The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Seven Hundred And Twentieth Chapters Shocking Battle (Five)

Half a day has passed...

Ruoshui Daozong's territory was completely lost, and was captured by Qin Buyi and the first army of Tianting behind him.

The imperial capital of Ming Dynasty.

Ying Zhi and Lan Wenhao, who got the news, were busy non-stop.

The speed at which Qin Liang led the First Heavenly Court Army to capture the territory of surrounding forces was already fast enough.

Now with Qin Buyi, the speed is even more like riding a rocket.

Ruoshui Daozong is the kind that has completely lost its defense and has no resistance at all.

Along the way, under Qin Buyi's order, Qin Liang led the first army of the Heavenly Court, and captured all the practitioners in the Ruoshui Dao Sect whose cultivation level was higher than the Mahayana realm.

As for those who want to resist, they will die.

Yingzhi said to Lan Wenhao: "Brother Wenhao, Brother Qin is going to the front line, the fighting speed is too fast!"

Lan Wenhao said: "Compared to this speed, what's even more scalp-numbing is that brother Qin's record of 41 kills is brutal! It's brutal!"

Yingzhi said: "Haha, I have sent people to spread the news."

"Such a good news to all ministries of the Ming Dynasty is almost known to everyone."

Lan Wenhao said: "If it wasn't for my mission, I really want to follow Brother Qin and see this battle with my own eyes."

Yingzhi said: "I think so too, but I have official duties."

The cultivators in the Imperial Capital of the Ming Dynasty were the first to get the good news. When they learned that Qin Buyi had completed the thirty-five human fairyland with his own power, the six early-stage combinations of the fairyland were defeated.

All of them had expressions of horror on their faces:

"Eh... Emperor Qin has broken through to the fairyland? Why is he so fierce!"

"No, it's written in the victory report that Emperor Qin fought against the thirty-five people who completed the human fairyland and the six people who were in the early stage of the fairyland!"

"Hey, I'm going, it's too dreamy, no, I'm going to the border now, to see this grand occasion with my own eyes!"

"I think so too. If you miss such a grand event, you will really regret it for the rest of your life!"

...... Pen Fun Library

Practitioners from all over the Ming Dynasty, with this idea in mind, set out in the direction of Qin Buyi one after another.

Those cultivators with relatively low cultivation bases were full of regrets and stayed where they were, or went to the Great Ming Emperor's Capital to wait for Qin Buyi and others to return in triumph.

There is no way, the territory of the Ming Dynasty is too big now.

beyond the tribulation

As a cultivator, even if he flies at full strength without eating or drinking, he will have to fly for dozens of days to cross the whole territory, which is not counted as the territory of the seven surrounding forces.

Before they catch up with Qin Buyi and others, the war against the seven surrounding forces is over!

One of the Seven Great Influences, the Tianji Sect.

The Water King of the Ruo Shui Dao Sect was in a daze with a pale face at this moment.

The controllers of the other six major forces felt quite sympathetic when they saw Water King like this.

As the saying goes, the lips are dead and the teeth are cold, the power of Ruoshui Daozong has been completely destroyed up to now.

According to reports from the spies, among them, practitioners at the Mahayana level and above were even captured, and those who were killed were killed.

Leaving the cultivators below the Transcending Tribulation Realm and below, in this case, a half-fairyland can dominate the once weak water Dao Sect's territory!

The weak water Taoist territory no longer has any ability to fight back.

Those cultivators who are in the Transcending Tribulation Realm and below want to resist? It's like hitting a stone with an egg, and it won't cause any major trouble at all!

Even if there is a sign of resistance, they will be killed immediately!

Tianji Sect, as a big force adjacent to Ruoshui Dao Sect, is also caught in a critical juncture like Ruoshui Dao Sect at this moment.

The practitioners of the other six major forces first appeased the water king, didn't work.

Water King is now completely hopeless, the accumulation of so many years of struggle has been completely reduced to zero overnight!

Water King murmured: "I was also crazy at the time, why did I provoke that Great Ming Qin Emperor! Why!"

"If I don't provoke him, the inheritance left by the ancestors of the Ruoshui Dao Sect will not be destroyed in my hands."

"I am still Ruoshui Daozong with hundreds of millions of people, suzerain! Now... everything is over! Everything is over!"

All the people present were cultivators with extraordinary cultivation bases, not to mention Water King's voice, even mosquitoes could hear it clearly.

There was a flash of sadness in everyone's heart. Their hearts are similar to those of Shui Wang.

They are all regretting why they wanted to provoke and test the Emperor of Ming and Qin when they were so greedy for profit!

The previous information of Emperor Qin of the Ming Dynasty showed that he could unleash an attack of the strength of the earth and fairyland, but the people of the seven major forces just did not believe in evil.

He insisted on trying to get some wool from this new neighbor, and even wanted to completely destroy this new neighbor


I thought that the silence of the Ming Dynasty was a sign of weakness, but I didn't expect this to be a dormant giant beast!

All forces that dare to provoke this giant beast will end up being swallowed up!

The suzerain of Tianji Sect is named: Gua Yun.

The hexagram luck cultivation base is the perfection of the human fairyland, and there is only one Supreme Elder in the early stage of the fairyland in the sect.

The army that had been hidden until now, and was sent out to encircle and suppress Qin Liang, is now dead!

After Qin Buyi broke through the offensive of Xingjian and others, the first unlucky bastard to be killed in the early stage of the fairyland was the Supreme Elder hidden by Tianjizong.

Gua Yun's complexion is very ugly now, it can even be said to be extremely ugly.

Everyone gathered in the Tianji Sect, also wondering if there was any way to stop Qin Buyi and his army from continuing to advance.

If this continues, once the Tianji Sect is destroyed, they will be next!

Gua Yun, the suzerain of Tianji Sect, did not say a word, and Shui Wang lost all thoughts... The scene fell into silence like this.

At this time, Beixuan, the most powerful emperor of the Heavenly Star Dynasty among the seven major forces, said: "Guayun, isn't your Tianji sect always known as spying on the secrets of heaven?"

"Can it be calculated? Can we resist the Great Ming Qin Emperor and his army this time?"

Facing Beixuan's inquiry, the ugly expression on Gua Yun's face subsided a lot, and said: "Our Tianji sect is named after spying on the secrets of heaven, but... that can only deduce some superficial things."

"Thinking of this level of battle, the result is simply unpredictable."

"I calculated the Great Ming Emperor Qin before, but the result was blank!"

"If the Supreme Elder of my Tianji Sect is not dead, maybe I can still figure out a little clue."

"Now my Tianji Sect Taishang Elder is dead, and there is no clue at all!"

What Guayun didn't know was that he, the elder of Tianjizong Taishang, had secretly calculated before he died, but the result was as blank as him.

Calculation-like techniques, unless they reach a certain advanced level of cultivation, can calculate the desired result more clearly, but in the end it is only a little clearer.

Like Qin Buyi, who has strong luck and a system of protection,

Not to mention the great elder of the fairyland, so what if he is a saint? Calculation of Qin Buyi is still blank!

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