The Most Powerful System In The Fantasy World

Chapter 914 Betray Renshuizong?

Northern Tianhuang Mansion.

Su Qi looked at the battle report in front of him, his brows were almost wrinkled!

His original intention was to let the various forces in the north and the Ming Dynasty fight first.

When both sides were injured in the fight, he stepped forward to make adjustments.

By the way, he promised various benefits to the Ming Dynasty, trying to get Qin Buyi to join them in the north!

This plan looks ideal, and there are no loopholes!

But the reality is too cruel.

Qin Buyi killed all five hundred wood fairylands and ten fire fairylands by himself!

The loss of troops of the Ming Dynasty was even more negligible!

Nine cows and one hair have not reached the hair on their body!

How can this be a loss to both sides? It's almost as good as giving away the head.

Su Qi felt that his heart was bleeding!

"Five hundred wood fairylands, ten fire fairylands, my background in the north for so many years has created these strong people!"

"Now that they are all gone, my vitality in the north is seriously injured!"

"This Emperor Qin of the Ming Dynasty is too perverted! Is he really perfected in the Heavenly Wonderland?"

"This combat power is against the sky!"

"If I had known earlier, it would be better to push Renshuizong out and gain the favor of the Great Ming Emperor Qin!"

"Although this has chilled the hearts of many forces in the north, there will never be such a serious loss!"

"This time I lost my wife and lost my army!"

Su Qi muttered.

The background of the north has been greatly reduced! How this made Su Qi happy!

Heartache, regret and many other emotions kept surging in Su Qi's mind.

After about seven or eight breaths, Su Qi suppressed the distracting thoughts in his mind and said:

"The most urgent thing now is to think about how to solve this matter!"

Su Qi originally wanted to give the Ming Dynasty a big hat, saying that its cross-border battle broke the rules!

However, according to the intelligence, the deputy suzerain of Renshuizong, the general of the Ming Dynasty, left a life behind.

Obviously, this big hat can't be put on!

Su Qi is more familiar with this matter than anyone else, precisely because he knows the cause of the matter.

Su Qicai felt even more headache...

"If I didn't acquiesce to the behavior of Renshuizong, wouldn't this situation not happen now?"

"This hand left by the Ming Dynasty is definitely here to deal with my Tianhuang Mansion! Let my Tianhuang Mansion be speechless!"

Su Qi is well aware of the temper of the fifth child, Su He.

He does not take this matter to the north, that is,

Even if the loss was heavy, he could only grit his teeth and swallow it in his stomach!

Think back to the scene where everyone ridiculed and laughed at Su He at the Wannian gathering.

Su Qi didn't think that this time, Su He would agree to let the Ming Dynasty return to the east!

The reason why the Ming Dynasty was able to come to the north with great fanfare from the east must have been allowed or acquiesced by Su He!

Su Qi thought for a long time, but he didn't come up with a particularly good solution!

Su Qidao: "That's all, that's all, I'll just come forward!"

"We can't let the north continue to suffer losses, this is not possible!"


Many first-rate and second-rate forces in the north gathered together urgently again.

This time, representatives of many forces all had gloomy expressions on their faces, like eggplants beaten by frost!

The first to speak was the representative of the Shenhuo Sect.

The representative of the Shenhuo Sect said: "Everyone has been summoned to come here. Presumably, everyone has already heard about the news of the battle with the Ming Dynasty."

"We have suffered heavy losses in the north! Every force has been hit hard to varying degrees!"

"Ten Fire Fairylands and five hundred Wooden Fairylands just fell away!"

"The price is too high!"

No representative of the second-rate forces spoke up, and in this situation, everything is wrong.

Could it be that representatives of second-rate forces are required to accuse these five first-rate forces?

If he really did this, it would be the old birthday star hanging himself to kill himself!

Originally, the family suffered heavy losses, and if they offend five first-rate forces at the same time, I am afraid that the second-rate forces will be removed from the north in the next second!

And in terms of losses, the losses of these five first-rate forces are definitely far greater than their second-rate forces!

Just the fall of two Fire Wonderland powerhouses from each family is enough to make all the second-rate forces present unable to say anything else!

The representative of Shenhuozong sighed when he saw that no second-rate forces spoke.

The Shenhuozong lost the most, and Huo Liuyun in the late stage of the Fire Wonderland fell!

If this Huo Liuyun does not fall, he will be the next Suzerain of the Shenhuo Sect!

Inexplicably, the representative of Shenhuozong felt a burst of irritability rising from his heart...

He really couldn't figure out why the scene had come to this point today!

When the various forces in the north gathered together, it was already confirmed that this matter was a sure thing!

Unexpectedly, there was such a big deviation!

All high-end combat powers were killed!

None alive.

Scanning all the representatives of the forces in the field, the representative of the Shenhuozong hoped that a thorn would come out to provoke him and others at this moment.

In that way, I can vent my anger and irritability on this prickly head! Biqu library one speaks!

The scene fell into an awkward silence.

The representative of the Shenhuo Sect could only hold back the irritability in his heart and said: "Everyone, let's talk about your opinions on this matter."

"The Ming Dynasty is now stationed on our northern border, and it is possible to kill them at any time!"

"How do we deal with it, please give me a good way!"

The second-rate forces were still silent, but at this time the Great Sword Sect among the first-rate forces spoke.

The representative of Dajianzong said: "In this situation, there are only two results, either to fight or to draw!"

"Let's talk about fighting first, does anyone want to fight with that Ming Dynasty?"

Everyone in the field is shaking their heads.

beat? How dare you fight!

The fall of the ten fire fairylands and the five hundred wood fairylands has already made these forces see the gap between them!

This battle has greatly damaged the vitality of the North! If the fight continues, the north will have the last strength!

If we lose again, the north will fall completely!

From then on, the north may be under the rule of the Ming Dynasty!

Just thinking about such a scene makes me shudder!

But the fight can't continue, if the fight continues, I will definitely lose all my pants!

The representative of Dajianzong said: "If everyone disagrees to continue the fight, there is only one way left, and!"

The representative of Shenhuozong said: "How should we make peace?"

The representative of the Great Sword Sect said: "Hey, whatever the cause of this matter, we can reconcile because of it!"

This sentence was not fully explained, and everyone here is not a fool, even if they did not fully understand what the representative of the Great Sword Sect meant!

The cause of this matter is that Renshuizong went to intervene across the border to intervene in the eastern power dispute! Only then did the Ming Dynasty attack!

If you want to ask for peace, there is only one way, sell Renshuizong, and stop interfering in Renshuizong's affairs!

This can not only reduce the anger of the Ming Dynasty, but also preserve the many forces present!

If after the Ming Dynasty destroyed the Renshui Sect, it would still take action against many forces in the north.

Many forces in the north can completely request the northern Tianhuang Mansion to stop this battle!

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