The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 634: Killing The First Golden Cicada (Part 1)

Jin Chanzi's complexion suddenly became complicated when he heard this.

At first glance, catching Qin Buyi's five tricks does not seem to be a problem, it is very simple.

If you think about it carefully, this is definitely a matter with a very high risk factor.

Jin Chanzi really wanted to reject Qin Buyi's proposal, but now he had no choice in this situation.

If he didn't accept Qin Buyi's proposal, then he would basically be completely cold.

Accept Qin Buyi's proposal, and there is still a slight chance to survive.

This lost opportunity can also be understood as a miracle!

From Qin Buyi's point of view, Jin Chanzi's chance of not dying after using his five moves is completely zero.

From Jin Chanzi's point of view, the chance of him being able to catch the opponent's five moves is almost zero.

The other party is the incarnation of the Emperor of Heaven, and to be able to say such wild words, he must have been fully confident, otherwise he would not have said such words.

Now Jin Chanzi can only put all his hopes on Qin Buyi's possible mistakes later...

Only in this way can he have a certain chance of surviving.

Otherwise, he will face the danger of falling!

Jin Chanzi no longer hesitated, and said: "Okay, isn't it just to follow your five moves, I agree!"

"Come on~!"

Jin Chanzi looked so heroic that the rolling shutter general at the side shook his head.

General Rolling Curtain secretly said: "Is this Jin Chanzi ready to go on the road..."

What General Shulin said about Shanglu was not the Shanglu who went to the west, but the Shanglu who went to die.

Looking at Qin Buyi who was slowly raising the killing blade, Jin Chanzi thought calmly and desperately: "It's over, I'm going to die!"

"Western religion has harmed me a lot! It really has hurt me a lot!"

"Teacher Jieying and Teacher Zhunti, if you gave me a treasure that can protect me when I left the West, I would not face such a dangerous situation."

Jin Chanzi's hand was holding the magic tin rod, the joints were slightly white, and it could be seen how nervous it was...

It is impossible to be calm, not even in this life.

If you really want to stay calm, you will have to live in the next life...

Jin Chanzi thought gloomyly: "Do I still have another life... The other party is the incarnation of the Emperor of Heaven, and he will kill me personally, it is too difficult for me!"

Looking at Jin Chanzi's appearance, Qin Buyi roughly understood what he was thinking.

However, Qin Buyi didn't pay attention to his inner psychological activities, he only needed to go all out, and left the rest to God's will.

The all-out effort mentioned here means to use all the firepower without holding back.

The consequence of doing so is that Jin Chanzi will die completely and fall!

As for the later

So resurrection, this is not what Qin Buyi should consider.

Journey to the West is such a big deal, there must be a way to revive it.

Going back 10,000 steps, even if the Western religion and even the entire prehistoric world have no way to revive the golden cicada, isn't there a system?

When the system let him make the move, there must be considerations in this regard, so there is absolutely no need for Qin Buyi to hold back.

Qin Buyi doesn't know exactly how Jin Chanzi was killed by General Rolling Shutter in his first life in history.

But now that he has returned to the history of this period of time, it is equivalent to adding an unstable factor.

The system added him as an unstable factor, and Qin Buyi didn't care about the serious consequences.

Holding the killing blade in his hand, Qin Buyi shouted: "Next is the first move, you have done it!"

"Killing, Slaughter!"

Tapping the void with his toes, Qin Buyi concentrated all his strength on his arms, and charged towards Jin Chanzi.

Feeling the breath of Qin Buyi and the killing intent brought by the high-speed vibrating killing blade, Jin Chanzi shouted: "Jing Mo Tin Wand, Jiang Mo Yu!"

Jin Chanzi held the tin rod in his hand, and firmly protected himself in it with the airtight waving of the tin rod, like a ball.

"Clang~!" "Clang~!"


The killing blade slashed at this impenetrable defense, sparking sparks one after another.

Feeling the strength of the defense in front of him, Qin Buyi shouted: "Break it!"


The killing blade slashed heavily on the tin stick, and Jin Chanzi's arms became very numb after receiving continuous heavy blows from Qin Buyi in such a short period of time.

After this heavy blow from the killing blade, the impenetrable defense finally revealed a flaw...

Qin Buyi seized this slight flaw and shouted: "Killing, annihilating, and killing immortals!"


The blade of the killing blade vibrated slightly, and a blade sounded.

In the next second, the blade of the killing blade turned black.

Qin Buyi held up the killing blade and slashed at Jin Chanzi's weak spot.


A three-color sword light flew out, the sides of the sword light were black and the middle was white, and it slashed at the weak spot of Jin Chanzi's defense with a domineering aura.


The three-color sword light fell on the opening, and in an instant, Jin Chanzi's defense was completely broken.

Jin Chanzi himself was sent flying thousands of feet by this huge force...

Under the control of Qin Buyi, the three-color sword light chased after Jin Chanzi.

When Jin Chanzi's defense was breached, he secretly said: "It's not good!"

As he was being knocked into the air, Jin Chanzi tried his best to stabilize his figure, and at the same time shouted: "Surrender the devil!"

Tin Staff · Conquering Demons! "

Just as the tin stick in his hand was about to wave again to form a defense, the three-color saber glow had already arrived.

In a panic, Jin Chanzi had no choice but to give up his defensive methods and use another head-to-head method to temporarily resolve the current attack.

Gripping the stick tightly with both hands, and turning the stick completely sideways, Jin Chanzi shouted: "Smite the magic stick, whirlwind smash!"

A series of hurricanes rose with Jin Chanzi as the center, and Jin Chanzi held a tin stick in his hand and smashed towards the three-color sword light.


The tin staff collided with the three-color sword light...

Jin Chanzi's numb arms had just recovered a little, and they were numb again by the huge force from the tin staff.

Jin Chanzi shouted: "This is already the second move, hold it against me!"

About to exert all his strength, Jin Chanzi finally resisted the attack of the three-color sword light, and the two sides fell into a stalemate...

In the distance, Qin Buyi smiled and said, "Jin Chanzi, do you think you can resist this?"

"That's too naive to think, blast me!"

The three-color sword light exploded in an instant when it was in a stalemate with the tin staff.


The power of the explosion embarrassed Jin Chanzi, who was close at hand, and his clothes became tattered in the explosion.

Even so, Jin Chanzi did not dare to slack off. If he was a little lax in the current situation, it would be a sign of death.

In the next second, a ray of light with a strong annihilation aura rose from the place where the three-color sword light was originally.

As soon as the annihilation light rose, Jin Chanzi instantly understood its power.

Without the slightest reason, Jin Chanzi used teleportation to escape into the distance.

As soon as the front foot stepped into the space barrier, before Jin Chanzi breathed a sigh of relief, the back foot annihilated the light and chased after him.

Feeling the annihilation light behind him, Jin Chanzi cursed in a low voice: "Damn it! This is too fast!"

The annihilation light caught up, and Jin Chanzi had no choice but to use the teleportation technique again, and fled to the other side.

The same situation happened again, as soon as the front foot stepped out of the space barrier, the back foot chased after the annihilation of the light... Pen Fun Library

After several twists and turns, Jin Chanzi used teleportation several times before completely escaping the pursuit of Annihilation Light.

When he stepped out of the space barrier for the last time, Jin Chanzi let go of his divine sense immediately to see if the annihilation light behind him caught up.

Seeing that the annihilation light did not catch up, Jin Chanzi breathed a sigh of relief, and did not feel the danger approaching at all.

Qin Buyi was already waiting for Jin Chanzi at the place where he stepped out of the space barrier. Seeing Jin Chanzi's state, Qin Buyi shouted:

"Killing Immortal Ghost!"

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