Qin Lin continued: "This Mr. Ling is not at all a Mahayana powerhouse as we know him, he is a half-fairyland!"

Qin Liang was surprised: "Half fairyland? But when I touched him, his aura didn't look like that of half fairyland."

"Besides, the half-fairyland powerhouse alone is enough to destroy the entire First Army of the Ming Dynasty. Why did he take over our elites of the Great Qin Dynasty?"

Qin Lin said: "The problem arises here."

"It's true that Mr. Ling is a strong man in the half-fairyland, but he was seriously injured due to unknown reasons, which prevented him from fully displaying his combat power, so he looks like a Mahayana cultivation base."

Qin Liang thought about it, and a somewhat horrifying thought was about to come out in his heart, and he said in a trembling voice: "Then he took over my Daqin elite?"

Qin Lin said: "Presumably Liang Shuai has also thought of it. He took over Da Qin Jingrui just to heal his wounds."

"After taking over the elites of the Great Qin, he seemed to know nothing, and sent all the elites of the Great Qin to the mouth of the First Army of the Ming Dynasty to die in battle."

"Actually, he set up a sacrificial formation from it, and after all the elites of my Great Qin Dynasty died, the sacrificial formation was activated instantly, healing their serious injuries in one fell swoop." Biqukuku

"That's not counting. Now that he slaughtered the first army of the Ming Dynasty, I am afraid that he is also preparing for the next sacrifice."

"According to my personal speculation, it is very likely that he wants to take this opportunity to push his personal cultivation to a small level after he fully recovers from his injuries."

Qin Liang slapped his forehead, and after standing there for a long time, he said: "I understand now, all my previous doubts are clear."

"Master Ling, who came from somewhere, must have reached an agreement with His Majesty."

"Your Majesty handed over the elite of the Great Qin that I built to this person as a sacrifice to recover from his injuries."

"And after recovering from his injuries, this person carried out a frenzied massacre against the First Army of the Ming Dynasty."

Speaking of this, Qin Liang couldn't help applauding, and a sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said: "Wonderful, what a clever plan."

"This move can be said to kill three birds with one stone. Your Majesty, you really don't take the lives of my Great Qin soldiers too seriously."

Qin Lin said from the side: "Shuai Liang, why is this killing three birds with one stone?"

Qin Liang explained: "First of all, the first bird is that Your Majesty gained this person's friendship by giving him my great Qin elite."

"The second bird is,

Give me the elite of the Qin Dynasty, and the odds of winning can only reach 50-50. "

"He Yan, the first dean of Daming College, is not a vegetarian either. His tactical level is as high as mine."

"And after sacrificing the elite of the Great Qin, this half-fairyland powerhouse recovered from his injuries, and his combat power returned to its peak."

"May I ask which tyrannical army can withstand the slaughter of a half-fairyland?"

Qin Lin nodded his head while listening, and then said to Qin Liang: "Then this third bird?"

Qin Liang sneered and said, "Didn't the third bird already appear? After Mr. Ling slaughtered the first Ming army, what do you think will be the next step?"

Before Qin Lin could speak, Qin Liang added: "The next step will definitely be that His Majesty will join forces with this person to attack the Ming Dynasty. As far as I know, the Emperor of Ming Dynasty is only a strong man in the early stage of the Half-Fairyland."

"How can we resist the joint attack of the two half-fairylands?"

"This is the third bird."

After hearing this, Qin Lin couldn't help admiring: "It's a good plan, it's really a good plan."

Disappointment appeared in Qin Liang's eyes, he half praised and half mocked: "The strategy is a good strategy, but it's a bit too chilling."

"I have been born and died for the Great Qin Dynasty for many years."

"Not to mention, just fighting against the border of the Ming Dynasty in these years, the elites of the Great Qin that I lead can be said to have made great contributions to the Great Qin Dynasty."

"Such an army, from the commander-in-chief down to the most ordinary soldiers, everyone has military achievements on their backs."

"Just say that you are an abandoned child, and you can just treat it as an abandoned child and throw it away at will. I am not convinced in my heart, and I am not reconciled!"

The disappointment in Qin Lin's eyes was not less than Qin Liang's, and he said: "Shuai Liang, what if we are not reconciled, the king wants the minister to die, and the minister has to die."

"Our value in His Majesty's eyes is indeed not as great as that of a half-fairyland powerhouse."

"This is the law of the jungle, the sorrow of the jungle."

Qin Liang patted on the table and shouted angrily: "I don't agree with Your Majesty's decision!"

"Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous."

"I, Qin Liang, and the elites of Daqin who I personally built have worked so hard for so many years to make great contributions to your Daqin, but you treat me like this! Hmph..."


The table under Qin Liang shattered, and Qin Lin was caught by the protruding

The scene was startled.

Qin Liang's words made Qin Lin's heart tremble even more, Qin Lin cautiously said: "Shuai Liang, do you want... to turn against Da Qin?"

Qin Liang nodded noncommittally.

Qin Lin came to Qin Liang and whispered: "Shuai Liang, it's not a good idea to talk about this."

"Your Majesty is a strong man in the half-fairyland. Even if we rebel, how far can we rebel."

"Maybe he was crushed to death just as soon as he showed signs of it."

"It's a good thing you told me about it. If you let others know, you and I will die."

Qin Liang said: "Following such a heartless and ungrateful person, you and I may be treated as abandoned children someday in the future."

"It will be too late to say anything by then."

"Qin Zheng really broke my heart this time."

Qin Zheng is the real name of the emperor of the Great Qin Dynasty.

When Qin Lin saw Qin Liang calling the Great Qin Emperor by his name, Qin Lin, who had followed Qin Liang for many years, immediately knew that this genius warrior had made up his mind.

Qin Lin sighed and said, "Shuai Liang, I've turned against him together with you."

"But there is one thing, don't get on top of it, this matter needs to be figured out slowly."

"Have you thought about the next step now?"

Qin Liangdao: "Of course the next step is to find a dynasty to join. With our abilities, whichever dynasty you join will be treated with courtesy."

Qin Lin said: "Although that is the case, at the time of the great war between the two countries, if you and I join other dynasties, we will inevitably feel like running away."

"Once this name is spread, no dynasty will take us in."

"Besides, if other dynasties take us in, it is equivalent to enmity with the Great Qin Dynasty. I think it is unrealistic."

Qin Liang laughed loudly when he heard this, looked outside the marching camp with eagle-like eyes, and said at the same time:

"Qin Lin, you are so clever that you were mistaken by your cleverness."

"Isn't there just one in front of us?"

Qin Lin was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise: "Shuai Liang, you mean the Ming Dynasty?"

Qin Liang nodded and said: "Yes, it is the Ming Dynasty."

"Now that the Great Ming Dynasty and the Great Qin Dynasty are at war, they have already formed a death feud, so naturally they are not afraid of offending the Great Qin Dynasty."

"And I think that the Ming Dynasty should welcome you and me very much."

Qin Lin shook his head like a rattle and said, "Impossible, absolutely impossible."

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