As soon as the fleeing sympathetic front foot steps out of the space barrier, the back foot wants to return to the space barrier.

The reason is very simple, Qin Buyi is looking at him with a smile in front of him.

With an empathetic look full of bitterness, he looked at Qin Buyi cautiously and said, "Qin Buyi, I know you are very strong."

"But people have limits of endurance. If you push me to the limit, don't blame me and you."

Qin Buyi stood on the spot and asked back: "The fish is dead and the net is broken? I'm curious, how can the fish die and the net be broken?"

Seeing that Qin Buyi didn't attack him immediately, Tongqing stepped out of the space barrier and instantly burned one-third of the blood in his body.

"Burn it for me!" Tong Qing shouted.


There was a muffled sound in Tongqing's body, nearly one-third of the blood essence was burned, and the breath in Tongqing's body exploded.

Burning essence and blood can increase Tongqing's own combat power by a large margin in a short period of time.

Tongqing, whose combat strength has been greatly improved, did not choose to fight Qin Buyi, but fled towards the distance with all his strength. Biqu library

The space barrier kept passing before Tongqing's eyes, and Tongqing's figure soon surpassed Tonglang's.

Tong Lang looked at Tong Qing who was running away in a panic, and said in his heart: "It's not good!"

Tongqing's appearance clearly shows that he suffered a big loss from Qin Buyi.

Now that Tongqing surpasses Tonglang, it is definitely not a good thing for Tonglang.

That meant he fell from second to third in the three-run escape rankings.

It is very likely that the third place will be directly targeted and killed by Qin Buyi.

Just when Tong Lang was about to burn his blood, a scene appeared that made his eyes widen.

I saw Tongqing teleporting forward quickly, and a golden light behind him caught up with Tongqing at a speed several times faster than Tongqing.

Tong Lang murmured on the spot: "This...what's the situation! Shouldn't his target be me!"

"Why are you chasing love instead!"

The one Tong Lang said was Qin Buyi, and Qin Buyi passed by him.

The attitude of turning a blind eye made Tong Lang confused and delighted for a moment.

The doubt in my heart was instantly suppressed in my heart as the golden light disappeared from my vision.

The first priority now is to survive, Qin Buyi doesn't chase after himself, isn't it a good thing that he can't find it even with a lantern.

Tong Lang looked at the direction where Qin Buyi and Tong Qing disappeared, turned around quickly, and changed to a completely different one.

The direction teleports away.

"Now I can finally escape and ascend to heaven. Thank you for your dedication. I will remember you forever." Tong Lang murmured while running away.

In Tonglang's mind, Qin Buyi went after Tongqing and chose a completely different direction to escape.

He will definitely not encounter Qin Buyi again. After Qin Buyi kills Tong Qing, he wants to turn around. Tong Lang already has no idea how far he has run.

Tongying also has a similar idea to Tonglang.

Tong Ying, as the person with the strongest comprehensive strength among these few people, was also the first to escape, so he naturally left Tong Qing and Tong Lang far behind.

Tongying let go of his spiritual thoughts, and there was nothing abnormal in his spiritual thoughts at all.

Tong Ying slightly raised her heart and let go a little.

"Hmph, when everyone is running for their lives together, I don't need to be faster than the enemy, I just need to be faster than my teammates."

"This sentence is indeed a wise saying. Now that I think about it, among the two people, Tong Qing and Tong Lang, there must be an unlucky ghost who died under the sword of Qin Buyi."

"Thank you both for their dedication. After the big brother escapes and ascends to heaven, I will pay homage to you two."

Speaking of this, Tong Ying recalled Qin Buyi's terrifying fighting power in his mind, and said to himself with an uneasy expression:

"I didn't expect Qin Buyi to be so powerful in battle, and his cultivation has already broken through to the middle stage of Longmen Realm."

"Are the intelligence departments of the major factions of Tiandouzong full of water? Such an important matter has not been written in the intelligence! Damn it!"

"These intelligence departments should bear the huge responsibility for the failure of our mission! Such an omission, after I go back, I will definitely report to the Great Elder and execute these personnel who participated in the investigation of Qin Buyi's intelligence this time!"

"Hmph, it just happens to blame these people for the failure of this mission. This will not only reduce the punishment, but most importantly, it will not affect my position in the Great Elder faction!"

Tongying, who seemed certain that he would be able to escape from birth, had already planned in his mind how to get rid of the blame after returning to Tiandouzong.

At this time, Tong Ying didn't know that one of the two unlucky bastards he was talking about was burning blood and was rushing towards him at an astonishing speed.

In addition to the unlucky Tongqing, there is also Qin Buyi, the god of death. The two of them expect to appear within the range of Tongying's divine sense in just one or two more breaths...


Unexpectedly, just when Tongying was thinking about how to shirk responsibility in his mind.

Two figures appeared in the perception of divine sense, chasing one after the other...

The figure in the front row was naturally flustered and sympathetic, and the figure in the back who followed slowly was Qin Buyi.

Tong Ying felt the aura of the two figures in his divine sense, and his mood of escaping from birth suddenly became extremely bad.

"Damn it! You idiot Tongqing, didn't you tell him and Tonglang to run away separately? Why did you come towards me?"

"Come as soon as you come, and there is such a murderous god behind you, rely on me!"

Under Qin Buyi's pursuit, unknowingly, Tongying, Tongqing, and Tonglang chose the same direction of escape.

Tong Ying cursed in her heart, teleported and prayed secretly in her heart: "You can't see me, you can't see me, hurry up and pass by me, no one can see me."

It seems that God heard the prayer in Tongying's heart, and Tongqing, who was running away with all his strength, saw Tongying who was also teleporting at a glance.

Tongqing seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, wishing to use all her strength to escape in the direction of Tongying...

When Tong Qing was being chased by Qin Buyi, he burned his blood twice in a short period of time.

The essence and blood in the body can't stand the third burning at all. If it is forced to burn for the third time, it will inevitably cause irreparable damage to the foundation of the empathetic body.

When Tong Ying saw Tong Qing who was quickly approaching her, she immediately scolded Tong Qing and her ancestors in her heart.

Tongqing approached Tongying, and shouted in his mouth: "Brother Tongying, Brother Tongying, save me! Help me!"

"Brother Tongying, don't run so fast!"

"As long as you make a move, with the strength of the two of us, we will definitely be able to repel this Qin Buyi."

Unexpectedly, when Tongying heard the words of understanding, she would escape even faster.

Tongying completely scoffed at what Tongqing said.

Tong Ying thought to herself: "Save you? I'll save you, who the hell will save me!"

"This Qin Buyi's methods are unfathomable, it's too late to escape, and he saved you!"

"If you want to die, die alone, don't drag me! I haven't lived enough yet! What a teammate like a pig!"

"How dare the two of us repel Qin Buyi with the strength of the two of us. Before fleeing just now, the three of us dared not face him."

"Now two people can repel him? Are you stupid, or am I stupid!"

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