came.

Qin Buyi said: "That's good."

After a few casual chats, Qin Buyi called in his heart to return the system to the Starblue Tower.

Bai Ze whispered in secret: "The seal strength of an abyss tower is stronger than the previous prison palace."

"It's comfortable now and I can use more power."

Being able to use more power here in the Badlands is obviously a good thing.

At the very least, he can use these powers to hide from the detection of other Chaos Protoss.

You don't have to be as careful as you used to be.


After returning to the Starblue Tower, Qin Buyi non-stop took out the spherical object leading to the fourth star ring from the system storage space.

Without too much hesitation, he smashed the spherical object directly.

The berserk power was released, Qin Buyi said in a low voice:

"This spherical object is really rough. If it is not strong enough, it will be completely torn apart by this violent energy before the teleportation array leading to the fourth star ring is activated."

Such a rough item was thrown from the fourth star ring to the sixth star ring by an unknown person or unknown force...

For a while, Qin Buyi's mind continued to flow with thoughts.

What exactly is the reason, he is not sure now.

"It seems that we can only talk about it after teleporting to the fourth star ring."

After a brief teleportation, Qin Buyi appeared on a continent.

The area of ​​the mainland is huge, and Qin Buyi released his divine sense to observe it, and it turned out to be as big as an area.

This is the largest continent that Qin Buyi has ever seen besides Xiaoqian World.

In such a large place, there is still a little prehistoric taste in it.

"It seems that after the Great Desolation exploded, one of the larger fragments was transformed..."

The area he came to was not ruled by the Chaos Protoss.

It is the primitive inhabitants of the heavens who rule.

He released his divine sense just now and did not find the Chaos Protoss.

This can explain one thing, this is the area to exterminate the Chaos Protoss.

From the Ninth Star Ring to the present, it was also the first area that Qin Buyi saw was ruled by the primitive inhabitants of the heavens.

"It seems that the situation in the inner circle is a little better than I imagined.


After years of fighting, Qin Buyi thought that the original inhabitants of the heavens had basically disappeared under the oppression of the Chaos Gods.

Because most of the areas he saw were controlled and dominated by the Chaos Protoss.

The few remaining areas are also other races...

This is the first time I have seen the area controlled by the primitive residents of the heavens.

Qin Buyi couldn't help being curious, so he chose a nearby city and landed directly.

"Feel the customs and customs here, and take a look at what the rule of this area is like..."

Street vendors hawking, and people of various cultivation levels walked by.

He walked aimlessly in the city.

Soon I saw two immature children fighting against each other with wooden swords in their hands.

"Qi Xuan, you are a member of the collateral clan, but you were lucky enough to enter our direct line by virtue of your high talent. Why did you rob me of your master!"

"Qihao, I don't have one. The Patriarch asked me to go with you to meet the Great Elder in the afternoon."

"Hmph! If that's the case, then you don't have to go this afternoon."

Qin Buyi watched this scene with great interest.

It had been a long time since the younger generations of the family were fighting each other.

With the higher cultivation base and higher status, what he has seen and heard in Xiaohongmeng Starfield for so many years has long been limited to a certain family power.

I don't know when he started, his eyes have been looking at the stars in the sky.

Maybe it was from the ninth star ring to the eighth star ring, or maybe earlier...

The words of the two children in front of him evoked his memory.

He recalled that when he came to Tianhuang Realm, he also experienced these things.

At that time, Yingzhi was still the third prince, and he himself was not the current Qin Emperor.

Just as the memory emerged in Qin Buyi's mind, two servant-like fellows rushed over.

"Little ancestor, why did you two come here, put down the wooden sword in your hand quickly, this is so dangerous!"

"The Great Elder is going to accept apprentices in the afternoon, you two hurry up and get ready, the old servant will rely on the two young masters in the future!"

Qin Buyi disappeared and followed them to Qi's house.

Soon the Great Elder's apprenticeship ceremony began in the afternoon. Under various secret operations, Qi Xuan, who was more talented, was not favored by the Great Elder.

Instead, Qi Hao was accepted, because behind the other party's power in the Qi family was greater.

Behind Qi Xuan is just a side

That's all.

This scene made Qin Buyi couldn't help laughing secretly: "This family's recruitment of apprentices is not about selecting geniuses, but more like a way of life."

What is sophistication? It is a network of intricate relationships that are entangled together and eventually formed.

All the people in this network will try their best to maintain each other's interests...

Those who are not in this net will naturally not be valued.

Qi Lingyun, the Patriarch of the Qi family, had a smile on his face.

Qi Hao is his son, and he asked Qi Xuan to participate in this pre-arranged apprenticeship ceremony, just to show his fairness.

The superficial justice still needs to be done, and no one can let people gossip.

At least the level of talent, except for a few people can see it, other tribesmen don't know it.

And the few tribesmen who can tell are still their staunch supporters, and they will definitely not speak out.

In the eyes of the clansmen, this matter will eventually lead to Qi Hao being slightly superior in talent, and Qi Xuan is a bit short after all...

As for Qi Xuan's training, Qi Lingyun didn't even think about it.

The Qi family is like a big cake, it's only this big in total, if he can cultivate the other party.

In the future, if his son Qi Hao couldn't suppress it, wouldn't it be against the heavens.

So treat Qi Xuan's training superficially well, but secretly try to do everything possible to raise him.

Does their family need a genius? Of course you need it!

But one more word has to be added, there is no need for geniuses outside the direct line.

Qi Xuan was a little lost. When he came to the master's house, the collateral clansmen regarded him as their greatest hope.

Now...his talent is not as good as Qihao's.

Seeing Qi Hao's smug look, Qi Xuan felt that it was a lie.

Other members of the Qi family who didn't understand the truth and were kept in the dark whispered:

"See, after all, Master Qihao is not comparable to this mourner who was born in a collateral line and both parents died."

"That is, since I was a child, I have seen that Master Qi Hao must be extraordinary in the future. How could it be possible for such a humble clansman to compare."

"The collateral branch he belongs to basically exists in name only. If it weren't for the fairness and justice of the Patriarch, how could he come here!"

"Why don't we say that our patriarch has a big structure, or I will never let such a child with no status and no background compete with my son for resources!"...

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