The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 489: Curiosity Killed The Cat

Facing the invitation from Emperor Li Tian of the Dawn Dynasty, Qin Buyi pondered for a moment and then refused: "No, it's just a coincidence that I came here."

"Now that the matter has been dealt with, I will return to the Ming Dynasty."

"If you have time during this time, you can come to Daming Emperor's Capital as a guest."

"So farewell!"

After Qin Buyi finished speaking, his figure disappeared in place, leaving only a golden light...

Li Tian stood there blankly, looking at the golden light slowly dissipating, feeling a little at a loss.

After a long time, Li Tian smiled wryly and said, "Is this Emperor Qin of the Ming Dynasty so resolute?"

"I didn't even say a few words, just left..."

Facing Qin Buyi's behavior of not giving people a chance to speak, Li Tian had no other meaning in his heart except for a wry smile.

This is the benefit of being a strong person, if any half fairyland treats Li Tian with such a defiant attitude.

Li Tian will definitely tell him personally what the majesty of a strong man in the Dragon Gate Realm is.

But in the face of Qin Buyi, the majesty of a strong man in the Longmen realm disappeared instantly.

It's a joke, he wants to stop Qin Buyi, or make rude remarks.

It's not that he taught Qin Buyi the majesty of the strong in the Longmen Realm by his own actions, but what Qin Buyi taught him, telling him to be careful when he speaks in the next life!

Li Tian didn't leave immediately, feeling the residual breath here...

"In addition to the Great Ming Qin Emperor, there is also a late-stage Longmen Realm powerhouse here, who is this person?"

Li Tian had doubts in his mind.

The four elder factions of Tiandouzong each sent one person to kill Qin Buyi, which was a confidential act.

No one knows about it except insiders.

After all, Li Tian's side is a strong man in the early stage of Longmen Realm, and he quickly found a clue in the air...

Following these clues, Li Tian teleported all the way, and soon came to the position where Tong Lang blew himself up just now.

At this time, it was not long before Tonglang blew himself up.

The strong breath produced by the self-explosion seemed to tell the latecomers the despair and pain in Tong Lang's heart when he blew himself up.

"Another late-stage Dragon Gate expert???"

"There are already two of them, Emperor Qin of Ming Dynasty, what the hell did you do! Killing two late-stage dragonmen in a row..."

Li Tian was surprised several times more than before.

For him, the strong late Dragon Gate Realm is already an existence that he needs to look up to.

Right now, there are two existences of this level, dead

In the hands of Qin Buyi, it is conceivable that Li Tian was shocked.

"Being able to kill two late-stage Dragon Gate experts in a row, the combat power of Emperor Qin of the Ming Dynasty is really terrifying!"

"Since he left just now, he doesn't seem to be injured at all..."

"If you speculate like this, doesn't it mean that Emperor Qin of the Ming Dynasty killed two late-stage Dragon Gate powerhouses without injury?"

"Ordinary battles, but whenever there is a fight, there will definitely be more or less traces of the fight."

"But looking at these two places, there is no trace of a fight..."

For a moment, Li Tianxin sank to the bottom of the valley.

The stronger Qin Buyi is, the more bad news it is for him.

If the Ming Dynasty at this time is compared to a fierce tiger that chooses to eat people, the Liming Dynasty is a piece of fat in front of the tiger's mouth.

Such a piece of fat may be devoured by a tiger at any time, how can it make Li Tian feel better?

At the place where Tonglang blew himself up, Li Tian searched for a long time but found no useful information.

Just when Li Tian was about to give up, he suddenly detected a different aura in the air.

"To... or not to go!"

This trace of distinctive aura pointed directly at the Faxiang of the Ming Dynasty.

When he came here, he was far away from the Dawn Dynasty.

If we continue to investigate this, if we encounter Qin Buyi who is returning on the way, wouldn't it be hard to tell with a hundred mouths.

This kind of inquisitive search is the most taboo among the strong.

Because this kind of search often brings great trouble to the winning side, and the only ones who can do this are enemies.

Few practitioners are willing to do this!

The reason why Li Tian was like this was entirely because his heart was occupied by curiosity.

As the saying goes, curiosity killed the cat.

Emperor Qin of Ming Dynasty is too mysterious, and Li Tian has collected a lot of information about Qin Buyi...

The more you collect, the more palpitations you get, the more palpitations you get, the more curious you become, and the more curious you are, the more you can't stop...

Encountering this situation now, it is like opening a Pandora's box, completely sinking into it.

The final result is naturally that curiosity in Li Tian's heart overcomes reason...

Following the distinctive aura in the air, Li Tian's figure continued to teleport away.

After a while, Li Tian came to the place where Tongqing was beheaded by Qin Buyi with the combination of annihilating and beheading immortals.

Just arrived here, before Li Tian could investigate, a golden light appeared in front of Li Tian.


The owner of the light is Qin Buyi, who stepped out of the golden light.

Holding the killing blade out of its sheath in his hand, Qin Buyi looked at Li Tian with cold eyes and said, "Li Tian, ​​what are you doing?"

Just this one sentence made Li Tian's face turn pale, his lips turn slightly purple, and his body trembled uncontrollably...

As early as the moment he saw the golden light, there was a "Boom~!" in Li Tian's mind, and it went blank.

When he saw Qin Buyi walking out of the golden light with a killing blade in his hand, the fear in Li Tian's heart reached a peak.

Qin Buyi's aura and killing intent were not concealed at all.

Li Tian knew that if he didn't give a perfect explanation, today would be his death day!

At this time, Li Tian's curiosity disappeared instantly.

When life is at stake, there is nothing worth caring about other than your own life.

In the fright and fear, Li Tian, ​​who had recovered a little bit, wished to slap himself hard.

"Curiosity killed the cat, it's true! What to do! What to do!"

"Hurry up and come up with a perfect explanation, otherwise I will definitely not be able to survive this calamity."

Li Tian is like ants on a hot pot running around anxiously...

At this time, Li Tian personally proved with practical actions that if you don't die, you won't die!

If he dared to touch the most taboo thing among practitioners out of curiosity, he would simply seek his own death.

Qin Buyi looked at Li Tian with a cold expression, what Li Tian had done had exceeded Qin Buyi's bottom line!

This kind of random probing of the cultivator's own body will never die on any cultivator!

As for why Qin Buyi appeared here, it is very simple.

Qin Buyi, who was born as a killer, understands human nature best, and also understands the weakness of human nature best!

He didn't believe that Li Tian would leave so easily...

If Li Tianzhen let go of his curiosity and returned to Liming Huangdu, and later surrendered like Li Da and the other four, Qin Buyi would not mind giving up his life.

In Qin Buyi's words just now, he had already given Li Tian the opportunity, saying that Li Tian would be a guest at the Daming Emperor's Capital when he was free, but Li Tian didn't grasp it at all!

Qin Buyi is not the kind of person who waits for the real danger to come before being forced to fight back.

Again, Qin Buyi will kill any potential danger to Qin Buyi in the cradle!

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