The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 637: Killing The First Golden Cicada (Plus)

Practitioners are different.

The most powerful cultivator near the Liusha River area is Mahayana Realm.

Before Qin Buyi arrived here, Pharaoh Ba in the half-fairyland could be called the strongest in the Liushahe area.

It is conceivable how low the cultivation realm of these cultivators is.

Curious cultivators gathered in groups of three or four and flew towards Liusha River.

While flying, they discussed:

"This loud noise made me tremble with fear!"

"It's too scary, do you feel the breath brought by this loud noise! ​​That's a fairy! A fairy!!!"

"By the way, I don't know when the immortals in Liushahe came here."

"Your news is too closed. Three months ago, Liusha River came to a strong person from the fairyland. The news has spread, don't you know?"

"Um, I've been retreating, and I don't pay much attention to the outside world."

"By the way, this is the person who is strong in the fairyland in Liushahe and who is fighting?"

"Who knows, we'll find out when we go and have a look later. In the past, not a single immortal came to Liusha River, but now there is a fight between immortals. It's really weird!"

"Okay, don't drag your words, stay away when watching the battle later. No one knows the temper of the immortal. If you offend him, we will all die!"


The big and small demons in Quicksand Hanoi were also alarmed.

They rushed up from the bottom of the river one after another, secretly watching the battle above.

Among them, Dahei, who was in the limelight, hugged left and right.

However, this object of hugging left and right is a bit difficult for "people" to accept!

On the left is a huge female crab, on the right is a huge river mussel, and in the middle is the big black fish.

The strange combination of these three shapes has attracted the attention of many monsters in the Quicksand River.

For a moment, all the monsters said to Dahei: "Dahei, what a blessing!"

"I really envy you, hugging you left and right, it's really a blessing!"

"Hey~ When will I be able to be valued by the king, and I will have such a good fortune!"

"Dahei, by the way, you've had good luck these days, kid. These few flowers we like are all planted on your cow dung."...

Seeing this, Dahei smiled and said, "Hey, thanks to Dawang and Erdawang!"

"Without them, I wouldn't be where I am today!"

Regarding this, the big and small demons in the Liusha River looked longingly, thinking that when they could be valued by Qin Buyi, they would be treated like Dahei.

Dahei's situation is unacceptable to "people", and the angle of crossing species is too great.

Most critical

It's Dahei who still likes the original taste and doesn't like to turn into a human being, which is even more lacking in aesthetics.

A black fish, a crab, and a river mussel, when these three things are playing happily... the scene is simply unbearable to look at!

But for the big and small monsters like Liushahe, such a situation is commonplace.

After so many years, among the big monsters and little monsters in Quicksand Hanoi, who can say that they are not mixed blood?

If there are few mixed species, there may be only a few species, and if there are many mixed species, it is possible to have more than a dozen species.

Among the monster clan, especially the low-level monster clan, there is a saying that the bloodline is awakened.

The general meaning is that there are multiple bloodlines mixed in the body, and one of them will be randomly awakened as the monster clan's cultivation base gradually improves.

There are also some monsters who have a great opportunity to awaken the most powerful blood in their body, such as the blood of the dragon...

As one of the most powerful races in the biological chain, the dragon race is not only powerful in terms of combat power, but also powerful in choosing a love partner.

To describe it in four words, no one will be rejected!

What horses, rabbits, snakes, tortoises, sheep... as long as they are living and moving creatures, they all have the opportunity to have a small spark of love with the Dragon Clan.

The unscrupulous dragon clan has contributed many strange species to the prehistoric and even the later ages of the heavens and the world.

The most famous one is that Zhonglong gave birth to nine sons, and each son is different.

Falling in love with a ox gives birth to a prisoner ox.

Falling in love with jackals will give birth to Yazi.

Falling in love with a bird gives birth to a mocking wind.


Falling in love with a tortoise, the child born is called Baxia.

Falling in love with Qinglong of her own clan, the child she gave birth to is called Negative Xie.


All of the above are the complex concept of love that the monster race cannot understand at all.

Dahei said: "The great king is fighting above, we should stay far away so as not to be affected."

Hearing Dahei's words, many monster races rushed towards the water.

Anyway, with the abilities of these monster races, especially the water-type monster race, even through the water, they can still clearly see the scene of the battle in the sky.

The battle in the sky continues.

After the blood space exploded, all the power generated by the explosion was induced by Qin Buyi, and all of it acted on Jin Chanzi.

The golden light on Jin Chanzi's body couldn't resist the huge power of the explosion.

Before he could hold on to a single breath, he shattered in an instant.

Feeling the powerful power of the explosion, Jin Chanzi looked at the tin stick in his hand with a look of reluctance in his eyes...

This tin staff is a treasure that has accompanied him for many years.

"It's really reluctant to destroy it like this!" Jin Chanzi murmured.

The look of reluctance in the eyes for the next second

He was suppressed by Jin Chanzi.

At the critical moment, we must make a decisive decision, otherwise, if we continue to delay, we will surely fall!

When life is at stake, no matter how reluctant you are, you have to be willing!

Jin Chanzi looked at the tin staff in his hand, and shouted: "Subduing Demon Tin Staff, Subduing Demons, Soldiing Soldiers!"


There was a whine from the demon-subduing tin staff, which was produced by the spirit of the instrument.

This technique used by Jin Chanzi is the most powerful and final technique of the Subduing Demon Tin Wand.

The weapon spirit in the demon-subduing tin rod burns itself, performing the method of military solution that enhances combat power.

Just like the human race, after performing the Bingjie Dafa, this weapon spirit will completely disappear in the world and fall completely!

And the demon-subduing tin rod will also become a pile of scrap iron after the time for soldiers to solve Dafa.

Every living creature, no matter what life form it is, as long as it can think and has its own will, it is definitely not willing to die!

Especially after the gradual improvement of cultivation base, this kind of performance of greed for life and fear of death has reached a peak.

Jin Chanzi felt the wailing of the spirit in the demon tin rod, and said softly: "I know you don't want to die, but in order for me to survive, I have to sacrifice you!"

If only one can survive between two lives, except for those creatures who are extremely holy, they may choose to sacrifice themselves.

More than 99% of the remaining people would choose to sacrifice their opponents in exchange for their own lives, and Jin Chanzi was no exception.

No matter how reluctant the spirit of the enchanting tin staff was, there was nothing he could do about the current situation.

Jin Chanzi is the master of the Jiangmo tin rod, and has absolute control and control over the spirit of the Jiangma tin staff.

This point is different from the relationship between Qin Buyi and Killing Blade.

Qin Buyi doesn't have the full power to control Honglian's life and death at put it bluntly, he doesn't even have the ability to control Honglian's behavior.

The deepest bond between him and Honglian is that the system forcibly binds them together.

Here refers to all prosperity and one death with Qin Buyi as the center.

Qin Buyi's cultivation is improved, and the cultivation of Honglian, who is forcibly bound to Qin Buyi, will also be improved.

If Qin Buyi had any accidents, Honglian would die along with her.

This is the main reason why Honglian didn't kill Qin Buyi no matter how unwilling she was when they got along in the early days.

On the other hand, Honglian can improve her cultivation by herself, but the improvement of her cultivation has nothing to do with Qin Buyi...

If the red lotus falls, Qin Buyi will be seriously injured at most, but they will not fall together!

So the relationship between Qin Buyi and Honglian is complicated.

The binding imposed by the system, the relationship between the two is extremely delicate...

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