The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 701: Frightened Hands (Part 1)

After one breath, the area of ​​Xiaoqian World is directly doubled on the existing basis.

After two breaths, the area of ​​Xiaoqian World has increased by ten times compared to the original one.

After three breaths, the area of ​​Xiaoqian World increased to a hundred times.

After four breaths, Xiaoqian World grew to a thousand times!

Ten breaths passed... The area of ​​Xiaoqian World has increased by a hundred thousand times compared to the original!

Faced with such a terrifying and exaggerated increase in the area of ​​Xiaoqian World, everyone present did not expect it.

Qin Buyi glanced at Qin Liang, and Qin Liang glanced at Qin Lin.

Qin Lin said: The pressure is huge!

As soon as the small thousand world was filled with creatures, this time... this time it is definitely a big project!

The world of Xiaoqian, which is 100,000 times larger, is already hundreds of times larger than the Tianhuang Realm where Qin Buyi is located.

Is the wild world big enough? Qin Buyi has not been around yet.

Even if the cultivation base reached the completion of the human fairyland, it was only a walk in the Tiandouzong area.

Now this small thousand world has such an outrageous area, even if all the creatures in the wild world are contained in it, it is not enough!

A planet like the Tianhuang Realm would have to be filled with hundreds of them to be completely filled.

Qin Liang no longer has the idea of ​​completely filling Xiaoqian World.

For now, this is simply impossible!

Qin Liang sighed and said to himself: "Let's just develop steadily like this, and expand as much as we can from the original foundation."

"Boom~!" "Boom~!"


The loud noise in the small thousand world is still going on.

This time, with the loud noise, the richness of aura in Xiaoqian World instantly increased by one hundred thousand times!

Dong Cang murmured: "One hundred thousand times the intensity of spiritual energy! What the hell... is it against the sky?"

"With the current level of rich aura, even a waste in this environment can raise his cultivation level to the minimum level of the fairyland!"

"If a mortal without any cultivation level, sucking such a mouthful of spiritual energy, he will definitely prolong his life by more than ten or even twenty years!"

Such a rich aura gathered in the sky to form rain, and the aura rained down everywhere in the Xiaoqian world.

As the spiritual energy rains down, all kinds of rare plants grow on the ground...

More than 90% of the creatures in Xiaoqian World have made breakthroughs in their cultivation!

Many cultivators who have completed the Mahayana realm even took advantage of this opportunity to cross the catastrophe and break through to the semi-immortal realm.

"Boom~!" "Boom~!"


! "...

The loud noise continued to resound through Xiaoqian World.

On the increased area of ​​Xiaoqian World, countless cultivation resource points appeared.

These cultivation resource points include regular ones and those that specialize in rare levels.

Qin Buyi quietly watched the changes in Xiaoqian's world.

Qin Liang was not so calm here, and murmured: "A lot, a lot of cultivation resource points!"

Not being in charge of the family does not know the price of firewood, rice, oil and salt. Qin Liang saw so many cultivation resource points, as if he was dying of thirst in the desert, encountering an oasis!

Looking at the countless cultivation resource points, Qin Liang's heart suddenly ached.

"It's too tortured to not be able to mine all the resource points cultivated like this!" Qin Liang secretly said.

The world of Xiaoqian is so big, and there are so few people in his hands, how could it be possible to collect them all.

Even if all living beings are mobilized, it would be good to be able to collect one ten thousandth!

Qin Liang's heart is now, guarding Baoshan, but can't use it.

uncomfortable! Extremely uncomfortable!

Lan Wenhao, Ying Zhi, and Dong Cang were also attracted by the scenes in Xiaoqian World.

Dong Cang said: "The area has expanded so much...the increase in aura is so exaggerated, and now there are still various cultivation resource points!"

"The development potential of Xiaoqian World has far exceeded that of the planet you are on."

Yingzhi said: "It's an astonishing change."

Lan Wenhao said: "The future of Xiaoqian World is limitless!"

The creatures in Xiaoqian World also became a sensation:

"This... How did the area get so much bigger!"

"With my half-fairyland cultivation, I could still see the margins in Xiaoqian World before, why can't I even see the margins now?"

"The expansion of Xiaoqian World is definitely beyond your and my imagination!"

"The richness of this aura is too exaggerated! I feel that my cultivation is improving every moment."

"I also saw a lot of cultivation resource points, many, many..."


"Boom~!" "Boom~!"


The loud noise continued.

In the newly added area of ​​Xiaoqian World, each and every creature was conceived out of thin air.

There are human races...ghost can be said that there are hundreds of races in a small world.

Let the races in Xiaoqian world increase dozens of times in an instant!

These creatures were conceived out of thin air, and as the rain of spiritual energy fell, they developed their spiritual intelligence one by one.


After a few breaths, these countless creatures looked around blankly.

Seeing this scene, Dong Cang shrank his eyes: "All things are created! It turned out to be all things created!"

"I think I saw this kind of scene on the sage Nuwa back then, and it was when she made people out of clay!"

"The sage Nuwa just created the human race, but the mysterious power behind this small world directly created all things!"

"What kind of cultivation realm does this have to achieve to achieve this level?"

"Can create all things and reverse time and space, the background of the characters behind Qin Buyi is absolutely extraordinary."

Qin Buyi was equally curious about what happened in Xiaoqian World.

Who created these things naturally needless to say, except for the system, no other existence can achieve such a degree.

But why the system did this, Qin Buyi did not know.

After much deliberation, Qin Buyi decided to ask.

"System, call the system..." Qin Buyi thought in his heart.

[My confused host, did you come to this system to solve the confusion? 】

The familiar opening remarks, paired with the system's somewhat embarrassing tone, came to Qin Buyi's ears.

Qin Buyi said: "I must have come to you to clarify my doubts."

"Such a big change in the world of Xiaoqian is not included in the task reward."

The system said: [Are you trying to say, why does the great system do this? 】

Qin Buyi said: "Yes."

The system said: [After the court was repaired that day, I didn't feel satisfied, so I improved it a bit. 】

[This improvement, I didn't expect the improved area to be a bit large...]

[It is dozens of times larger than the original Heavenly Court. With the area before Xiaoqian World, it is certainly impossible to fit such a large Heavenly Court. 】

[I just modified your little world, and after this modification, you can put down the heaven. 】

Qin Buyi said: "So that's how it is."

"Those cultivation resource points were also created by hand?"

"There are so many born creatures?"

The system said: [That's right. 】

[After the area of ​​Xiaoqian World has expanded, I always feel that it is unattractive to be naked. 】

[When I think about it, relying on the host, you don't know how many years and months it will take to replenish the cultivation resources in Xiaoqian World, so I will help you. 】

[But don't take advantage of my loopholes, I have counted the resources generated by these small thousand world cultivation resource points, and they cannot be exchanged for system mall points! 】

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