The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 279: Breaking Through The Half-Fairyland?

Qin Buyi said: "His Majesty Yinggan went to the front line in person? This is a good thing."

Wang Tiandao: "It's really a good thing. In this way, the damage of our Daming First Army will be greatly reduced."

Qin Buyi continued to ask: "What is the damage ratio of the First Army of the Ming Dynasty?"

A trace of heaviness flashed across Wang Tian's face, and he said: "According to Jiang Yu, the head of the Jiang family, the casualties are now more than half."

"If His Majesty hadn't arrived in time, perhaps the number of casualties would increase again in a short time." Pen Fun Library

Qin Buyi said: "The powerhouses in the half-fairyland, each has the combat power to crush the half-fairyland below."

"An ordinary Mahayana strongman can't even hold a finger of a semi-immortal strongman."

Wang Tian heard Qin Buyi's words, and asked Qin Buyi curiously: "Qin Shuai, then with your current combat strength against the semi-fatal powerhouse, how much will you win or lose?"

Qin Buyi thought for a while, and said: "If I were to fight against a strong player in the early stage of the Half Immortal Realm, I would be sure to be undefeated for dozens of rounds."

"If the half-fairyland powerhouse allows me to catch the flaw, maybe I can kill him with one blow!"

When Qin Buyi said that one blow would kill, it was natural to combine all the killing knife techniques into one move.

The power is powerful, but there is one thing, the side effects are also extremely powerful.

After Qin Buyi used this type of killing knife technique, he was powerless to fight again.

Wang Tian couldn't help but gasp when he heard Qin Buyi say about his real combat power.

Of all the Mahayana consummation powerhouses known to Wuyou in history, none of them could survive three moves under the hands of a half-fairyland powerhouse.

Not to mention the fact that Qin Buyi also said that if he seized the opportunity, he could kill the semi-fatal powerhouse.

After a long time, Wang Tian said: "Terrifying! It's simply too terrifying."

"Qin Shuai, your current combat power can definitely be called unprecedented and unprecedented."

Qin Buyi smiled modestly, and said, "Did His Majesty Yinggan fight against Mr. Ling?"

Wang Tiandao: "Naturally, the two sides fought each other, but Mr. Ling and His Majesty have similar combat strength."

"The two have fought for hundreds of rounds, and there is no winner."

Immediately afterwards, Wang Tian frowned slightly, and sighed: "Oh~"

Seeing Wang Tian sighing, Qin Buyi asked, "Why is General Wang sighing?"

Wang Tiandao: "Our Great Ming Emperor

There is only His Majesty, a half-fairyland powerhouse. "

"The Great Qin Dynasty was assisted by mysterious forces. Judging from the obvious, there are already two half-fairyland powerhouses."

"One is Young Master Ling who is in a stalemate with His Majesty, and the other is Emperor Qin Zheng."

"I'm worried now, if these two half-fairyland powerhouses join hands, His Majesty Yinggan must not be an opponent."

"But, now that things are going on, where can I find a half-fairyland powerhouse to help me, the Ming Dynasty?"

Qin Buyi looked at the direction of the First Army of the Ming Dynasty, with a murderous intent on the corner of his mouth, and said: "General Wang, the second half-fairyland powerhouse, is far away from the sky and right in front of us."

Wang Tian looked at Qin Buyi in surprise and said, "Shuai Qin, you"

Qin Buyi nodded.

The shock on Wang Tian's face couldn't go away, and he hurriedly said: "Shuai Qin, are you going to survive the catastrophe here?"

Qin Buyi said: "Yes, it is still difficult to kill Mr. Ling with my current combat power."

"After I have passed the tribulation, I will definitely be able to cut Young Master Na Ling under the knife. Why do you want to avenge the dean?"

Mr. Ling, who was in a stalemate with Yinggan on the front line of Daqin, still didn't know that he was secretly missed by such a terrible enemy.

However, even if he knew, Mr. Ling would probably just sneer.

There are so many strong people who have completed the Mahayana realm, not everyone can trigger the half-immortal thunder calamity, and even if they trigger the half-immortal thunder calamity, there are very few people who survive it.

There is a huge natural moat between each great realm, and this kind of natural moat becomes more obvious in the later stage of the cultivator.

If you want to cross the obstacles of the natural moat, you can only do it through continuous practice and the effort of dripping water through rocks.

In this regard, there is an essential gap between ordinary practitioners and Qin Buyi. Qin Buyi has a system to help, and all of this is not a problem.

Wang Tian looked at Qin Jun in the iron barrel battle formation and said, "Shuai Qin, how sure are you of surviving the thunder tribulation in the half fairyland?"

The reason for asking this is because Wang Tian had watched Qin Buyi break through the Mahayana realm before and trigger a thunder disaster that only occurs in the half-fairyland.

Breaking through the semi-immortal realm this time will most likely trigger the Thunder Tribulation phenomenon in the Dragon Gate Realm.

This can't help but make Wang Tian full of worry, and in his eyes, Qin Buyi is a monster.

As long as you don't fall, and move forward step by step, the Half Wonderland will definitely be within reach


Qin Buyi pondered for a while, he didn't know what he would encounter in the next half fairyland thunder tribulation.

Seeing Qin Buyi's performance, Wang Tian hurriedly said: "Shuai Qin, it's not long since you broke through the Mahayana Realm, and it's inevitable that you're in a hurry to break through the Half-Fairy Realm now."

"You may wish to wait patiently for a period of time to accumulate your own foundation. At that time, it will be better to choose to break through the semi-fairyland."

Qin Buyi understood the kindness in Wang Tian's words.

But in Qin Buyi's heart, some things can be delayed, and some things must not be delayed.

He Yan's death deeply touched the hurdle in Qin Buyi's heart.

Qin Buyi shook his head and said, "General Wang's kindness, I already know about it."

"But this time I have made up my mind to break through the Half-Fairyland."

Having said this, Qin Buyi looked up to the sky with a fighting spirit in his eyes and said:

"As for being sure...I'm 100% sure!"

In the Qin Buyi system space, there are dozens of interspatial rings of Mahayana experts.

These space rings are all exchanged for system mall points, which is definitely an unprecedented huge sum of money.

With this huge sum of money in hand, even if there is any danger encountered during the tribulation, it is enough to deal with it.

Coupled with the golden blood in Qin Buyi's body, this half-fairyland thunder calamity is definitely not that dangerous to Qin Buyi.

Seeing that Qin Buyi had made up his mind, Wang Tian looked at Qin Jun's camp and said, "Although Qin Shuai can break through at ease, I guarantee with my life that Qin Liang and his Qin Jun will not disturb Qin Shuai in the slightest!"

Qin Buyi nodded and said, "Then General Laowang is responsible for all of this."

Wang Tian asked Qin Buyi: "Qin Shuai, when do you plan to overcome the catastrophe?"

Qin Buyi said: "Tomorrow."

"So fast? Shuai Qin, are you no longer ready?" Wang Tian said.

Qin Buyi shook his head and said: "Everything that needs to be prepared has already been prepared, and waiting any longer is just a waste of time."

Wang Tiandao: "Okay! I'm going to make preparations now."

Afterwards, Wang Tian changed the battle formation of the Second Army of Ming Dynasty rapidly.

Both sides are familiar with the big formation that changed this time, and it is the big python battle formation.

The big python battle formation formed by the second army of the Ming Dynasty surrounded the iron bucket battle formation formed by the Qin army in the center.

Seen from above, the second army of the Ming Dynasty looked like a real constrictor, gradually shrinking its body, further strengthening the restraint on the Qin army.

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