The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 414 Finally Become A Dragon Gate!

Qin Buyi shouted angrily: "I'll fight you!"


Response Qin Buyi is a sap attack from Thunder Pangu Banner.

Qin Buyi, who was a little buzzing from the beating, had gold stars appearing in front of his eyes.

The next second, Qin Buyi decisively shut up and stopped talking.

He couldn't be beaten again and again, and the incompetent fury was beaten even harder.

However, as Thunder Pangu Banner continued to launch attacks this month, its inner thunder power was not much left.

After hitting Qin Buyi's sap, the aura of Thunder Pangu Banner immediately fell downwards.

The middle stage of the human fairyland... the completion of the Longmen Realm... the late stage of the Longmen Realm...

Middle stage of Longmen Realm...Early stage of Longmen Realm...

It didn't stop until the early stage of Longmen Realm.

Qin Buyi, who felt the aura falling from the Thunder Pangu Banner, couldn't help being overjoyed.

Being ravaged continuously for a month, Qin Buyi naturally couldn't let go of the Thunder Pangu Banner whose breath suddenly fell.

Just when Qin Buyi was about to turn against the guests, the Thunder Pangu flag suddenly shook the flag pole towards Qin Buyi.

As if waving goodbye, as expected, the power of thunder on Thunder Pangu Banner will dissipate in the next second.

Seeing this, Qin Buyi quickly shouted: "You have been so arrogant for so long, and you want to run away after beating someone? Your thinking is too simple!"

A burst of golden light flashed, and Qin Buyi's figure disappeared in place.

In the next second, Qin Buyi appeared next to the Thunder Pangu Banner that was about to turn into the power of thunder.

The Thunder Pangu Banner saw Qin Buyi appearing beside it, and was still crazily provoking Qin Buyi.

Like a victorious player, he kept waving his banner towards Qin Buyi.

Unexpectedly, just when the Thunder Pangu Banner was proud, Qin Buyi stretched out his big hand to hold the Thunder Pangu Banner.

The Thunder Pangu Banner whose breath fell to the early stage of Longmen Realm didn't react for a while, and was sent to Xiaoqian World by Qin Buyi in the next second.

Letting him enter the world of Xiaoqian, the banner waving by Thunder Pangu Banner seemed to be frozen.

The smug look no longer exists...

Even the power of thunder that had been dissipating just now began to stop dissipating.

The aura of Thunder Pangu Banner attracted everyone in Xiaoqian World to watch, and the aura of the early stage of Longmen Realm was unique in Xiaoqian World.

Except for Xiaoqing, the highest cultivation level in Xiaoqian World

It's no more than Qin Liang, who is currently in the semi-immortal realm.

Everyone looked at the Thunder Pangu Banner exuding the aura of Longmen Realm, and their eyes were full of doubts for a while.

Just when everyone's eyes were focused on the Thunder Pangu banner, chains appeared in Xiaoqian World.

Each chain passed through the Thunder Pangu Banner, binding the Thunder Pangu Banner firmly.

After about two breaths, Thunder Pangu's flag was filled with chains, and its body was also shrinking, and soon became the size of a palm.

As time passed, the chains on the Thunder Pangu flag gradually faded and gradually became hidden.

After the Thunder Pangu Banner was penetrated by the chain, it seemed as if he had lost all spirituality, and he completely lost the provocative and arrogant side just now...

Outside, Qin Buyi looked at the scene in Xiaoqian World, and said to Xiaoqin: "Xiaoqing, go and put this Thunder Pangu Banner and that Thunder Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda together."

"After the master is done here, we will deal with this Thunder Pangu Banner."

In Xiaoqian World, Xiaoqing heard Qin Buyi's voice transmission, and excitedly teleported to Thunder Pangu Banner.

The palm-sized dragon body dragged the Thunder Pangu Banner, which was about the same size as it, and flew downward, placing it next to the Thunder Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda.

Then Xiaoqing called Huang Daxian, and the two stared at the palm-sized Thunder Pangu Fan back and forth, as if they were getting a toy from a fun baby.

Qin Liang also received a voice transmission from Qin Buyi, after learning the specific situation.

Qin Liang's voice spread to everyone's ears: "Do what you should do, don't panic."

In Xiaoqian World, this small disturbance just calmed down...

In the outside world, after the Thunder Pangu Banner entered the Xiaoqian World, Qin Buyi's tribulation was completely over.

The breath belonging to the early stage of Longmen Realm erupted from Qin Buyi's body.

This month, Qin Buyi was really aggrieved, he was beaten like a sandbag for a whole month.

Qin Buyi has already made up his mind that after dealing with the outside food this time, he must go to Xiaoqian World to see where the Thunder Pangu Banner is.

Judging from the various behaviors of Lei Ting Pangu Banner, Qin Buyi would not believe it if he said that the other party did not have any intelligence!

If it weren't for the help of [One Hundred and Eight Human Immortal Transcending Tribulation Pill], Qin Buyi would probably be under such an attack for a second.

I can't bear it.

After Qin Buyi's cultivation completely broke through the early stage of Longmen Realm, the power of [108 Human Immortal Crossing Tribulation Pill] in his body also slowly dissipated.

Qin Buyi opened the system mall, looked at the empty mall points in the mall, and murmured: "It's back to the poor and empty time again."

"Where do I go to exchange the whole point of practice resources into system mall points?"

Speaking of this, Qin Buyi couldn't help sighing when he thought of the war missions that were still stuck in the mission panel:

"Hey~ When will this war mission be completed? Where are the two masters of Mr. Ling?"

"Now that I have broken through to the Dragon Gate Realm, it can be said that I am not afraid of the opponent."

Without store points, there is no way to redeem attribute points, Qin Buyi felt a little depressed.

But instead, this little depression was covered up by the joy of breakthrough, Qin Buyi opened the personal information panel:

Name: Qin Buyi

Tianhuang Body·Intermediate

All attributes increased by 10%.

Cultivation level: tenth level early stage of Longmen Realm (10000/20000)

Spiritual Mind: Middle Stage of Longmen Realm

Power: 10000

Speed: 10000

Stamina: 10000

Attack power: 10000

Defense: 10000

Air luck: 10000


Killing Blade Tenth Order (10000/20000)

Broken Blade (2/9)

Attack increase 20%

Attack power: 10000

Killing knife technique tenth level (10000/20000)

Attack power: 10000

Qinglong Tenth Order (10000/20000)

When the cultivation base breaks through to the early stage of Longmen Realm, although the attribute value remains the same as before, the strength is already very different.

The divine sense also broke through from the early stage of the Dragon Gate Realm to the middle stage of the Dragon Gate Realm, Qin Buyi's combat power has once again increased a lot.

Qin Buyi reckoned that if he met Master Ling's master again, he would be able to kill him with a single blow!

Feeling the majestic power coming from all parts of his body, Qin Buyi let go of his spiritual thoughts.

The powerful divine sense centered on Qin Buyi and spread towards the surrounding area...

Soon Qin Buyi's divine sense enveloped tens of thousands of miles around.

The cultivators below felt the powerful aura from Qin Buyi, and they all showed joy.

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