The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 882 Tianhuang Mansion, Fifth Young Master

Su He said: "It can be said that the Ming Dynasty was supported by Qin Buyi alone!"

"To be able to go from a force that is not popular and marginalized, and the strongest is only a half-fairyland early stage to today..."

"If there wasn't this Great Ming Emperor Qin, he would have been destroyed in the civil war of the third-rate power Tiandouzong!"

Long San said: "Indeed!"

Su Hegongzi said to Long Sando: "The information about the Ming Dynasty is not important. Why is there no source record for the information about Emperor Qin of the Ming Dynasty?"

This unremarkable sentence made Long San break out in a cold sweat.

Don't look at Su and Young Master's performance that humans and animals are harmless, in fact, killing is like eating and drinking to him.

Long San looked flustered and said: "Suhe Young Master, I did order people to strictly investigate the origin of the Great Ming Qin Emperor."

"But it seems to have appeared in the eastern part of Tianhuang Realm out of thin air, and there is no record of its past at all!"

"Even those people it claims to have brought from their hometowns can't find their origins at all."

"I once kidnapped a few people from his hometown, but without exception, when he was about to lose his hold and was about to say the answer, he suddenly blew himself up!"

Su He touched his chin and said, "It seems that these people have been under a very strict restriction."

"Forget it, I can't blame you for this!"

Hearing what Su and Young Master said, Long San heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly said: "It's because the subordinates didn't do a good job! We were the last ones to learn about the news of Emperor Qin's crossing the catastrophe!"

Su He waved his hands and said: "Okay, don't talk about this."

"Don't say it's you, even I didn't expect that an Earth Wonderland would break through to the Heaven Wonderland and make such a big commotion!"

The superior status of Tianhuang Mansion gave everyone a sense of superiority.

Under this kind of psychological influence, many things that are horrifying in the eyes of others are nothing more than that in the eyes of Tianhuang Mansion!

For example, the replacement and iteration of the second-rate forces in the Tianhuang Realm is definitely heavy news for the creatures in the eastern part of the Tianhuang Realm.

But from the perspective of Tianhuang Mansion, it's just like that!

The Tianhuang Realm is so big that it is divided into five parts: southeast, northwest, and the center.

Among them, the eastern part of Tianhuang Realm is the weakest of these five parts.

In the other four parts, especially Tianhuang Realm

The center, not to mention the second-rate forces were replaced.

It is also a common thing for first-class forces to be replaced!

Neither Su He nor Long San took this matter seriously.

If it weren't for the fire fairyland aura erupting from the Ming Dynasty this time, they wouldn't have attracted their attention at all.

Long San said to Young Master Su He: "Young Master Su He, do we want this Ming Dynasty?"

When saying this, Long Sanbi made a killing gesture.

Su He shook his head and said: "No, what if a second-rate force is just a first-rate force?"

"This Tianhuang Realm still belongs to my Su family, so don't make a fuss over something!"

"This will make other forces in the wild world feel uneasy!"

What Long San just meant was whether or not to completely destroy the Ming Dynasty.

In the end, Su and Young Master refused!

Long San said: "This subordinate is narrow-minded."

Su He said with a smile: "Long San, remember, this person seems to have extraordinary combat power, but he is far from enough to threaten my Su family!"

"My Su family, as the real controller of Tianhuang Realm, should be tolerant!"

"What's more, the more extraordinary this person is, the happier I am!"

"I have seen too many cultivators in the Fire Wonderland in the Tianhuang Realm, and I have also seen practitioners who are stronger than the Fire Wonderland."

"Don't you still want to be respectful to my Tianhuang Mansion? After this person survives the catastrophe, he is just a fairyland."

"Okay, you go down."

Long San said: "Yes!"

After Long San left, Su He said with a smile on his face: "The Great Ming Dynasty, the Great Ming Qin Emperor, Qin Buyi!"

"Haha, let's develop quickly, now the results of the eastern part of the Tianhuang Realm that I am in charge of will not be so ugly!"

"In the past, I was at the bottom in the eastern part of Tianhuang Realm, and let the second brother, third brother, and fourth brother take the limelight!"

"Although my lord father doesn't say anything, I'm bound to be extremely disappointed in my heart!"

"Now at least there is a force that can support the appearance. Although it can't win back the city, it won't look at the second brother and the three of them with white eyes and ridicule."

Su He is the fifth son of Tianhuang Mansion and the owner of Tianhuang Mansion.

The cultivation base has reached the completion of the fire fairyland, and there is only one chance to break through again!

On the surface, it seems that the scenery is infinite, but in fact the pain is only

He himself knows.

The Tianhuang Realm Center is in charge of Su and his elder brother sent by his father.

The west, south, and north were assigned to his second, third, and fourth brothers to manage.

When this east fell into his hands, it was already at the bottom of existence.

Su He, who is working hard, is full of confidence and intends to let the eastern part of the Tianhuang Realm rise completely in his hands.

Let his father see what he's capable of!

With this idea in mind, Su He is full of motivation every day.

Then, under his hard work, the eastern part of Tianhuang Realm not only did not rise, but showed a downward trend!

In the worst hundreds of thousands of years, there was even only one second-rate power in the eastern part of Tianhuang Realm left!

Every ten thousand years, the Lord of the Desolate Realm would gather these sons together on this day.

Needless to say, the boss, the center of Tianhuang Realm is so powerful, although it consumes a lot of energy and brain power.

But it pays off a lot! Chunchun was trained by the Lord of the Wild World as his heir.

Moreover, the boss's own ability, cultivation base, and means can't find any faults in all aspects.

It belongs to oppressing people with strength and ability, so that other brothers and sisters dare not have any dissent at all!

For the brothers and sisters of the big brother, that is convinced!

The eldest brother does not participate in the competition, and the rest of the competition is here for the second, third, fourth, and fifth children.

Su He is the worst, and it is a typical example that the harder you work, the more tragic you become.

Those who were ridiculed for hundreds of thousands of years were really not light, brothers and sisters who were originally close to him.

They also left from the eastern part of Tianhuang Realm one after another, and turned to the camp of the boss and others.

Up to now, only Su and a polished commander are left in the eastern part of Tianhuang Realm, and the brothers and sisters have already moved away.

After going through those nightmare-like days, Su He also began to reflect on himself.

It's because there is something wrong with my own methods, but after introspection and introspection, Su He feels that there is nothing wrong with him!

It's as if the eastern part of the barren world has been cursed by something, and they just can't get up! It's the tail of the crane!

Su He also felt very helpless about this, as time went by...

The flame in Su He's heart, which was striving for governance, also gradually extinguished, and he no longer intervened in the daily management of the eastern part of Tianhuang Realm.

Unexpectedly, after he didn't intervene, the eastern part of Tianhuang Realm actually showed a warming trend!

The second-rate forces have grown from one in the worst period to four!

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