The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 499: Tiandou Zongde's Generation

The representatives of the four elder factions echoed the proposal of the third elder faction: "My opinion is for reconsideration."

"This Qin Buyi's methods are unpredictable, and no one knows where his limit is."

"This time, if we attack rashly again, the failure is trivial. If something happens to the strong Dragon Gate Realm, we can't afford it."

The five elder factions said: "My opinion is also to reconsider."

"We really can't afford it if something happens to someone who is a consummated Dragon Gate Realm expert."

"In my opinion, if you don't have all the preparations, it's better not to act rashly."

The representative of the Great Elder faction looked at the representatives of the other three factions, and said with a sneer in his heart: "Just now, all the slogans were shouted loudly, but when it came time to do practical things, each of them was like a turtle. !"

"Let's discuss it again, and be fully prepared? Let's discuss another ball, and be fully prepared for a peach!"

"Wait until you discuss it again, the day lily is so cold, a bunch of shrunken things are really useless..."

The Great Elder faction scolded the other three factions in their hearts.

In order to get people from these three factions to agree with this idea, the representative of the Great Elder faction gritted his teeth and directly took a strong dose of medicine and said:

"For this operation, our Great Elder faction is willing to come up with a treasure."

"This treasure can gather the power of four consummated experts in the Dragon Gate Realm in a short period of time to form an attack comparable to the early stages of the Human Immortal Realm."

"With this supreme treasure, it can be said that the four strong players who have completed the Longmen Realm attack this time can be said to be sure."

Hearing the words of the Great Elder faction, the Third Elder, Fourth Elder, and Fifth Elder faction looked at each other.

The representative of the three elder factions took the lead in speaking: "That's it..."

"Since the Great Elder Faction is willing to take out this treasure, our Three Elder Faction agrees to participate in the second encirclement and suppression of Qin Buyi."

After the representatives of the three elder factions agreed, the fourth and fifth elder factions also agreed.

Seeing this scene, the Great Elder faction snorted coldly in their hearts: "Hmph, a group of masters who don't see rabbits and don't scatter eagles."

"Seeing that my Great Elder faction has produced such a treasure, everyone's tone has changed in an instant, which is really despised."


In this way, after some discussions among the four major factions of Tiandouzong,

Re-set the plan for the second encirclement and suppression of Qin Buyi.

The planned implementation date will be the opening day of Starblue Academy.

The idea of ​​the four major factions is very simple, there will be many practitioners cheering on the opening day of Xinglan Academy.

If Qin Buyi was killed in front of everyone at this time. The growing vigor of the second elder faction is definitely greatly weakened.

Similarly, after beheading Qin Buyi, the Ming Dynasty was destroyed by means of thunder.

Let all practitioners in the Tiandouzong area know that the four major factions of Tiandouzong are definitely not so easy to mess with.

What the representatives of the four major factions didn't know was that Tongying, Tonglang, Tongqing, and Tongming they sent out last time thought the same way.

Killing Qin Buyi in public was a blow to the spirit of the Second Elder faction, but Qin Buyi killed one on the spot and scared away three!

The historical trajectories are strikingly similar.

Compared with the last time, the decisions made by the four major factions of Tiandouzong are surprisingly consistent.

For the encirclement and suppression of Qin Buyi, the four major factions basically did not consider the possibility of failure.

In their thinking, no matter how evil Qin Buyi is, no matter how talented he is, it is impossible for him to resist the attack of the human fairyland with his cultivation at the Dragon Gate Realm. Biqu library

If they were killed by Qin Buyi at the price of one treasure, then those who had completed the Longmen Realm might as well buy a piece of tofu and kill them.

If it is said that the only one who has considered possible failure here is the representative of the Great Elder faction.

However, even though the representatives of the Great Elder faction had considered the possibility of failure, they did not think deeply about it...

In the final analysis, it is still because of self-confidence in one's own strength.

Taking a ten thousand step back, even if the Great Elder faction dies and loses another Dragon Gate Realm consummation expert, it will not have much impact on the next situation.

On the contrary, the three elders, the fourth elders, and the fifth elders faction, if another strong man who is perfect in the Longmen realm dies, it will definitely collapse.

In terms of emotion and reason, the faction of the Great Elder is not at a disadvantage in any respect. This is a manifestation of tyranny.

If Qin Buyi died under this siege, it would be the Second Elder faction that would be weakened.

If Qin Buyi beheaded these four powerful experts in the Longmen Realm holding treasures, although it would weaken the faction of the Great Elder to a certain extent.

But the most uncomfortable ones are the three elders, four elders, and five elders factions.

than consumption

, the Great Elder faction has never been worthy of anyone.

The conspiracy of the four major factions also did not leak out...

The content of the conspiracy is mainly to encircle and suppress Qin Buyi, supplemented by continuing to sanction the Second Elder faction.

By the way, a group of personnel in charge of intelligence in Tiandouzong were executed. After all, such a big incident happened, someone must take the blame to weaken the anger of the upper elders.

This blame man can't be everyone representing himself, plus the intelligence personnel of the major factions, there is indeed a mistake.

This becomes the best scapegoat!


There are lights and festoons everywhere in the imperial capital of the Ming Dynasty, and the streets are even more lively.

The only thing everyone was discussing was how the opening ceremony of Xinglan Academy would be carried out today.

Qin Buyi still serves as the first dean of Xinglan Academy, and the news that the head of the Lan family, Lan Wenhao, is the second dean of Xinglan Academy has already spread...

All the people on the streets in the Imperial Capital of the Ming Dynasty were talking about today's big event:

"Have you heard that the teaching model of Xinglan Academy is said to have come from Emperor Qin's hometown?"

"We have known about this for a long time, did you know? The speed of information acquisition is too outdated..."

"I'm really looking forward to the future of Xinglan Academy. All the teachers are all Mahayana-level powerhouses, and Emperor Qin is a peerless powerhouse. When I have money, I will definitely send my son to study there."

"This Xinglan Academy is many times stronger than its predecessor Daming Academy! This Lan family is a big deal!"

"Hey, what a big deal, haven't you heard that it was done with the acquiescence of the Emperor Qin? If you want to talk about a big deal, it has to be the Emperor Qin."...

Four figures in the crowd gathered together, and these four figures were the consummation experts of the Longmen Realm sent by the four major factions to kill Qin Buyi.

The leader among them was holding a scroll that resembled a picture scroll.

The leading man was named Deqing, and the three people following him were Deyuan, Deming, and Dehui.

The seniority of the four people in Tiandouzong is one generation higher than Tongying and others, they are the generation of virtue.

The four of them have entered the Dragon Gate Realm for many years and have been exploring the opportunity to enter the Human Wonderland...

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