The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 604: The New Force Of The First Army Of Heaven

Qin Liang pondered for a while, scratched his head a little embarrassedly and said, "Shuai Qin, the battle outside is almost over now."

"I want to take advantage of this time to go back to Xiaoqian World to have a look. It's been a long time since I left, I really miss it."

Qin Buyi smiled and said: "You are very tired from fighting here and there these days, my original intention is to let you have a good rest."

"You are too tired like this, I am very worried."

Hearing Qin Buyi's words, warm currents flashed in Qin Liang's heart.

The relationship between Maxima and Bole is not only appreciation, but also care and so on.

When Qin Liang was in the Great Qin Dynasty before, he had never heard the words of concern from the Great Qin Emperor at that time.

Qin Liang said: "Thank you, Shuai Qin, for your concern!"

"Liang's cultivation base has reached the Dragon Gate Realm, and he is different from that mortal man. This level is nothing!"

Seeing Qin Liang's persistent face, Qin Buyi understood what he was worried about.

Little Thousand World belongs to Qin Buyi, but Qin Liang's painstaking efforts are devoted to the construction and development of it.

During this period of time, Xiaoqian World was temporarily taken over by Yinggan. Although there were no troubles, there were still many shortcomings compared to when Qin Liang was in charge.

Qin Buyi nodded and said: "Okay, everything depends on your personal wishes."

Speaking of this, Qin Buyi said meaningfully to Qin Liang: "Qin Liang, I have prepared a gift for you, do you want it?"

Qin Liang's eyes lit up, and then he asked with some doubts: "Gift? What gift?"

Qin Buyi shook his head and said, "You will find out later."

Qin Buyi moved his mind slightly, and the next second the two of them appeared in Xiaoqian World.

Qin Buyi said to Qin Liang, "Follow me."

Qin Liang followed behind Qin Buyi in a daze, wondering what kind of gift Qin Buyi was talking about.

During the time he left Xiaoqian World, he has been busy fighting everywhere, and he has no time to understand various situations in Xiaoqian World.

Now that he returned to Xiaoqian World again, Qin Liang smelled the familiar smell and felt satisfied.

Compared with the external battles, Xiaoqian World obviously holds more weight in Qin Liang's heart. This can be said to be the place where his dream began.

With the development of Xiaoqian World in the future, he, Qin Liang, will definitely be famous in the world.

Qin Liang was behind Qin Buyi, looking left and right, wanting to know how the current Xiaoqian world is different from when he left.

Not long after, the figure of Qin Buyi stopped, pointing to the

The dark place said: "It's here!"

Qin Liang looked in the direction of Qin Buyi's finger, and besides Yin Qi, there were also a large number of zombies.

"So many zombies?"

"However, none of them seem to have a high level of cultivation." Qin Liang murmured.

Qin Buyi smiled and said, "Qin Liang, don't underestimate these zombies."

"These are zombies with pure bloodlines and high potential..."

Qin Buyi then told Qin Liang the role of these pure blood zombies.

Qin Liang's eyes were red when he heard it, if Qin Buyi wasn't here, he really wanted to go down and study these zombies.

After telling Qin Liang the functions of these zombies, Qin Buyi pointed to the tunnel below where Yin Qi gathers:

"After being arranged by a certain powerful person, these pure-blooded zombies can already be produced continuously."

"As long as this place is not destroyed, you don't have to worry that these zombies will become less and less in the future..."

After listening to Qin Buyi's words, Qin Liang murmured: "Strong vitality, high potential, incorporated into the First Army of the Heavenly Court..."

"If you wait for this group of zombies to improve their cultivation base, it will definitely raise the combat power of the First Army of Heaven to another level."

"In the later stage, when these zombies reach the highest level of the first army in heaven, they will definitely be a frightening establishment!"

"Hey, the number of these zombies is not too much now, so they can only be used as special forces in the First Army of Heaven."

"In the future, when the number of these zombies increases, it is completely possible to independently form such an army and use it as a sharp knife among sharp knives..."

As expected of a genius in strategic command, Qin Liang immediately figured out a lot about the future functions and arrangements of these zombies.

Qin Liang didn't ask who Qin Buyi said was powerful.

What he should know, he will know sooner or later, what he shouldn't know, too much curiosity will kill himself.

Qin Buyi looked at the expression on Qin Liang's face and said, "How is this gift? Do you still like it?"

Qin Liang couldn't stop his joy and said: "I like it, more than just like it! I like it too much! Hahaha!"

"Thank you Shuai Qin for the gift."

Qin Buyi said: "Come, follow me to meet the zombie king in this pure blood zombie."

"Speaking of which, you have seen the servant of the Zombie King before."

Qin Liang said suspiciously

:"I have seen?"

After a few breaths, the doubts were completely resolved.

Three silly zombies beaten by Qin Liang's first heavenly army appeared in Qin Liang's eyes.

In front of these three silly zombies is the zombie king Juetian.

When the three silly zombies saw Qin Buyi and Qin Liang, they trembled all over and dared not say anything.

After Juetian saw Qin Buyi, he said: "Hao... I have seen you, Emperor Qin Tian!"

People have to bow their heads under the eaves, Juetian is no longer the all-powerful old monster he used to be, and his cultivation base starts from scratch.

Facing Qin Buyi with such a strong cultivation base, of course he couldn't treat him like before.

Qin Buyi is not a good opponent, if you really want to annoy him, Juetian doesn't believe that the other party will tolerate his provocation.

For the sake of his own life, Juetian recognized the reality very well.

Qin Buyi nodded, and then said to Qin Liang: "This is the Zombie King Juetian in the pure blood zombies."

Qin Liang looked Juetian up and down, and then looked beyond Juetian to the three zombies, with doubts in his eyes.

Seeing Qin Liang's eyes, Qin Buyi was puzzled and said, "Are you thinking, this Jue Tian cultivation base is so weak, how could there be these three Longmen Realm zombie servants?"

Qin Liang said: "Nothing can escape Qin Shuai's eyes, that's exactly what he thinks in his conscience."

Qin Buyi said: "This Juetian was a human fairyland cultivation base before, and he came to trouble me, so he ended up like this."

"When he came to trouble me, you were fighting in other dynasties. It's normal that you didn't know."

Qin Liang recalled it in his mind, and it seemed that there was indeed such a thing.

When he was fighting in other dynasties, he seemed to have heard that a strong man went to the Daming Emperor to find Qin Buyi's troubles. It happened that at that time, a group of the First Army of the Heavenly Court came to cross the robbery.

There was no accident on Qin Buyi's side, so Qin Liang put this matter behind him.

Thinking about it now, it should be this Zombie King Juetian.

Qin Buyi made Juetian and Qin Liang get to know each other for a while, then left Xiaoqian World and came outside the Imperial Capital of Ming Dynasty.

Outside the imperial capital of Ming Dynasty, Qin Lin and all the soldiers of the First Heavenly Court Army were waiting for Qin Liang's return.

But what was waiting was Qin Buyi.

Qin Buyi didn't say a word, and exuded a tyrannical divine sense, enveloping Qin Lin and all the soldiers of the First Army of Heaven, and teleporting them all to Xiaoqian World.

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