Soon, under Qin Liang's command, Da Qin turned into a long spear formation and headed towards Qin Buyi leading the second army of the Ming Dynasty.

Qin Liang did this for two reasons.

One is that if the two armies of Da Ming join together, it will definitely deal a fatal blow to the elite Da Qin led by him with all his painstaking efforts.

Second, if the two armies of Daming were to join together, he would also have to join up with that Young Master Ling.

Thinking of reuniting with Mr. Ling, Qin Liang was completely unwilling.

These two factors were the real reasons why Qin Liang left the Second Army of the Ming Dynasty under the command of Qin Buyi.

In the marching camp of the Second Army of the Ming Dynasty.

Qin Buyi looked at Qin Liang's army who had finally moved in the past half a month, and couldn't help feeling a little strange on his face.

Qin Buyi said: "What is this Qin Liang going to do? Isn't he standing still, why did he take the initiative to attack now that we are leaving?"

Wuyou thought for a while and said: "He must be afraid that we will meet with Dean He Yan."

"Once the two of us join forces, it will definitely deal a fatal blow to the elites of Great Qin led by Qin Liang."

Qin Buyi said: "The thoughts in Qin Liang's mind are still unpredictable."

Wang Tian looked at Qin Liang's army that was getting closer and closer to the Second Daming Army, and couldn't help saying:

"Qin Shuai, now that Qin Liang is biting us, it's hard to leave."

"If you leave by force, it will inevitably cause a lot of casualties to our Second Army."

Qin Buyi showed a fighting spirit on his face, and said: "He, Qin Liang, is biting at the back, it is really difficult to leave."

"Our first thought was to fight him with Qin Liang's army, because he was trapped in the iron barrel formation and couldn't come out."

"Now that he is willing to stick the tortoise's head out of the shell, we don't have to rush to meet Dean He Yan."

"General Wang, pass on the order that the Second Army of the Ming Dynasty will change its formation and fight against the army led by him, Qin Liang."

Wang Tian replied decisively and simply: "Yes."

Soon, the battle formation of the Second Army of the Ming Dynasty changed, the back row became the front row, and they fought towards Qin Liang's spear formation with a carbine-like battle formation.

"General Wang, you sit here as the center of the entire army, and I will fight at the front of the front line."

After Qin Buyi left a sentence, he flew out to the camp.

Seeing the formation of the second army of Ming Dynasty, Qin Liang couldn't help but

His eyes brightened and he said: "Good time, good formation!"

"This Qin Buyi of the Second Army of Ming Dynasty is really not mediocre."

"It's really good to be able to arrange such a battle formation in a very short period of time."

Qin Lin whispered from the side: "Shuai Liang, it's not Qin Buyi who sits at the center of the Second Army of the Ming Dynasty."

Qin Liang was surprised: "If it's not Qin Buyi, who is it?"

"Co-authoring with me for half a month, you don't even know the real command of the other party?"

Qin Lin murmured silently in his heart: "You don't know how you came here in the past half a month..."

"Hiding in the camp all day, looking like a salted fish. I don't care about anything, and I'm perfunctory. How can I know the real command of the other party."

However, Qin Lin could also understand why Qin Liang was like this. Even as Qin Liang's adjutant, he was extremely annoyed by this kind of thing, let alone Qin Liang himself.

Qin Lin said to Qin Liang: "Sitting at the center of the opponent's entire army is Wang Tian among the top generals of the Ming Dynasty."

"This Wuyou has played against you quite a few times, so it can be said that he is an old opponent."

Qin Liang listened to Qin Lin's words, and said: "I just realized after hearing what you said, why does this battle style seem familiar to me?"

"But since Wang Tian commanded the Second Army of the Ming Dynasty, why should Qin Buyi be the commander of the Second Army?"

Qin Lin slapped his forehead, and said: "My good man, you really don't hear anything outside the window, and you are only in depression."

Qin Liang couldn't help but lose face after being exposed by Qin Lin.

He stretched out his hand and patted Qin Lin's shoulder, and said in a threatening voice: "Don't talk nonsense, since when did this commander stop listening to things outside the window?"

"If you talk nonsense again, be careful I will beat you up."

Qin Lin curled his lips, took out a jade talisman that recorded information, handed it to Qin Liang and said, "All the information about Qin Buyi is here, you can read it yourself."

Qin Liang took the jade talisman, and his spiritual thoughts penetrated into it.

Qin Liang, who quickly browsed all the information in the jade talisman, showed a look of horror on his face: "Are all the things recorded on it true?"

Qin Lin nodded and said, "It's absolutely true."

"If this is the case, this person is far more terrifying than Wang Tian." Qin Liang murmured.

The jade talisman recorded in detail all recent major and minor events of Qin Buyi, as well as various dazzling achievements.

Qin Lin sighed: "Of course this person is very scary, otherwise His Royal Highness Prince Qin Yu would not have died in his hands."

Qin Liang snorted coldly: "If it wasn't for Qin Yu, an idiot with a face of bitterness and hatred every day, pretending to be smart, and dying at the hands of Qin Buyi, how could I have come to this place where no shit is possible."

"Originally, I wanted to shirk it. Qin Yu's death is good. I don't even have an excuse to shirk. I was sent to this place directly."

"However, this Qin Buyi is really worth our guarding against. Qin Yu is an idiot who is at the perfect level of Mahayana, and even a strong man with such a cultivation level can be killed so easily."

"This person's combat power is unfathomable, and it is even possible..."

Qin Lin said: "Shuai Liang, are you saying that it is possible to reach the early stage of the Half-Fairyland?"

Qin Liang shook his head and said, "It's impossible to reach the early stage of the Half-Fairyland. If he really had that terrifying combat power, the iron barrel battle formation would have been broken long ago."

"However, it is possible to break through the consummation limit of the Mahayana realm."

Qin Lin said: "Breakthrough the consummation limit of the Mahayana realm... Doesn't this mean that Qin Buyi already has a trace of half-immortal prestige?"

Qin Liang nodded with difficulty and said, "It's very likely so."

"Pass down the order, everyone pays close attention to the opponent's commander Qin Buyi, if you meet the opponent's commander, don't love to fight, run as long as you can."

Actually, Qin Liang didn't need to remind me of this, everyone did it before Qin Liang took over here.

No one is a fool who can cultivate to the Mahayana state, and there is no doubt that he values ​​his own life.

Qin Buyi galloped towards the intersection point of the two battle formations that had already started fighting.

"Killing and Death Domain!"

The dark realm centered on Qin Buyi, and quickly dispersed towards the surroundings.

"Killing and killing!"

A huge blood moon rose in the center of the battlefield, enveloping many soldiers of Great Qin.

Countless phantoms of killing blades emerged in the blood moon, killing the Daqin warriors in the blood moon.

"Chick!" "Chick!" "Chick!"

"Chick!" "Chick!"...

The blood moon dissipated, and all the Daqin soldiers wrapped in the blood moon died, not a single one survived.

Qin Buyi's move quickly attracted the attention of Qin Liang, who was commanding the battle formation.

Qin Lin pointed at Qin Buyi and said, "Commander Liang, this is Qin Buyi, commander of the Second Army of the Ming Dynasty."

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