Seeing Cun Jin's behavior like this, Qin Buyi didn't say anything more.

"God-level Chaos Clock, Imprisoned Time!"

"God-level Chaos Clock Suppresses Space!"

"Thunder Pangu Ax Kill!"


An ax light flew out of Thunder Pangu's axe.

The ax light directly killed Cun Jin who was stagnant in both time and space.


After a loud noise, Elder Cunjin completely fell!

Qin Buyi looked at the place where Inch Gold fell and said: "I told you to tell your last words, why didn't you listen to persuasion."

Throw all the interspatial rings such as Elder Cunjin and the old man with white eyebrows into the system mall for recycling.

【Ding! Item value calculation...]

[Calculation completed, total value: 8 million holy points. 】

Counting the eight million holy points, the balance of the system mall's holy points becomes 158.8 million.

After doing all this, Qin Buyi took out the sound transmission jade talisman and sent it to Jiutianhuang for sound transmission.

Jiutianhuang froze after receiving the sound transmission from Qin Buyi.

"So fast..."

She felt as if she had just finished sending a sound transmission to Qin Buyi one second, and the fourth-grade immortal Zunjin elder had completely fallen in the next second.

Lilian on the side saw this scene with a very complicated expression.

The incarnation of the Emperor of Heaven has become stronger than before.

Jiutianhuang turned to look at Lilian and said: "What should I say in the post-war report, Elder Cunjin was instantly killed by the incarnation of the Emperor at the speed of light?"

Lilian said: "Saint, we can only say that now, otherwise it will easily arouse suspicion."

Jiutianhuang pondered for a while and said: "It's the same, so let's tell the truth."

After all, Jiutianhuang directly reported the news of Elder Cunjin's demise without too much processing. Biqu library


At the same time, the headquarters of the Chaos Protoss.

The complexions of many powerful Chaos Protoss are very ugly.

In front of them was the post-war report that Jiutianhuang had just sent.

This post-war report contains the process of Cun Jin being killed by the speed of light...

That's what makes them feel bad.

If an inch of gold falls after a day or two.

These powerful Chaos Protoss may feel better in their hearts.

But the most important thing is that Inch Gold is falling at the speed of light!

The focus here is on the speed of light, not on falling!

What kind of combat power does it take to instantly kill a fourth-rank immortal, at least it must start with a fifth-rank immortal.

Reminiscent of all the previous events, these powerful Chaos Protoss only felt that they had been led by the nose for many years.

The incarnation of the Emperor of Heaven seemed to understand their actions very well.

But their understanding of this opponent who has been fighting for a long time is only superficial.

"Everyone, now that Elder Cunjin has fallen, what do you think in your heart? For me, I think this is a very incredible thing."

"Elder Cun Jin's fall is too fast. Anyone who hears it will feel incredible in his heart. It seems that our understanding of the incarnation of the Emperor of Heaven for so many years is not deep enough."

"Or what we can learn is only what the other party wants us to know, and we never have any channels to learn about those things he doesn't want us to know."

"Now maybe we should send the fifth-rank immortal to test it out. Maybe the opponent's combat power is the fifth-rank immortal. We can't let the previous efforts be in vain."


These high-level Chaos Protoss soon launched a new round of mutual prevarication.

The news spread to the ears of many elders below.

For these elders, especially the elders with fifth-rank immortal venerable cultivation base, it is like a bolt from the blue!

They were still praying for a miracle just now.

In the end, a miracle did appear, that is, a fourth-rank immortal venerable fell at the speed of light!

The appearance of this so-called miracle can be understood as a reverse miracle.

The elder, whose cultivation base was at the fifth rank of Immortal Venerable, looked very ugly.

They heard that the Chaos Protoss at the powerful level will soon select another fifth-rank immortal to continue to test.

Pay attention to the words here, it is a temptation, not beheading the incarnation of the Emperor of Heaven.

In this way, even these powerful Chaos Protoss don't think that the fifth-rank immortal can cause effective damage to the incarnation of the Emperor of Heaven.

Then if they go, they will die in vain!

Not to mention the loss of life for no reason, it will not play any substantive role.

Thinking of this, the elders of these fifth-rank immortals were filled with resentment.

When bad luck did not fall on their own heads, they

Can be very calm.

Now this unlucky thing is about to fall on his head, just like a sharp knife hanging in the sky may make one of them fall at any time.

"We grown-ups are definitely flooded in their minds. Without water, we would never do such a very ignorant and ignorant behavior, and we are still trying to test it! Try a peach!"

"All of us have worked so hard to cultivate for so many years, is life just a plaything in their hands, the kind that can be sacrificed at any time to achieve a goal?"

"If I had the absolute power, I would never let this kind of thing happen, but I'm just a fifth-rank immortal, and I don't have any ability to resist."

"At this time, we should not think about resistance or other things. Resisting these adults is tantamount to seeking our own death, so don't think too much about it."...

When these fifth-rank immortal elders complained in their hearts, the fifth-rank immortal who was selected by the cup appeared.

Her name is Connie, and her cultivation is perfect at the fifth-rank immortal.

In addition, there is another bright spot, which is a woman, and it is a very beautiful existence.

It is very popular among many elders.

The probability of her being selected is logically close to zero.

But the reality is so dramatic, to let such a beautiful elder perform such a dangerous task.

This can't help but remind many elders of that elder Lilian many years ago!

He claimed to be the most beautiful elder in the fairyland of Lun Dao, but because he refused to submit to a certain big shot, he was sent to the wilderness and finally fell...

Now this Connie reckoned the same.

Like Lilian, she was pursued by a certain big man, but she never gave any response.

At other times, due to the internal rules of the Chaos Protoss.

These big men have nothing to do with such disobedient women.

But it's different now, with the existence of the incarnation of the Emperor of Heaven, this can perfectly execute a murder with a borrowed knife!

For these powerful Chaos Protoss, it is basically better to let them sacrifice things that are not beneficial to them.

Otherwise, one day something very frustrating will happen to me.

It can be said that the hearts of these powerful Chaos Protoss gradually become more distorted the longer they live.

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