The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Eight Hundred And Fortieth Ix Battle Against Haotian (2)

"The Chaos Clock has countless treasures, and it's nothing new for a fellow Taoist to obtain a treasure that can suppress the realm of a saint."

"What's more, fellow daoist and I are now in the Land of Immortal Consummation. I don't think we will be defeated by fellow daoist."

Haotian talked eloquently here, and seemed not a bit surprised by the scene in front of him.

Qin Buyi said: "Heavenly Emperor, you seem to think that I will definitely tell you my origin?"

Haotian shook his head and said: "I don't think you will say it, but it doesn't matter, you will definitely say it when you are in danger of death later."

"Either say it, or die, and I ask fellow daoists to choose at that time."

Qin Buyi said: "Heavenly Emperor, you are very confident."

"Forget it, let's see the real chapter."

"Clang~!" Qin Buyi pulled out the killing blade that was emitting a cold light from its sheath.

The gleaming killing blade pointed directly at Haotian.

Haotian carefully discerned the killing blade in Qin Buyi's hand, and said softly: "This killing blade was actually forged by you."

"If I hadn't held this blade for many years, I'm afraid I would have been tricked by you."

Qin Buyi said: "How do you say that?"

Haotian said: "The killing blade in your hand looks real from the outside, but there are still differences in subtleties."

"The killing blade is the number one killing weapon in the prehistoric world."

"From the killing blade in your hand, I have noticed other things besides the killing breath."

Qin Buyi instantly understood what Haotian said.

This life-killing blade was shattered in the ancient prehistoric times, and later it was re-condensed by the system with great power. Biqu library

The condensed killing blade is no longer made of the original material, of course it is different.

What's more, with systematic means, the re-condensed killing blade is far stronger than the killing blade held in Haotian's hands in the prehistoric era!

In terms of potential, the two cannot be compared in the same breath!

However, in order to really explode the strength of the Killing Blade, Qin Buyi had to gather together the broken blades of the Killing Blade during the Heavens and Myriad Realms period.


At this moment, Haotian also drew out the killing blade in his hand.

A strong smell of blood came from the killing blade...

Qin Buyi felt the bloody smell so strong that one would come to a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and secretly said: "Is this what the red lotus looked like in the ancient prehistoric times?"

Haotian and Qin Buyi looked at each other with weapons in hand.

Haotian smiled slightly and said, "Fellow Daoist, please!"

Qin Buyi nodded and said, "Good!"


kill! "


Qin Buyi twisted his toes, and the high-speed vibrating killing blade came to Haotian in an instant under Qin Buyi's swing.

A trace of surprise flashed across Haotian's face, and he said: "I didn't expect fellow Taoists to know how to kill with a saber!"

"It's really surprising!"

"Killing, Slaughter!"

Haotian raised the killing blade above his head, trying to block Qin Buyi's blow.

"Clang~!" The sound of metal and iron clashing appeared.

Feeling the huge force coming from his hand, Haotian couldn't help saying: "This body of fellow daoist is really powerful!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Qin Buyi's mouth and said, "Break it!"


As Qin Buyi increased the strength in his hands, Haotian stepped back three steps behind him with a "thump~thump~thump~".

But Qin Buyi just took two steps back, and with one move, he was able to see who is better than him!

Don't look at it as a short step, but in fact there is a big gap.

Who is Haotian?

The lord of the ancient prehistoric heaven, his own cultivation is in the realm of a saint!

For so many years, it is no exaggeration to say that the number of battles is far more than Qin Buyi does not know how many.

This kind of character has a lot of combat experience!

Don't look at the fact that the cultivation base is forced to be suppressed to perfection in the fairyland, but this is even more advantageous for Haotian!

From the point of view of the realm of saints, the completion of the realm of the fairyland is no different from a child's play, it's too simple!

But it is such a simple state, but now Qin Buyi has repelled him, and he is still at a disadvantage.

How can Haotian not be surprised by this.

Haotian looked at Qin Buyi and said, "Fellow Daoist, who is it?"

"Imitate the killing blade in my hand, even know how to use the knife technique, and it is so powerful..."

Qin Buyi said: "If you want to know this, you have to win!"

"Now it seems that you can't win!"

"Killing and killing!"

A full moon rose in the field, covering Haotian.

Countless phantoms of killing blades emerged from the full moon, killing towards Haotian...

"The second form of the Killing Saber Technique is Execution? Fellow Daoist, how much do you know about the Killing Saber Technique?"

Haotian asked Qin Buyi while resisting the phantom attack of the killing blade.

Qin Buyi said: "I know what you know, and I know what you don't know!"

Haotian: "..."

Hearing Qin Buyi's words, Haotian really wanted to say, I'll just listen to you quietly!

After a few breaths, Haotian said: "Friend Daoist, you really know how to joke."

"This life-killing blade was taught by Honglian, the spirit of the tool. In the prehistoric world, except for me, I haven't heard Honglian tell anyone to teach it to."


After saying this, Haotian brandished the killing blade in his hand and smashed the full moon into pieces.

Qin Buyi said: "Coincidentally, my saber technique is also taught by Honglian."

"Otherwise, if you summon Red Lotus, you'll know as soon as you ask."

As soon as the words fell, a strong killing atmosphere rose from the field!

This killing aura is so strong that if someone is mentally unstable, he may be completely trapped in it and cannot extricate himself...

But for Qin Buyi, it's all drizzle.

After spending so many years with the killing blade day and night, he has long been used to the killing breath.

"But the red lotus in the prehistoric period, the killing smell is really strong!" Qin Buyi secretly said.

The red lotus from the prehistoric period appeared in front of Qin Buyi, and said in a cold voice, "Boy, where did you get your killing knife skills?"

Looking at the red lotus in the prehistoric period, with the same beautiful face, Qin Buyi smiled and said:

"Hong Lian, compared to your present appearance, I like your little birdy appearance even more!"

After Qin Buyi finished speaking, the killing blade in his hand vibrated slightly.

In the depths of the sea of ​​blood, the red lotus of the heavens in a white dress looks out to the outside world through the sea of ​​blood.

In the distance, the Nether Flower and the Bana Flower are emitting a faint light, and the sea of ​​blood seems to have a little more life...

Honglian looked at Haotian and her former self, with nostalgia and disbelief in her eyes!

"Reversing time and space to meet old friends from the past and myself, I am afraid that no one will believe this kind of thing!" Honglian secretly said.

What Honglian said to Qin Buyi was to make him pay attention to his words and deeds.

Hong Lian never thought about appearing in the outside world, meeting Haotian in this period and meeting her past self.

God knows what will happen when two people from different time and space meet in the same time and space!

In this prehistoric period, if Honglian stayed in the outside world for too long, the backlash would not be able to withstand it.

There is a system protecting Qin Buyi, and the backlash caused by the loss of control is fully borne by the system.

Therefore, it can walk freely in the ancient wilderness, but Honglian can't!

Honglian appeared in the outside world, and most of the backlash had to be borne by herself, and the system only borne a small part.

Only by steadfastly hiding in the killing blade, can we not have to worry about this backlash.

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