The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 862: Heaven And Western Religion

The person who was most touched by Jin Chanzi's self-destruction was neither the shutter general nor Qin Buyi.

It's the big monsters and little monsters in Liusha Hanoi.

These big monsters and little monsters are just waiting for the leftovers of the three of them to be thrown into the Quicksand River.

As a result, Jin Chanzi blew himself up in such a way that Mao didn't stay behind.

The big and little demons in Liusha Hanoi were dumbfounded, and said angrily:

"Is this bald head flipping the table after he was full?"

"Do you not care about the feelings of the demon later? We are still hungry."

"It's simply selfish to the extreme!"

"It is outrageous for a person to overturn the table after eating a full meal!"


Western religion.

The ninth generation of Jin Chanzi is resurrected.

The leading sage and the Zhunti sage set their sights on Jin Chanzi.

Jieyin Shengren said: "Jin Chanzi, did your trip make Haotian admit his identity?"

Zhunti Shengren said: "Jin Chanzi, you have been there for such a long time this time, what can you gain?"

Jin Chanzi was already prepared for the question of receiving the saint and the saint Zhunti.

Jin Chanzi said: "Back to pick up Teacher Yin, then Haotian didn't admit his identity, nor did he deny it!"

"It's an ambiguous attitude!"

Jieyin Shengren said: "Sure enough, as I expected, this Haotian seems to be planning to lie to the end."

After Jin Chanzi answered the words of the sage, he said to the sage:

"Back to Yin Shishu, I have been there for such a long time, and I fought a big battle with that rolling shutter general!"

"This battle lasted for three days and three nights, and finally ended in a tie for the disciples..."

Zhunti Shengren said: "That's how it is."

Jin Chanzi has lied to the point of not blinking now.

The gods fought for three days and three nights, and they drank for three days and three nights alone with General Shulin holding a wine jar!

If this counts as a war...

There will be wars breaking out in that prehistoric world every moment!

Zhunti sage and Yingying sage didn't realize that Jin Chanzi was lying, so they thought it was true.

Jieyin sage said: "Jin Chanzi, you have worked hard!"

"Let's get back first."

Jin Chanzi said: "Yes."

Still the same, all the way back to his residence.

Without exception, Jin Chanzi once again became the focus of many disciples of Western religion.

"Brother Jin Chanzi, this is the ninth life, right?"

"Well, it's the ninth world, and we can make it up soon."

"I just admire Brother Jin Chanzi's mentality, it's really good!"

"If I was killed so many times in a row,

Definitely will be depressed to death! "


Jin Chanzi understood the whispers outside.

While I was angry, there was really no good way to solve it.

You can't kill all these disciples just because they said a few words, right?

After Jin Chanzi left, the leading sage and the Zhunti sage sat together to discuss.

Zhunti Shengren said: "It's not a problem to always send Jin Chanzi to die to pick up senior brother."

"To untie the bell, you have to tie it. This matter has to be solved from the source."

"I suggest talking to Haotian and talking about it."

"We can't keep blocking our Western religion's great prosperity, can we?"

How could the guiding sage not understand this truth?

Take out the sound-transmitting jade talisman, and lead the sage to insert his spiritual thoughts into it.

Prehistoric Heaven, Ling Xiaodian.

Haotian, who was recovering from his wounds, opened his eyes and said, "What exactly is this reception going to do?"

"Over and over again, it really disturbs the tranquility!"

Taking out the sound transmission jade talisman from his bosom, Haotian said impatiently: "Jieyin, are you alright?"

"What are you going to do for thousands of years?"

"The sound transmission is so dense, is there something wrong?"

For an existence like Haotian who has lived for an unknown number of years.

The time of thousands of years is as fast as a few days for mortals.

When the sage of receiving and guiding heard Haotian's reprimand, his complexion turned livid.

What is the denseness of his voice transmission? Why don't you go to the Liusha River and kill Jin Chanzi, and I'll come to you?

He scolded Haotian in his heart, and led the sage to say: "Emperor of Heaven, the eighth generation of Jin Chanzi has fallen, what do you think about this?"

Haotian said: "Huh? Falling again? The speed is very fast!"

"What else can I watch, I'll watch standing, sitting, lying down, okay?"

Receiving the sage: "..."

This kind of answer from Haotian was beyond the expectation of the sage Jieyin.

The leading sage no longer hides his intention of coming, and directly said:

"Heavenly Emperor, with your status and status, it's meaningless to pretend to be stupid again?"

"Jin Chanzi was killed by you. What is your intention in blocking my Westward Journey to the West again and again?"

"Could it be that you want to provoke a dispute between Heavenly Court and my Western religion?"

When Haotian heard the harsh words of Jieying Saint, his voice suddenly became gloomy and said:

"Acceptance? Are you sure you're talking to me with this attitude?"

"Jin Chanzi was killed, what evidence points to me?"

"Only by the killing blade in my hand? I can tell that person is me

? "

"And you said, provoke a dispute between the Heavenly Court and the Western religion? If you are obsessed with the Western religion, you don't need to be too happy."

"Tomorrow, I will lead people to completely destroy your Western religion."

The guiding sage was silent for a long time...

There is anger and there is fear.

If this really pissed off Haotian in this matter.

With Haotian's temper, it is really possible to bring people to destroy the Western Sect!

The Western religion is an unflattering existence among the top forces of the Great Desolation!

People teaching, cutting off teaching, explaining teaching, all have deep prejudices against Western teaching.

Heaven really wants to attack the Western religion, it will definitely be a situation that everyone responds to!

At that time, the situation of the Western Church under siege is definitely not optimistic!

If the leading sage does not speak, the Zhunti sage will get on.

Zhunti Shengren's spiritual thoughts penetrated into the sound-transmitting jade talisman and smoothed things out: "Don't worry, the emperor of heaven, the words you said just now were inappropriate."

"I apologize to you on behalf of the senior brother."

Haotian said: "This is still a human saying."

"Is there anything else? Tell me."

Zhunti Shengren said: "Just now what the Emperor of Heaven said, you cannot be identified by the weapon in the hands of the Emperor of Heaven."

"But in the wild, this weapon is already the unique symbol of the Emperor of Heaven."

"How do you explain that?"

Haotian replied directly: "Then don't want others to imitate it?"

Zhunti sage said: "Heavenly Emperor, what you said is somewhat unreasonable."

"In the prehistoric world, no one dares to imitate your weapon! Don't die!"

"What's more, the person holding your weapon in the Quicksand River is so powerful! How could he be an ordinary person!"

"What do you want us to think?"

What the Zhunti sage said is not unreasonable.

There are very few creatures in the entire prehistoric world who dare to imitate Haotian weapons.

Many of these bold creatures are Xiaobai who have just stepped into cultivation.

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and these little whites imitate them in various psychology.

However, with the passage of time in the practice, the cultivation base has improved.

There are fewer and fewer creatures who still insist on imitating Haotian weapons, like the top of a pyramid.

This kind of situation does not exist after the cultivation base enters the human fairyland!

Those who can cultivate to the fairyland are not fools!

What can be done and what cannot be done, everyone is very clear in their hearts!

Imitating Haotian weapons is definitely a taboo in the hearts of these creatures who have entered the fairyland!

A taboo that kills whoever touches it!

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