The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 910 A Critical Moment? ? ?

Su He sent a voice transmission to Qin Buyi: "Brother Qin, let go of your domain and let me go in and help you!"

"Otherwise, you won't be able to dodge under such an attack. It's definitely a disaster!"

This is what Su He said more euphemistically.

According to Su He's understanding, if Qin Buyi all endured this kind of attack, he would definitely be in a situation where there would be no life left!

In the blood world, Qin Buyi's expression was still so calm in the divine fire dragon hood.

It was so calm that it seemed that what was about to be faced was not a desperate attack, but a beautiful scenery! Biqu library

Hearing Su He's voice transmission, Qin Buyi said: "Brother Su He, don't worry, these are just chickens and dogs!"

"Look how I broke it!"

Hearing Qin Buyi's confident words, Su He was speechless for a long time!

Su He secretly said: "What kind of reliance or cards does Qin Buyi have that makes him so confident!"

Qin Buyi clenched the killing blade tightly, looked at the cultivators in the northern part of Tianhuang Realm and said:

"You think this can trap me? I just don't want to hide."

"If I ever wanted to escape, with your broken cover and broken lock, can you trap me?"

Huo Liuyun said: "Emperor Qin of the Ming Dynasty, you are still stubborn! You really don't cry when you see the coffin!"

"Alright, then we will grant your wish of courting death!"

"You can't run even if you want to!"

Qin Buyi said coldly: "Run? Why should I run?"

"The ones who should run next are you!"

"Unfortunately, with the Blood Realm here, you can't escape at all!"

"Everyone present will die!"

"I originally wanted to target Renshuizong, but who made you suddenly come up to meddle in a cross, and in that case, you should accompany Renshuizong to die together!"

"Sometimes there is a price to be paid for being nosy!"

Renshuizong Shuitian said: "Emperor Qin of the Ming Dynasty, you are too domineering!"

"There are so many fellow daoists here, I want to see how you make us pay the price!"

Practitioners in the north said one after another:

"That's right, I'll see what the price of meddling in your business is!"

"I didn't expect a cultivator in the Heavenly Immortal Realm to be so arrogant! It's really unreasonable!"

"Emperor Qin of the Ming Dynasty, we will not deny your tyrannical combat power, but now, you have to die!"

"Accept it, you will pay for your arrogance

Pay the price! "


Qin Buyi said: "I told you, you are nothing but chickens and dogs!"

"Now the massacre officially begins!"

"Killing·Slaughter·Putting Jue...Boundary Breaker·Instant Slash·Shadow!"

"Zheng~!" "Zheng~!"


The blade of the killing blade vibrated slightly, and the sound of the blade resounded throughout the world.

With the sound of the knife ringing, a powerful negative aura emanated from Qin Buyi and the body of the killing blade!

Cold, bloodthirsty, dark, cruel...

This powerful negative aura enveloped the blood world, and it was still spreading out of the blood world!

Su He outside the blood world felt the negative aura that made him palpitate, and said:

"This...Could it be that brother Qin is a member of the devil!"

The more Su He thought about it, the more he felt that there was such a possibility that he could exude such a terrifying negative aura.

Apart from the giants of the magic way, there is no second possibility at all!

Even if it is a giant in the magic way, it is very difficult to achieve the negative aura of Qin Buyi!

It can be said that the negative aura on Qin Buyi's body now, even an ordinary giant of the magic way, would tremble with fear when he comes here!

As his cultivation got higher and higher, Qin Buyi got along with the killing blade for a long time, and the negative aura on his body became stronger and stronger!

Killing knife technique and killing blade are born for killing!

After beheading countless strong men for so many years, how could there be less negative aura accumulated!

This is still the lack of Qin Buyi's cultivation base. If Qin Buyi's cultivation base is raised a few more levels, the negative aura on his body will definitely achieve an earth-shattering effect!

within the blood realm.

Under the negative aura emanating from Qin Buyi, the strong man in the Wood Fairyland in the northern part of Tianhuang Realm turned pale with fright!

Even the strong man in the Fire Wonderland, under this negative atmosphere, his heart is still throbbing!

Huo Liuyun said: "Unexpectedly, Emperor Qin of the Ming Dynasty, you are actually a member of the devil!"

"What a giant in the demonic way! Today, I'm going to kill the world!"

"Eliminating demons and defending the way is what we practitioners of the righteous way should do!"

Qin Buyi sneered: "Self-proclaimed cultivator of the righteous way? It's just a bunch of hypocrisy!"

"Hehuan Sect or Tianxi Sect, which one is the right way?"

"Exorcism and defense, you are also worthy?"

Before Huo Liuyun could speak, Shuitian said: "Emperor Qin of Ming Dynasty,

You are too crazy! "

"I don't know how many creatures you have to kill to accumulate this negative aura on your body!"

"It's no exaggeration for me to say that it's about exorcising demons and defending Taoism!"

At this time, the cultivators in the north have already regarded Qin Buyi as a master of magic in their hearts!

Some people pretended to be calm, while others showed fearful expressions...

Qin Buyi said: "Let's think about yourselves. After this round of attacks, let's see how many of you can survive!"


Near the hilt of the killing blade, thirteen balls representing various killing knife techniques appeared...


The physical strength in Qin Buyi's body was drained instantly.

A huge purple thunder appeared in front of Qin Buyi.

Block all attacks on Qin Buyi.

"Clang~!" "Bang~!"


Everyone blocked their breath.

Waiting for the final result of the collision between Purple Thunder and many cultivators in the north.

After about two breaths.

Purple Thunder spread out.

The faces of the northern practitioners showed joy!

With the dispersal of the purple thunder, nearly two-thirds of the attacks sent out by many cultivators remained, and they continued to attack Qin Buyi.

Many practitioners in the north said one after another:

"Emperor Qin of the Ming Dynasty, that was your strongest blow just now! Now let's see what else you can do!"

"It's ridiculous for such a genius to die under his own arrogance!"

"Being able to kill people like Emperor Qin of the Ming Dynasty will be enough for the rest of my life!"

"Go to hell! Emperor Qin of Ming Dynasty!"


Seeing this kind of result outside the blood realm, Su He couldn't help but sweat for Qin Buyi!

He wanted to rush in to help Qin Buyi, but the blood circle released by Qin Buyi stopped him!

Rushing to break this blood realm from the outside world might have an unpredictable impact on Qin Buyi!

Su He said: "Qin Buyi, you must hold on!"

within the blood realm.

Qin Buyi looked at the northern practitioner and said, "This is indeed my strongest attack method!"

"But... who told you that I have no back-up!"

"I can use similar means to turn all of you into pieces!"

After Qin Buyi took the [Thirteenth Order Hundred Killing Pill] in his body, he had one hundred and five chances to recover his physical strength!

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