A blade light passed through the body of this third-rank immortal in the early stage of the Chaos God Clan.


The body of this third-rank immortal in the early stage of the Chaos Protoss exploded.

After Qin Buyi put away all the valuable things of this third-rank immortal venerable Chaos Protoss and his stronghold.

Directly release the true fire of Samadhi to burn it completely...

Chaos Protoss Headquarters.

The news of Qin Buyi beheading the third-rank immortal came to the ears of these powerful people one after another.

At first they could take it lightly.

After all, they all want to use this opportunity to weaken each other's strength.

As time went by, they gradually realized that something was wrong.

The strength of each other is weakened.

But their arrangements in the wilderness for so many years were wrecked.

You must know that each of these arrangements requires a lot of manpower and material resources to achieve.

Now being destroyed so easily by Qin Buyi, no one can accept it.

These powerful Chaos Protoss looked at each other.

"Everyone, we can't go on like this. This incarnation of the Heavenly Emperor is simply too much. I suggest that we should completely wipe it out as soon as possible."

"That's right, he's wreaking havoc in various parts of our prehistoric land these days, so how can we accept it? We need to select the right person to kill him as soon as possible." m.x.com

"If you want to kill this incarnation of the Heavenly Emperor, the third-rank Xianzun will definitely not be able to do it in the early, middle, and later stages, but he hasn't successfully attacked the third-rank Xianzun for so long."

"From this we can infer that this incarnation of the Heavenly Emperor may not be a complete opponent of the third-rank Immortal Venerable, and we can safely and boldly attack him."


When many Chaos Protoss are discussing here.

Many Chaos Protoss elders below raised their hearts again.

As the saying goes, one mouth at the top, broken legs at the bottom.

Among them, the elders who belonged to the third-rank immortals who had completed their cultivation were the most nervous.

They have already learned the news from different sources.

The next thing is to see who is going to be this unlucky guy.

The news about Qin Buyi's massacre in the prehistoric world also reached their ears.

This can't help adding a bit of fear to the consummation of many third-rank immortals.

"Sometimes I really don't understand these grown-ups above.

Whether it is really stupid or fake stupid, how can the superiors make such a decision. "

"When the saintess sent the news before, the adults above were unmoved, but now the incarnation outside the emperor's body has obviously recovered, but let us go."

"It's all planned and arranged by these lords. We are at most their victims, and they are of little value."

"Shen Yan, this kind of talk can't be said indiscriminately. If it reaches the ears of adults, we will definitely be in trouble. Don't talk nonsense!"...

Soon after these powerful Chaos Protoss fought each other, a Chaos Protoss named Eugene was selected.

He is a third-rank immortal with complete combat power, and he is also the best among them.

When he heard the news, Eugene didn't feel happy, but felt a bolt from the blue!

Not so long ago, maybe he would have been very happy that he was chosen, but now... he definitely doesn't think so in his heart.

Qin Buyi's various deeds and achievements, especially the news of the last few days, have spread to the ears of all the elders.

Almost ninety-nine percent of the elders are resistant to this situation.

No one is sure that they will be able to kill the incarnation of the Emperor of Heaven!

The other elders of the Chaos God Clan, who had completed their cultivation of third-rank immortals, saw that Eugene had been selected.

Immediately, a happy smile appeared on their faces, and each of them looked at Eugene with uncontrollable joy.

As the saying goes, a dead Taoist friend never dies a poor Taoist, this sentence exists like truth in any place.

It is better to let others die for you than to really die yourself!

"Elder Eugene, congratulations, you have been favored by the adults above. If you can return from this trip smoothly, you will have a bright future."

"I believe that with Elder Eugene's strength, he will be able to return smoothly. What is a mere incarnation of the Emperor of Heaven to you?"

"That's right, if you want me to say that Elder Eugene was not selected in advance to carry out this task, if Elder Eugene was selected in advance, I am afraid that the incarnation outside the emperor's body would have fallen long ago."

"We are all here waiting for the triumphant return of Elder Eugene. At that time, we will personally take care of you. You are the great hero of our Chaos Protoss."  …

Eugene looked at these former colleagues. m.x.com

from them

One thing can be judged from his words, whether it is the great hero of the Chaos Protoss is still hard to say.

But it is definitely a great hero in their hearts, because being selected can prevent them from being this unlucky guy.

It can also be said to be a victim!

As for his triumphant return, Eugene himself never thought about it.

This is completely an unrealistic fantasy. Sometimes thinking too much will only make you more pessimistic.

Thinking about the elders who were sent to deal with the incarnation of the Heavenly Emperor before, they might have this kind of thinking in their hearts.

In the end, without exception, all of them fell.

It's normal that things like survivor bias didn't happen, and it would be a miracle if it happened!

With a deep sigh in his heart, Eugene descended towards the flood.

He probably never returned this time.

Any living being will not be too happy in his heart when faced with something that is very likely to perish.

After Eugene came to the flood, the first thing he did was to rush towards Qin Buyi...

As the saying goes, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. Anyway, it is death anyway, so it is better to hurry up.

Procrastination will only bring a lot of pain in my heart, but it will not help to solve the matter.

Qin Buyi had just wiped out a late-stage stronghold of a third-rank immortal, when he saw Eugene approaching in the distance.

"The headquarters of the Chaos Protoss finally dispatched a third-rank immortal master to complete it."

He has never made a complete move on the third-rank immortal, and he is nothing more than waiting for such a moment.

This is a mist bomb for those powerful Chaos Protoss.

Otherwise, if he showed the aura of being a god to block and kill people, these high-level officials of the Chaos Protoss would definitely not send this third-rank immortal master to complete the battle.

"Killing · Death Realm · Blood Realm!"

An independent space enveloped Qin Buyi and Eugene.

Qin Buyi looked at Youjin with a half-smile and said, "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Eugene said in a low voice, "I know."

Now it was Qin Buyi's turn to be a little surprised: "You know?"

You Jin said: "How can a majestic Heavenly Emperor, who is an incarnation outside his body, be unable to deal with a third-rank immortal?"

"The reason why you haven't made a successful attack on the third-rank Xianzun for so long is because you want to wait for my arrival." Pen Fun Library

After a pause, Eugene added: "To be precise, it is waiting for a third-rank immortal who came from the headquarters to consummate."

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