The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 346: The Ninth Style Immortal Ghost


The long knife in Honglian's hand changed from the blade to the back of the knife, and slapped Qin Buyi.

Qin Buyi was instantly photographed flying tens of meters...

Feeling the burning pain in his body, Qin Buyi stood up.

With a strong physique, the swollen places on Qin Buyi's body quickly recovered.

Picking up the long saber, Qin Buyi recalled Honglian's saber just now in his mind, and he already had some eyebrows in his heart.

With the improvement of the cultivation level, after the massacre knife technique vibrates to a limit value at high speed, the increase in its own power is not so obvious.

Unless the quantitative change produces a qualitative change, for example, from one breath vibrating at a high speed of 100,000 times to one breath vibrating at a high speed of hundreds of thousands or even millions of times.

However, in order to produce such a qualitative change, one can only improve one's cultivation in an all-round way when one crosses a great realm.

For example, breaking through from the Mahayana Realm to the Semi-Fairyland, but how can it be so simple to cross the Great Realm.

There are many skills in Honglian's knife, among which the one that improves the slaughtering knife technique the most is, stillness!

The high-speed vibrations of hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of times per breath are interspersed with pauses and stillness.

After reaching a limit value, there will be an uncheckable pause, and then continue to vibrate at a high speed.

Inertia is used here, hundreds of thousands of high-speed vibrations stop instantly, this kind of inertia is definitely not something ordinary people can bear.

But there is one thing, this inertia is like a double-edged sword. It can not only act on the enemy, but also have to bear the load brought by this inertia.

For ordinary practitioners, this kind of double-edged sword technique is definitely not applicable.

It is very unreasonable to injure one thousand enemies and self-injure eight hundred.

But on Qin Buyi, this unreasonable technique became very reasonable.

With Qin Buyi's powerful physical attributes, coupled with the physical enhancement brought about by Bajiu Xuangong, the load brought by this kind of inertia is not a problem at all.

Moreover, this kind of exertion technique has another biggest advantage, that is, it will break the restriction of the current limit value.

For example, a cultivator can vibrate the blade at high speed one million times at most per breath, but the limit value is 500,000 times.

More than 500,000 times, the power of the slaughter knife will become weaker and weaker.

But after using this technique, using the inertia

, but the more vibrations, the stronger the power.

The skill of using the slaughter has greatly improved the power of the slaughter.

Qin Buyi expects to use the slaughtering knife technique according to the limit of his body's endurance, and the power will be more than doubled!

With a cultivation base reaching the realm of Qin Buyi, life and death could be determined by the slightest difference, not to mention the slaughtering knife technique whose power is doubled.

Honglian just used this technique to knock the blade in Qin Buyi's hand into the air.

The understanding of the slaughter in his mind became clearer and clearer, Qin Buyi said to Honglian: "Come again!"

Seeing Qin Buyi's body recovering from his injuries, Hong Lian couldn't help but secretly said, "This physical body seems to be good to use as a sandbag."

Qin Buyi's comprehension ability far exceeded Honglian's expectations. Originally, Honglian thought that Qin Buyi would be stuck in these three sword techniques for a long time.

Now it seems that Honglian underestimated Qin Buyi a bit.

The reason why Qin Buyi was proposed to catch her three swords was because although Qin Buyi had broken through to the semi-fairyland now, he was still unqualified in Honglian's eyes for using the killing knife technique.

Taking this opportunity, Honglian taught Qin Buyi some skills of the killing knife technique.

For the haughty Hong Lian, she would definitely not say it clearly when she helped Qin Buyi improve the state of the killing knife technique, so she found such a reason.

Qin Buyi understood this in his heart, and the two sides were in a tacit state.

Holding the long knife, Honglian yelled softly: "Killing, slaughtering!"

The high-speed vibrating long knife slashed towards Qin Buyi again.

Qin Buyi launched a counterattack without showing any weakness: "Killing and slaughtering!"

The two long knives vibrating at high speed collided, and this time Qin Buyi didn't retreat the slightest.

After about three breaths, Qin Buyi and Hong Lian restrained their strength at the same time and stopped.

Honglian said to Qin Buyi: "You have passed the test of letting you catch my three swords."

"Next, I will teach you the ninth form of killing life."

After finishing speaking, the red lotus jade finger pointed to Qin Buyi, and a light spot entered Qin Buyi's sea of ​​consciousness along the red lotus finger.

Qin Buyi relaxed his mind and did not stop the light spot from entering.

After the light spot entered the Sea of ​​Consciousness, it emitted a lot of information.

Outside Qin Buyi closed his eyes and began to read and understand the information recorded in the light spot.

About half an hour later, Qin Buyi opened his eyes


He has basically understood the ninth form of the killing knife technique.

The ninth form is named: Fairy and Ghost.

It is an extremely powerful sword technique, as can be seen from the name.

Immortal refers to immortals.

Ghosts represent the meaning of death and fall of the majority.

Combining these two characters together, the heroism and momentum represented are absolutely extraordinary.

Qin Buyi thought to himself: "This type of saber technique has such a domineering name."

Qin Buyi estimated the power of the fairy ghost in his heart.

With Qin Buyi's current cultivation in the half-fairyland, after obtaining the fairy ghost, he may not be able to fight against the strong in the early stage of the Longmen realm!

Even if it is a strong player in the early stage of Longmen Realm, if he is unprepared, he may be completely beheaded by Qin Buyi!

After learning the fairy ghost, Qin Buyi has always been on his mind, and finally he can break through the killing knife technique.

Qin Buyi silently said: "Breakthrough!"

There was a crisp sound next to his ear, and then Qin Buyi opened the killing knife interface:

Killing Saber Technique Ninth Level (10000/10000 can break through at any time!)

Attack power: 10000

"Since my cultivation base entered the semi-fairyland, the killing knife technique has finally broken through."

"However, there is still one problem. It won't be long before I break through to the Dragon Gate Realm. By then, this killing knife technique will definitely fall."

"Why don't you take this opportunity to ask Honglian about the tenth-style killing knife technique."

Qin Buyi opened his eyes while thinking.

After Honglian taught Qin Buyi the ninth form of the killing knife technique. Biqu library

He ignored Qin Buyi and flew to the sky above the sea of ​​blood.

Qin Buyi was below the sea of ​​blood, his eyes were focused on the red lotus above the sea of ​​blood, and he was stunned for a while.

Honglian could naturally feel Qin Buyi's gaze, turned her head to look down at Qin Buyi, and waited to see the expression on Qin Buyi's face.

Honglian stretched out her slender hand, and lightly patted in the direction of Qin Buyi.

Waves suddenly turned up in the sea of ​​blood. The sea of ​​blood, which was originally quiet and windless, became violently violent under Hong Lian's light palm.

The change in the surrounding environment instantly drew Qin Buyi's attention back. Just as Qin Buyi was about to speak, he felt a slap on his chest.


Qin Buyi's figure fell into the sea of ​​blood.

Just as he was about to stand up, the waves formed by the sea of ​​blood smashed down on him.


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