The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 2049 Return To The Silence And Broken Heaven!

This time when he went to the 399 area, he saw many immortal emperors.

Although each of these immortal emperors did not show a strong aura.

But a little bit of leakage is enough to make people fearful.

The creatures in the Xiaohongmeng star field stared wide-eyed as Qin Buyi walked out of such a tyrannical thunder tribulation.

"The defense part must be Lord Qin Emperor. A total of five hundred lightning calamities fell on him as if nothing happened."

"This can't help but make me wonder if the power of Thunder Tribulation is really strong. Could it be that Lord Qin Emperor is different from the intensity of Thunder Tribulation we have endured?"

"Your thinking is very dangerous. If you doubt anything, don't doubt the power of Lei Jie, otherwise you will definitely cry and can't find the tune."

"I once had a friend who thought the same as you. If he still has a chance to reincarnate, he should be eighteen this year."


After the first wave of thunder calamity came, the second wave of thunder calamity followed closely behind.

The lightning calamity with the strength of two hundred first-rank immortals is getting closer and closer to Qin Buyi.

"Eighty-Nine Mysterious Art·Samadhi True Fire!"

The endless true fire of Samadhi spewed out from Qin Buyi's mouth.

These samadhi true fires fell on the thunder calamity of the strength of two hundred first-rank immortals.

"Zi~la~!" "Zi~la~!"...

After a puff of blue smoke, the two hundred first-rank immortals were instantly reduced to ashes.

With Qin Buyi's current strength, it's really not a big deal for the strength of the first-rank immortal clan.

Jieyun fell into silence in the sky.

The creatures in Tianhuang Realm have the clearest feeling because they are under the Thunder Tribulation.

They looked up at the Jieyun in the sky.

The thunder calamity of the two hundred first-rank immortals just now left indelible marks in their hearts.

"One move instantly turns two hundred first-grade immortals into ashes. Is the Samadhi True Fire stronger or Lord Qin Emperor stronger?"

"The reason you said this is that Emperor Qin must be strong. Of course, the True Fire of Samadhi is not weak. After all, we ordinary people simply cannot obtain such legendary supernatural powers."

"Yes, if I can learn the true fire of samadhi in my life, even if it makes me fall now, I will be willing."

"Don't dream, like this kind of supernatural power, unless you encounter such a heaven-defying opportunity, it is basically impossible to learn it."...

Three days later, Jieyun surged again.

"Boom~!" "Boom~!"


Perhaps it was because he felt that the previous two waves of thunder calamity did not cause any effective damage to Qin Buyi at all.

This time, the sound of Jieyun's thunder was particularly loud.

A total of one hundred thunderstorms covering the strength of the second-rank immortals flew out of the robbery cloud.

The aura belonging to the second-rank Immortal Venerable Thunder Tribulation covered the surrounding area of ​​Tianhuang Realm.

All the creatures who felt this breath seemed to have encountered some great terror.

The difference in cultivation is too great...

"Killing · Blood Sea Eight Thousand Flows · Instant Slash!"

With two hundred second-rank immortals Lei Jie as the center, a sea of ​​blood was formed in an instant.

Countless long knives emerged from the sea of ​​blood.

Under Qin Buyi's control, these long knives were aimed at the second-rank Immortal Venerable Lei Jie.

"Boom~!" "Boom~!"


There was a violent explosion.

In less than two breaths before and after, all the lightning tribulations with the strength of the second-rank immortals disappeared.

So far, there have been three waves of thunder calamity, a total of eight hundred

get through.

Qin Buyi said in a low voice: "There are still thirty thunder disasters left..."

You don't need to think about the strength of the last wave of thunder tribulation, it must be the strength of the Three-Yuan Dao Realm!

This is the experience that has been summed up over many times.

When the calamity cloud was brewing in the sky, the creatures in the Xiaohongmeng Starfield held their breath and watched intently.

"Master Qin Emperor's dealing with the first-rank immortal master's strength thunder calamity is enough to make people surprised, but the second-rank immortal master's strength thunder calamity seems to have no power to fight back in front of him!"

"This shows that Lord Qin Emperor's combat power is getting stronger and stronger, so powerful that we can't understand it at all, but that's good, we might soon become the fifth star ring overlord!"

"That's right, the overlord level power of the fifth star ring makes people excited just thinking about it. I followed Lord Qin Emperor all the way from the ninth star ring."

"It seems like no one is the same when you say this. At least half of our little Hongmeng Starfield migrated from the Ninth Star Ring in the first place."...

The robbery cloud in the sky has been brewing for five whole days.

"Boom~!" "Boom~!"


Accompanied by the sound of thunder, thirty third-rank immortals flew out of the robbery cloud.

"Killing · Gate of Hell · Instant Slash!"

A huge portal appeared out of thin air.

Black and white chains flew out from inside and pulled these third-rank immortals into it.

The gate of the underworld slowly closed, and the sound of muffled thunder continued to emerge.

After a few breaths, there was an explosion, and the gate of the underworld exploded.

Thirty lightning tribulations left only twenty-five.

"Killing, Silence, Silence, Silence, Instant Slash!"

As soon as the twenty-five thunders left the gate of the underworld, they were sucked into the black hole by a huge suction force.

The surface of the black hole trembled.

As Lei Jie struggled in it, within two breaths, the black hole exploded completely.


There are only 20 Thunder Tribulations left for the third-rank Immortal Venerable.

"God-level Chaos Clock, Imprisoned Time!"

"God-level Chaos Clock Suppresses Space!"

"Thunder Pangu Ax Kill!"


An ax glow flew out from Thunder Pangu's axe.

The ax light landed on Lei Jie, the remaining third-rank Immortal Venerable who was stagnant in both time and space.

"Boom~!" "Boom~!"


The sound of explosions came out one after another, and there were only ten Thunder Tribulations with the strength of the third-rank Immortal Venerable.

Perhaps feeling the strength of Qin Buyi, these ten lightning calamities had bursts of lightning on their surface, trying to merge with each other.

Seeing this, Qin Buyi whispered: "If you want to merge together, have you obtained my consent?"

Without the slightest hesitation, he decided to release his big move.

"Killing, Slaughter, Execution... Sea of ​​Blood, Gate of Hell, Killing God!"...

"Zheng~!" "Zheng~!"


The sound of knives pierced the sky.

Qin Buyi's aura exploded to the extreme!

A series of chains representing rules and order locked the ten third-rank immortals with strength thunder calamity.

"Boom~!" "Boom~!" "Boom~!"...

No matter how the ten third-rank immortals struggled, the chains still firmly fixed them in place.

Under the watchful eyes of all living beings, these ten lightning calamities completely disappeared.

Qin Buyi felt that his body belonged to the early stage of Tianming Dao Realm, and his face

She looked happy.

Improving one's cultivation is something that all cultivators cannot refuse.

The ultimate goal of cultivation is to pursue greater strength.

He opened the personal cultivation panel:

Cultivation level: Forty-sixth stage early stage of Tianming Dao Realm (10000/20000 Saint)

From the early stage of the Tianming Dao Realm to break through to the completion of the Tianming Dao Realm, a total of 10,000 holy-level attributes are required.

Then Qin Buyi opened the property exchange function of the system mall.

When enlightening to the fairyland, one point of holy level attribute needs to be exchanged for 50 points of holy level.

To break through to Tianming Dao Realm with one holy level attribute, one hundred holy level points are needed to exchange.

10,000 points of holy-level attributes require 1 million holy-level points.

It just so happened that Qin Buyi now has 1,060,000 holy points.

Without much hesitation, he directly exchanged the 10,000 points of holy-level attributes.

Looking at the remaining 600 points in the system mall, the corner of Qin Buyi's mouth showed a wry smile.

"After the cultivation base has been improved, there is only so much left... We still have to work hard to obtain cultivation resources."

At this moment, a bloody light flew out of the killing blade.

After half an hour, Qin Buyi completely comprehended the contents of the blood light.

The forty-sixth type of killing knife technique: returning to silence and breaking the sky.

Combining moves such as Broken Star Field, Guixu, Tianxu, Dixu, Daosha into one style, it can crush the enemy in an instant!

Qin Buyi secretly said: "What a powerful move!"

The Broken Star Field has been rarely used since he learned it, and now it can finally be used.

The reason for not using the Broken Star Field is not that this style of saber is weak, but because of its large destructive power and range.

He captured the territory of the Chaos Protoss in order to allow his own power to develop.

After using the Fragmented Star Field, a peach was developed.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Qin Buyi added holy-level attribute points to himself, and opened the personal information panel:

Name: Qin Buyi

Title: The only one in the wild

All attributes increased by 50%

Tianhuang Body·Holy Class

All attributes increased by 800%

Dao body and legend

All attribute increase · 1200%

Killing Dao Advanced: All attributes increase by 600%.

Health Dao·Advanced: All attributes increased by 600%.

Cultivation level: Forty-sixth level Tianming Dao Realm Consummation (20000/20000 Saint, can break through at any time)

Spiritual Thought: On the Early Stage of Taoism and Wonderland

Power: 20000 St.

Speed: 20000 St.

Stamina: 20000 St.

Attack Power: 20000 Saint

Defense: 20000 Saint

Air Luck: 20000 St.


Killing Blade · Forty-sixth order (20000/20000 · Saint, can break through at any time)

Broken Blade (7/9)

Attack increase 900%

Human-Knife Unity: Killing Blade Increase by 50%

Attack Power: 20000 Saint

Killing Saber Art·Forty-sixth Order (20000/20000·Holy, can't break through without follow-up)

Attack Power: 20000 Saint

Qinglong · Forty-sixth rank (20000/20000 · holy, can break through at any time)

Self-cultivation has reached the perfection of Tianming Dao Realm, and the strength of spiritual thoughts has reached the early stage of Lun Dao Wonderland!

The combat power has been greatly improved again.

"It's not a problem for me to fight against the second-rank immortal with my original combat power, and I can reach the perfection of the third-rank immortal with extreme combat power!"

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