The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 754: The Destruction Of The Xuanhuo Tianzong (Part 2)

After cursing in his heart for a while, Xuan Lie sent a voice transmission to Huo Yun: "Elder Huoyun, you have to persuade the elder Huofeng."

"I can't provoke such a strong person like this!"

"If such a strong man gets angry, how can I expect good fruit?"

After Huo Yun heard the sound transmission, he felt extremely bitter in his heart.

Do you think he doesn't want to persuade Huofeng? But how to persuade? How to persuade? These are all problems!

The most important thing is whether Huofeng can give him a chance to speak.

Perhaps feeling Huo Yun's heart, Huo Feng said: "Husband, if you dare to intervene in this matter again, then Xuan Lie's end will be your end!"

For a moment, Huoyun was silent like a cicada, and no longer had the slightest idea of ​​persuasion.

What happened above was seen by many elders and disciples in Xuanhuo Tianzong.

These elders and disciples all had doubts on their faces and said:

"Where is this sung?"

"Why did the Supreme Elder suddenly attack the suzerain?"

"Who knows where this is sung, I don't understand it, I don't understand it!"

"Could it be that there is a conflict between the Supreme Elder and the suzerain?"


Huofeng looked at Honglian and continued: "You said today that you want to destroy my Xuanhuo Tianzong, you are really a joke!"

"My Xuanhuo Tianzong has been standing on this land for countless years. Do you want to destroy my Xuanhuo Tianzong?"

"My Xuanhuo Tianzong has a lot of friends, today I want to see how you destroy my Xuanhuo Tianzong!"

Honglian said in a cold voice: "Is it finished?"

Huofeng poked her neck and said, "Of course I'm done talking, what's the matter? What's your opinion?"


The blade of the killing blade vibrated slightly.

Accompanied by the vibration of the killing blade blade, Huofeng's body also gradually disappeared into nothingness in this vibration...

The Taoist companion he had been with for many years fell instantly, and Huo Yun's eyes were red.

No matter how fearful he is, his feelings for Huofeng are real and unchanged.

Huo Yun shouted: "Demon girl, you actually killed her! You actually killed her! I will fight you!"

After saying this, Huo Yun mobilized the spiritual power in his body to explode.


The blade of the killing blade vibrated slightly again.

Huo Yun's body, like a fire phoenix, instantly vanished into nothingness!

After killing the two, Hong Lian's eyes were on Xuan Lie.

To be able to stand with two wood fairylands,

The status is definitely not low.

Xuan Lie was extremely scared when he saw the two Supreme Elders falling instantly without holding on for a single breath.

Now that Honglian looked at him like this, the fear in her heart reached a peak.

Xuan Lie said loudly: "Master, let me go! Let me go!"


Honglian holds the killing blade in her hand, and the tip of the blade is aimed at Xuan Lie.

Honglian didn't see any movement, and a blade light flew out from the tip of the killing blade.

Daomang rushed towards Xuan Lie to kill him.

"Swoosh~!" "Chi~!"

Only the consummation of the Heavenly Wonderland can resist this sword light.

Under the strong attack of Daomang, it instantly turned into nothingness, stepping into the footsteps of Huofeng and Huoyun.

After Honglian killed the three people, she stretched out her jade hand and took the space rings of the three people into her hand.

Having been with Qin Buyi for so many years, she is very clear about Qin Buyi's living habits.

Honglian is also very clear about what to do after the battle.

Hong Lian looked at the elders and disciples in the Xuanhuo Tianzong, and said: "The Xuanhuo Tianzong will be completely destroyed from then on, do you have any opinions?"

The most powerful elder and suzerain of Xuanhuo Tianzong were killed by each other without even resisting.

How dare these surviving elders and disciples have any opinions...

Hong Lian looked at the mountain gate of Xuanhuo Tianzong and swung the killing blade.


A blade light flew out of the killing blade again.

"Swoosh~!" "Bang~!" "Boom~!"

The sword light fell on the mountain gate of Xuanhuo Tianzong, smashing the mountain gate of Xuanhuo Tianzong in an instant!

After doing all this, Honglian drew a huge circle outside the Xuanhuo Tianzong with the killing blade.

Surrounded by a circle, Honglian said: "You will be under the Ming Dynasty today. If you dare to rebel, you will die!"

"Shortly after, Emperor Qin of the Ming Dynasty will lead his troops to recruit you and others."

"Just wait here patiently."

After leaving these few words, Honglian's figure disappeared...

After Honglian's figure disappeared, the elders and disciples in Xuanhuo Tianzong were like frying pans.

"The two Supreme Elders are dead! They were beheaded without any resistance!"

"You're wrong, it's three Supreme Elders! Not two!"

"There is also the suzerain, the suzerain is also dead! What can we do!"

"The strong man said let me wait here and wait for the Great Ming Qin Emperor to come and collect it.

Make up, how can I be the one who just sits and waits to die! "

"Brothers, now that the Xuanhuo Tianzong has encountered such a tyrannical enemy, and all the senior members of the sect have been killed, let's run."


If there is one who takes the lead, there will be a second and a third who will follow.

These people flew towards Xuanhuo Tianzong without hesitation.

When flying over the huge circle drawn by Honglian, bloody lights rose from the huge circle. Biqu library

These Xuanhuo Tianzong cultivators who escaped for their lives all fell instantly!

The Second Elder Xuan Tie watched this scene in the crowd, and said:

"Idiot! How can you resist the words of such a peerless powerhouse?"

"How can you hide such a small thought from the heart of such a strong man?"

The elder beside the second elder said: "Second elder, now the three supreme elders have fallen, and the suzerain and the great elder have also fallen."

"This Xuanhuo Tianzong belongs to you the biggest, what do you say we should do next."

A look of struggle and entanglement flashed across Xuan Tie's face, and he said, "What should I do? What else can I do!"

"In the face of such a strong man, we have no choice but to obey."

After a pause, Xuan Tie sighed and said, "Let's wait here for the inclusion of the Great Ming Emperor Qin."

"From now on, the Xuanhuo Tianzong may never exist..."


When Qin Buyi was chatting with Qin Liang and Qin Lin, Honglian's figure appeared beside Qin Buyi.

Seeing Honglian's return, Qin Buyi immediately asked, "Honglian, have you encountered any obstacles in your journey? Are you injured?"

Facing Qin Buyi's concern, Honglian said with a smile:

"The one who can hurt me in the wild world has not yet been born."

"The Wooden Immortal Realm of the Xuanhuo Tianzong has been killed by me. In addition, there is another Heavenly Immortal Realm that is perfect and has also fallen in my hands..."

After Honglian said the matter in a few words.

Qin Buyi nodded and said, "Honglian, you've worked hard!"

Honglian glanced at Qin Buyi, before disappearing back into the sea of ​​blood deep in the killing blade.

A voice rang in Qin Buyi's ear: "Qin Buyi, there is no need to be so polite between you and me."

Qin Buyi reached out his hand to recall the killing blade, and said to himself, "I see."

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