The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 616: The Curtain General Who Brings All His Family Assets

As soon as the voice changed, the rolling shutter general laughed in a low voice: "Hey, fortunately, I have expected it!"

"Bring me all the wealth I have accumulated in Heavenly Court for so many years, so that no matter how barren the Quicksand River is, it has nothing to do with me."

"The key is to put my family property in the Heavenly Court. I always feel uneasy, especially Marshal Tianpeng recently chased Fairy Chang'e and always asked someone to borrow spirit stones..."

"When I come out of this trip, I don't know when I will be able to return to the Heavenly Court. If I don't bring all my family assets with me, I'm afraid that I will have nothing after I go back."

Qin Buyi who was hiding in the dark, his eyes lit up when he heard this.

He seemed to have heard something extraordinary just now.

The image of today's roller blinds will change instantly in Qin Buyi's eyes.

From a human form to a walking golden mountain.

As the curtain rolling general of the ancient prehistoric heaven, no matter what, he is also a close person who opens the door and pulls the curtain for Haotian.

This kind of character, except Nezha and Li Jing, who look down on such great powers, is a high-ranking figure to other heavenly soldiers and generals.

On weekdays, it is estimated that there are not a few heavenly soldiers and generals who want to curry favor with him and want him to speak well in front of Haotian.

Then this flattery requires a fee. The fees of such heavenly soldiers and generals in the ancient prehistoric heaven are added together, which is not a small number.

"As the saying goes, little makes more, and sand piles up. This rolling shutter general must be very rich!"

"No, I have to find a chance..."

Qin Buyi thought to himself.

I didn't know that General Roller Blind brought all his savings, but now he knows.

Qin Buyi's strategy changed instantly.

Coincidentally, at this time, the general of the rolling curtain activated his whole body, and shouted on the quicksand river: "Come out all of them!"

All the monsters in Quicksand Hanoi who sensed the aura of the rolling shutter popped up together.

He looked at the rolling shutter general suspiciously.

For these low-level monsters, the rolling shutter general didn't have much thought to deal with them.

Calling them out is entirely because I may live here for a long time in the future, and it may take a long time.

Waiting for Haotian and others to complete the layout, he can return to Heaven.

So it is necessary to inform these monsters, he will be the master from now on.

General Rolling Curtain said: "From now on, I will be the master of Liusha River.

Qi call me a king! "

"Okay, you guys go away."

Unexpectedly, after General Shulin finished speaking, these monsters did not disperse, but continued to look at him.

General Rolling Curtain cursed in his heart: "Sure enough, it's a monster in a remote place. Even its intelligence is so low that it can't understand human speech."

"Why do you continue to stay here? Why don't you leave?" asked the general of the shutter.

After General Rolling Shutter finished speaking, the Mahayana monster who informed Qin Buyi said:

"Reporting to the immortal, we already have a king!"

"Our king is an immortal just like you."

General Shulin was surprised: "What? There is already a master here?"

"When you asked me to come, didn't you say that there is no master here, and the one with the highest cultivation level is an old bastard in the half fairyland."

"Where did this fairy come from?"

The thoughts in the shutter general's mind kept turning, thinking about which link went wrong.

And the sudden appearance of the immortal is from which side.

There is not much fear in the heart of this strange fairy general.

Standing behind him is Tianting, the most powerful force in the entire prehistoric force.

His coming to the Liusha River this time represents the will of the Heavenly Court.

Anyone who dares to attack him is going against Heaven.

In the entire prehistoric world, people with such courage can be counted on one hand.

First of all, General Shulin ruled out human teaching, intercepting teaching, and interpreting teaching in his mind.

Needless to say, when Haotian established the Heavenly Court headed by him, Taishang Laojun was the first to stand up and support.

After the Great Calamity of Conferring Gods to Intercept and Interpret Teaching, the disciples under his sect entered the Heavenly Court and gradually became close to the Heavenly Court.

Sanqing was originally a family, after the farce of the Conferred God Tribulation.

Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun, and Master Tongtian are still family members.

Therefore, elucidation and interruption of teaching should also be excluded.

"Could it be that the Western Sect learned the news and sent people to stop it?"

"It's very possible in the future, but if it is really a Western religion, it will be a little troublesome. I have to report it to the Heavenly Court in time."

Thinking of this, General Rolling Curtain took out a sound-transmitting jade talisman from his bosom, and inserted his divine sense into it.

How did Qin Buyi know that the rolling shutter general had so many inner dramas.

Seeing that the shutter general suddenly looked nervous, and then inexplicably

Taking out the sound transmission jade talisman, I don't know what they are communicating.

Qin Buyi looked at the sound-transmitting jade talisman in the hands of General Rolling Curtain and said inwardly, "I never expected to see such a familiar means of communication in ancient prehistoric times."

"It's a bit unexpected."

Who developed the sound transmission jade talisman, and it is no longer traceable.

You can say anything, anyway, since Pan Gu opened up this prehistoric world.

After the first batch of innate beings, such as: Taishang Laojun, Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtian Jiaozhu, Nuwa and others appeared, they had the means of sound transmission jade charms.

The sound transmission jade talisman spread to the age of the heavens and the world, it is entirely because there is really no substitute for this method.

Stable, easy to use, and there is no threshold.

To say that the only hurdle may be to require the user to have divine sense.

It can be said that this is a method with all advantages and no disadvantages.

After a while, the tense look on the face of the shutter general suddenly relaxed.

General Shulin secretly said: "The information has been sent, I believe there will be support soon."

The prehistoric heaven.

Marshal Tianpeng is worrying about how to catch up with his beloved fairy Chang'e.

At this time, a heavenly soldier walked in from the outside, and said to Marshal Tianpeng: "Marshal, General Shulin just sent a message, saying that he may be in a little trouble."

"The superior has entrusted us with the task of supporting General Rolling Shutter, how do you think we should handle it?"

After hearing this, Marshal Tianpeng waved his hands and said, "I see, you can step back."

After hearing this, Tianbing bowed and retreated.

Marshal Tianpeng said softly: "Hmph~ if he encounters a little trouble, he can get into a fart trouble."

"I know that I need spirit stones to chase Fairy Chang'e, so let him borrow some spirit stones and watch him pick and search."

"Alas~ I didn't even raise the money for Fairy Chang'e's rabbit food."

"Wouldn't that let Yang Jian cut off the beard first? It's really irritating!"

"There is also Wu Gang, the idiot in Chang'e Palace, who knows how to cut trees all day long. The broken osmanthus tree has been cut down for so many years, and it hasn't been finished yet!"

"The marshal suspects that he is just greedy for the beauty of Fairy Chang'e..."

At this time, another soldier came in from outside and said: "Marshal, you asked me to pay attention to what the jade rabbit likes to eat in the hands of Fairy Chang'e, and I finally found out."

Marshal Tianpeng looked happy and urged: "Say it quickly, say it quickly."

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