The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter Thirty-Four: The Four Types Of Killing, Dispersing The Soul

three months later.

Qin Buyi felt as if he had been divided into two, one half was rational, and the other half was full of crazy killings.

The body is divided in the middle, the left eye is clear, and the right eye exudes killing intent.

The confused and lucid states are switching back and forth moment by moment.

This contradictory and chaotic state made Qin Buyi feel as if he was constantly reincarnated in a misplaced time and space.

Can't find a constant state, always fighting against the erosion of killing in the subconscious.

Qin Buyi in the state of killing hoarsely roared: "Kill! Destroy everything!"

"You must not sink like this, stabilize your mind!" Qin Buyi whispered in a sober state.

The most difficult thing for a person is to be right with oneself. It is easy to say that one is an enemy.

But when you actually do it, it's like breaking your left hand with your right hand, trying your best but not necessarily seeing the effect.

What's more, the killing intent has been absorbed by the divine sense at this time and has become a part of his subconscious mind.

Wanting to reverse the killing consciousness from the subconscious mind is as unrealistic as a dream or a fantasy.

Honglian has been paying attention to Qin Buyi's state for the past three months. She did not expect Qin Buyi to insist on fighting for so long.

And as a killing blade who was born to kill constantly, she couldn't accept this human being who was not much stronger than ants in her heart.

Looking at Qin Buyi, Hong Lian said: "It's futile for you to do this. After being eroded by killings since ancient times, you are either crazy or dead. Few people can survive and wake up."

After a pause, Honglian continued: "Obviously, you are not included among the few people."

Honglian's words are not wrong. If you are eroded by killing and give up resistance, you will become a lunatic who only knows killing. If you don't give up resistance, you will exhaust your energy and die sooner or later in the process of competing with yourself.

Qin Buyi heard Honglian's words, and said while he was awake: "Kill Honglian, then you should watch carefully here, as your master, can I wake up alive."

From the first moment she held the killing blade, what she did was devour the Lord.

Before, he didn't understand why Shashengren would help him in the Tang family, but now Qin Buyi understood that all this was because Shashengren wanted him to die in her hands.

For the killing blade once held in the hands of Haotian, the lord of the heavenly court, it is obvious that he looks down on himself from the inside out, and he also looks down on others.

If he died at the hands of others, it would be an insult to Honglian, whose eyes were above her head.

When Honglian heard the word "Master" in Qin Buyi's words, her eyes became more murderous, and she looked at Qin Buyi and wanted to sneer.

But then thinking that if Qin Buyi insisted on fighting against him like this, he would exhaust his energy and die in a short time, so he withdrew the sarcasm in his heart, and said in a cold tone:

"Why should I have the same knowledge as you, a young cultivator in the transformation stage who is about to die, it doesn't matter if you let your tongue out."

Qin Buyi didn't reply to Honglian, but silently closed his eyes and continued to fight against himself.

half year later.

Qin Buyi sat cross-legged on the ground, his slightly frowned brows slowly unfolded, and a trace of long-lost comfort and smile appeared on his face.

In the past six months, the mind first confronted the killing intent, and later when the situation was critical, the divine mind absorbed all the killing intent and turned it into a confrontation with itself.

During this period, every moment, every minute, every second seemed like a year. While suffering, Qin Buyi did not call on the system in his heart to help solve the immediate predicament.

Instead, they are trying to find their own way to solve the immediate predicament.

if call

The system may be able to help him through the predicament, but this is a battle between himself and the weapon in his hand.

Qin Buyi has his own persistence in his heart, even in the face of the risk of being killed at all times, Qin Buyi has not compromised or asked for help.

Hard work pays off, Qin Buyi really came up with a seemingly feasible method.

Looking at the golden spirit mixed with blood red in his mind at this time, perhaps it is more appropriate to call it the killing spirit.

First of all, the killing intent in the killing spirit is stripped out bit by bit through high-speed operation.

Thinking of this, Qin Buyi started to implement his plan, and the killing spirit in his brain began to run at high speed.

Qin Buyi carefully controlled the divine sense to gradually peel off the killing part.

Feeling Qin Buyi's movements, Honglian's eyes were full of puzzlement and disbelief, and she whispered:

"What is this ants doing?"

In the past six months, Qin Buyi's various performances made her feel more and more unhappy, whenever she thought that Qin Buyi would not be able to hold on any longer.

Qin Buyi can always carry on unexpectedly.

Another month has passed.

At this time, Qin Buyi's mental thoughts were clearly divided, one side was golden and untainted with killing thoughts, and the other was blood red and full of killing thoughts.

After stripping off the killing part, Qin Buyi's divine sense has shrunk by more than half.

"Strip!" Qin Buyi shouted loudly.

The killing spirit was temporarily forced out of Qin Buyi's brain.

Qin Buyi stood up from the ground, opened his eyes, and his eyes were clear without any killing intent.

Hong Lian couldn't help but strike at the side: "It's useless, even if you strip away this killing spirit for a short time, it will always return to your body."

"At that time, you will still be unable to escape the situation of being killed."

Qin Buyi glanced at Honglian with the eyes of an idiot, and said in a cold tone: "When will it be your turn to teach the master a lesson?"

Hong Lian was out of breath, and said in her mouth: "You..."

Before he finished speaking, Qin Buyi interrupted directly: "Shut up, scratch!"

Walking up to Honglian, snatching the killing blade that Honglian held in her hand, Qin Buyi said in an emotionless tone:

"Little Honglian, watch what Master will do next."


Pulling out the killing blade, the blade of the killing blade struggled to break away from Qin Buyi's control.


Qin Buyi clenched his hands into a fist, stretched his body like a big bow, and slammed his fist down on the killing blade.

"Quiet!" Qin Buyi said with a hint of anger in his tone.

The clay figurine was still a bit angry, not to mention Qin Buyi, a big living person, has been hovering on the line of life and death for more than half a year by Honglian.

At this time, Honglian is still making trouble, Qin Buyi is naturally in a bad mood

"Zheng!" The killing blade wailed.


The main body was attacked, and Hong Lian was also feeling uncomfortable at this time, her face flushed for a while.

Looking at Qin Buyi's eyes that would devour anyone, Honglian gritted her silver teeth secretly, and looked at him without retreating an inch.


I don't know what to think of, after Honglian snorted coldly, the blade of the killing blade stopped struggling, letting Qin Buyi hold it in his hand.

Holding the killing blade in his hand, Qin Buyi looked at the ball in front of him that was filled with killing spirit like blood, and shouted:

"Killing, Slaughter!"

The killing blade vibrated tens of thousands of times in a second, and slashed towards this group of killing spirits.


After the stabbing, the surface of the killing spirit continued to tremble, and it took a long time for it to return to normal.


a big mouthful

Blood spat out from Qin Buyi's mouth, even though the killing spirit was stripped out, it was always a part of Qin Buyi's spirit.

There is no difference between the killing blade hitting the killing spirit and cutting Qin Buyi himself, the pain of ten fingers connected to the heart is less than one ten-thousandth of it.

Without the slightest hesitation, Qin Buyi slashed at the killing spirit again.

"Killing and killing!"

A full moon with a diameter of several thousand meters appeared in front of Qin Buyi, and the full moon enveloped the killing spirit.

Tens of thousands of phantoms of killing blades appeared in the full moon, all pointing at the killing spirit.

Qin Buyi shouted while holding the knife and chopping down: "Chop!"

"Clang!" "Clang!"


The full moon dissipated, and the surface of the killing spirit trembled, as if it might explode at any moment, and it took a long time to stabilize.

"Are you crazy?" Honglian said in disbelief.

She really couldn't understand the human being in front of her. Regardless of her ant-like cultivation, she regarded her life as a treasure.

If there is even a slight threat to him from the outside world, he can't wait to wipe out the roots and kill all dangers in the cradle.

But sometimes it is very contradictory, like a lunatic who can put his life on the gambling table without hesitation.


Blood dripped down the corner of Qin Buyi's mouth, and at the same time a sense of dizziness came from his brain, he ignored Honglian.

After the dizziness in his mind got better, he slashed with the killing blade for the third time.

"Killing and Death Domain!"

A dim light appeared at the tip of the killing blade, and quickly condensed into the thickness of a hair.

"Chop!" Qin Buyi shouted.


The gloomy light flew towards the killing spirit at an extremely high speed, attacking on the killing spirit.



There was a loud noise, and the killing spirit could no longer maintain its stability, and exploded instantly.

The explosive killing spirit scattered in all directions, and the madness, cruelty, coldness, bloodthirsty, etc. contained in the explosive killing spirit quickly dissipated, leaving only pure killing.


Qin Buyi spat out a big mouthful of blood, his face was like gold paper, and he slumped on the ground weakly.

Breaking half of one's divine sense with one's own hands, the danger is not humane, and one will die if one is not careful.

Most of the luck plus being ruthless and decisive enough for him.

Qin Buyi, who was slumped on the ground, said to Honglian with a slightly playful tone: "It seems that this time, I, as the master, won. It's a pity that your carefully planned plan to kill me failed."

Hong Lian snorted coldly, did not speak again, pointed her jade finger towards Qin Buyi's forehead, and a message was sent to Qin Buyi's brain.

The fourth form of the killing knife technique is to disperse the soul.

In addition to dispersing the soul, there is an additional exercise.

The exercises record how to purify all kinds of spiritual thoughts in the world, and then absorb them for your own use.

Qin Buyi looked at Honglian with some surprise, Honglian said with a cold face:

"Don't think too much, I just don't want you to die in the hands of others."

After Honglian finished speaking, she stopped talking, and Qin Buyi began to practice according to the exercises given by Honglian.

Soon, the killing spirits that exploded and scattered in the sky and the earth gathered in front of him.

According to the exercise, Qin Buyi began to purify the pure killing spirit.

Half an hour later, there was no more killing in the killing spirit, and it returned to a golden state.

The divine thoughts in the brain protruded and gradually absorbed the divine thoughts that restored the group in front of me to normal...

It took less than a quarter of an hour to absorb it all. After the absorption, Qin Buyi's complexion returned to ruddy again, and the weakness in his body disappeared.

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